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Old 07-10-2006, 01:07 PM   #2
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

Final Fantasy IV Walkthrough

1.0 The Introduction

As the game begins, you see five airships flying across the world map. These are infamous ‘Red Wings’, the Royal Air Force of the Kingdom Baron. The captain is the Dark Knight, Cecil Harvey. The crew and captain both feel remorse over the horrible act they have committed by killing innocent mages in the city of Mysidia, in seizing the Water Crystal. However, Cecil tries dispelling the guilt from the crew by stating that it was their orders to do such a deed. Just then, the crew reports monsters attacking the airship from the sky.

Immediately, you are thrust into a battle. You cannot control this battle, it is just a part of the story. Cecil will use an item to quickly dispatch the monsters.

Afterwards, Cecil checks on his crew to see if everyone is alright. The airship is attacked again, by another group of monsters. Once again, this is another battle you cannot control and Cecil will use an item to destroy the enemy.

Recovering from the attacks, Cecil wonders why monsters have become more frequent all over the world lately. There is no time to ponder this matter more however; the Red Wings finally reach their destination of Castle Baron.

1.1 Castle Baron

Cecil walks into the castle to report to King Baron. He is greeted by the Captain of the Guards, Baigan. Cecil hands over the Water Crystal recently plundered from Mysidia, the land of Mages, to Baigan, who hands it to the King.

Cecil questions as to why they are asked to commit such atrocities, only to be chastised by the King and stripped of his rank as Captain of the Red Wings. The King then sends him to do a lowly errand, sending a ‘Bomb Ring’ to the Village Mist, a village of Summoners, beyond the Mist Cave. Cecil’s friend, Kain Highwind comes in to object, only to be forced along with Cecil to do his errand.

As they are forced outside, Kain tells Cecil that they depart in the morning to the Village Mist. Now you have control of Cecil. Go down out of this room to another room. You will notice a cell with three treasure chests in it. Go right and press OKAY facing the very noticeable switch on the wall to the left of the cell. The chests in the cell contain an Ether1 (Ether), 480 Gil, and a Tent.

Continue left, and go through the stairs. Cecil’s significant other, Rosa Farell, will have a brief conversation with him, saying she’ll meet up with him later tonight. After that, continue down, and when you exit the building, continue up. Cid Pollendina, a master engineer and airship pilot, also comes down to have a talk with Cecil, regarding the recent matter of wrongdoings. After that, continue up to enter a tower. Keep going up, and talk to the maid. She’ll move out of the way, and you can continue up once more. Walk towards Cecil’s bed to begin a scene.

Rosa will have a conversation with Cecil, trying to comfort him, but he believes he has no courage to defy his liege’s orders. Rosa leaves the room, saying that ‘the Cecil she knew wouldn’t say that.’ After that scene, Kain and Cecil will leave the Castle Baron, and you’ll get to hear the standard ‘Prologue’ theme, ‘Final Fantasy’, along with reading the introduction.

After all that, you’ll automatically be in the world map outside of Baron. However, before going on to the next area, there’s still some treasure that awaits inside the town of Baron.
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