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Old 07-11-2006, 08:49 PM   #8
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

2.1.2 Baron-bound Ship

Directly east of Fabul is the ship that will take you to Baron. When you’re ready, enter it to go aboard.

Yang’s wife says goodbye to everyone, and the ship goes off. The ship sails smoothly. Yang asks what they’re going to do once they arrive at Baron. Cecil says they have to see Cid, Baron’s chief airship engineer. (I’m sure you remember him, right?) Edward shivers, and Rydia asks if he’s cold, to which he replies that he’s fine. The ship continues along, until a giant whirlpool appears. A giant monster emerges from the whirlpool, and as it turns out, this is the ‘lord of the sea’, Leviathan (according to the sailors).

The captain tries to hurry up and change course. As the ship rocks furiously, Rydia falls overboard. Yang jumps out to try and save her. The entire ship gets swallowed by the whirlpool.

Of course, the game isn’t over yet. Cecil awakens later on, discovering he’s been washed up in a shore near-wouldn’t you guess- Mysidia, the land of Mages. The town he pillaged at the very beginning of the game! How ironic! Well, seeing as how it’s just Cecil alone, and Mysidia is blocking the way from going anywhere else on the world map, that’s obviously your next destination.

Last edited by Zeromus_X; 07-12-2006 at 02:41 AM.
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