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Old 07-10-2006, 03:22 PM   #6
Master Summoner
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

1.6 Water Cavern-South

First things first: put Rydia in the back row. She starts off at level 1, and pretty much will die at any physical attack in the front row. Spend some time in the desert leveling her up, at least until she gets the Bolt1 spell. (Around level 10 would be ideal, if you really wanted to.) Many of the enemies in the next dungeon are weak to lightning-elemental spells, so that’s a good idea. Rydia does however, have one powerful spell, her initial Summon, Chocobo, which is good for about 100 damage. (Not bad for the beginning parts of the game.) It does use up a bit of MP however.

At any rate, head north. The antlion’s lair is near Damcyan, a nation to the north of Kaipo. You’ll have to go through the Water Cavern first, among other things.

As you enter, head north across a bridge to find two chests. The left chest contains a Potion and the right chest contains a MaidKiss (Maiden’s Kiss). Go back near the entrance and go left this time. You’ll pass through another bridge, and you should see an old man to the north and a chest to the south. The chest contains a Tent. Go north to speak to the old man.

As it turns out, this old man is a Sage, called Tellah. His daughter, Anna eloped with ‘A WICKED BARD’, and he senses an ill omen. He wants to go north to Damcyan to rescue her, but a ferocious monster blocks the path. Of course, now , with a Dark Knight and a Summoner, it shouldn’t be that hard to get rid of it, right?

Tellah will then join your party. He starts out at Level 20 with a few spells you won’t be seeing for awhile yet. However, don’t use his spells too often, conserve some of his MP for when you’ll really need it. (You don’t run into many MP-restoring items too early in the game.) Stick him in the back row with Rydia.

Now, continue north. When you see a set of stairs north and a bridge going right to a treasure chest, go right. The chest contains a Bomb. Keep going right until you get to a set of stairs leading into the water. Go down into the water, and go north to reach a treasure chest containing an IronRing (Iron Ring). Go back down into the water. Keep going left, and you’ll notice a waterfall, and right next to the waterfall is the ledge with the chest that had the Bomb inside. Go through the middle of the waterfall to enter a secret chamber. There are three chests here. The right chest has a Life. The upper-right chest has a X-Potion. The lower-right chest has a Ether2. (Ether 2).

If your party is getting tired (Or Rydia or Tellah are out of MP), use Tellah’s Exit spell to warp outside, and rest in Damcyan.

At any rate, after all of that, go back to before the bridge leading to the chest with a Bomb. Proceed north from there, through the passage to the second basement. Go north, across a bridge, and down some stairs into more water. Go left, and up some stairs to a chest containing a Potion. Go back down into the water, and go all the way down until you see another set of stairs going up. Then go left all the way to a chest that has an Ether1 (Ether). Now, take the bridge going south, and then follow the path to a door.

Inside that room, Tellah suggests that they take a rest. This room happens to be the first ‘Save Point’. Inside a Save Point, there are no random encounters, and you can use the pad in the center of the room to save your game and use Tents. Tellah will use a tent, but it won’t actually use any of your Tents. Tellah and Cecil both discuss who they are trying to save. Tellah observes how Rydia will grow into a powerful sorceress one day. Tellah also talks about the creature they must defeat, a horrible beast with eight tentacles. And Tellah still has a bad omen, thinking they should ‘hurry before its too late’.

After that, you’ll be on the Save Point. Save your game, and move on north. Take the first bridge you see right. Go up to open a chest with an IceRod (Ice Rod). If you want, have Rydia equip this and use it as an item in battle to do some damage; it casts Ice 1. (Her MP is too low at the moment to be able to use spells too often, as compared to Tellah’s. And his spells are more powerful anyway.)

Go down, into the water, and go right, and then up through the door. (Somehow you’re facing down when you get into the next room. Whatever.) In the next room, go left across the first bridge. Go down, and then right across a bridge and you’ll notice two treasure chests. The closer chest contains 580 Gil. The farther chest across another bridge contains a Bomb. Go back to the fork, and go left this time. Follow the path to another door to go through.

In this room, you’ll encounter the first of many ‘false walls’ in the game. They are walls you can walk through and take a path through the wall to other parts of the room. (Very useful.) You will need to use these to reach some treasure chests. You can tell if a wall is a false wall if the shadow that usually is on the side of every wall isn’t on the spot where the false wall is. (If that made sense.) Knowing this , you can easily spot false walls.

At the start of this room, go left, and you’ll go through the wall. Go all the way up, and then right, and you’ll be near the exit north of this room. Don’t go through it yet! Go down to open the chest containing a Potion. Now go back into the false wall. Go left on the upper part of the room, until you stop. Then go up all you can, and then right. Then go down, and then right again. You’ll be on the ledge that you could see but couldn’t get to before. Go down through the ledge and open the chest that contains a Feather. Now you may exit this room to the north.

In this room, there are many good items. Go up at the entrance, then down the stairs at the left. The upper chest contains a Notus. The lower chest contains an Ether 1. Go back up the stairs, and then to the right, across a bridge. (Don’t worry, you won’t fall off.) You’ll see the north exit, but don’t go through this one just yet. Go down. The upper chest contains a Dark (Dark Sword), and the lower chest contains a HrGlass1 (Hourglass 1). Now proceed north through the exit. This exit leads outside to the world map, where I recommend you use a Tent and save. When you’re ready, go north to the northern section of the Water Cave.
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