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Old 07-10-2006, 01:09 PM   #5
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

1.4 Mist

When you exit the Mist Cave, you’ll be in the world map again. The Village Mist is directly west of you, so head there.

As you enter the village, the Bomb Ring sends off a bunch of Bombs to set the village on fire. (I find ‘Package’ less blatantly obvious than ‘Bomb Ring’ at what it’s going to do, but maybe that’s just me.)

Naturally, Kain and Cecil are surprised, and I’m sure all the people that just got incinerated were too. They then notice a green-haired little girl crying ‘Mommy’. Wait to go, guys.

Kain and Cecil head up to the girl. It turns out that she was the summoner of the guardian of the village, the Mist Dragon. By slaying the dragon, Cecil and Kain are responsible for killing the girl’s mother. You’re on a roll today! Cecil blurts out how they killed the dragon, startling the girl, who steps back.. Kain continues to say that if the King wanted all the villagers dead, then he must follow the order. Cecil disagrees, and refuses to continue anymore slaughter in the name of the King. He persuades Kain to stop all of this, but they really don’t have time to talk out this situation, or how on earth they’ll go up against the most powerful nation in the world.

Kain and Cecil try taking the girl with them, who adamantly refuses. Trying to kill the people who did in her mother after all, she then summons Titan (who really needs to put a shirt on or something) to put an end to you.

This is another battle you cannot win. As soon as Titan uses its special attack, the battle ends, and an earthquake is triggered. This causes a landslide, knocking Cecil unconscious.

After Cecil wakes up, he finds the girl unconscious nearby. Kain is nowhere to be found. Cecil then decides to try and save the girl, and find the nearest town. Separated from his friend, being a traitor to his nation, and trying to save a little girl who probably hates his guts? Whatever has Cecil gotten himself into?

1.5 Kaipo

Go north and you’ll be in a vast desert. In the middle of this desert, there is an oasis, and the desert town, Kaipo. Since the girl needs to rest and you only have Cecil in your party, it would be ideal to stop and rest there.

When you enter the town, Cecil will automatically go to the Inn. The innkeeper lets Cecil stay on the house, what a nice guy. Putting the girl down to bed, the girl comes awake, and Cecil tries to talk with her. Telling her his name, he also apologizes to her for all he’s done, and understands if he can’t be forgiven. As the girl remains silent, Cecil goes to bed himself.

Later in the night, soldiers from Baron storm the inn, waking Cecil from his slumber. They try killing the girl to completely eradicate all the summoners. Cecil refuses, and protects her. The General decides to kill Cecil if he won’t cooperate.

BOSS: General, Soldier (3)

This fight is simple, and you can end it rather quickly. But if you want more experience and Gil, you can do it the longer way.

If you do want that, then just kill off two of the Soldiers, leaving one alive. If you kill the final Soldier, the General will turn tail and escape. If you want to kill the General and receive more experience and Gil, leave one alive, then keep attacking the General. He’ll go down eventually, leaving one pathetic Soldier left for you to take care of. Otherwise, just kill all the Soldiers and you’ll be done.

One thing to note is that whenever the General says ‘Attack!’ in the caption box, all the soldiers will attack. Otherwise, they just stay there. That’s their only means of attack. It doesn’t really matter that much, but I just thought I’d point it out.

After that’s over, the girl asks if Cecil is okay. She also tells Cecil her name, Rydia, and she is now a playable character in your party.

In the morning, you have control again, so now its time to get this show on the road. Grab the Ether1 (Ether) from checking the top pot above the weapon shop.

Now, go to the house in the northeast corner of Kaipo. Go all the way up to the back of the house, and who should you find but Cecil’s sweetheart, Rosa! It turns out that she tried meeting up with Cecil while he was on his mission, and caught sunstroke (er...’desert fever’.) The old man on the left side of the room mentions that the only way to cure the desert fever is to get a rare jewel called the ‘Sand Ruby’. Of course, it can only be found in the lair of a ferocious beast called the Antlion. Go figure.

That’s all there is to do in this town, for now, so exit and you should probably save if you haven’t by now.

Last edited by Zeromus_X; 07-10-2006 at 07:13 PM.
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