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Old 07-13-2006, 09:00 PM   #13
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

2.6 Return to Baron

When you get back to Baron, you’ll find that the weapon and armor shops, and the door at the eastern part of town under Cid’s house is still locked. The Castle is heavily guarded, and nobody is allowed in. Looks like we’ll have to find another way.

The townspeople seem alarmed. (They’ve just caught on to the king’s behavior.) They say that Cid has been arrested for speaking out against the king. Another NPC mentions a Monk who is with the soldiers at the Inn. Sounds pretty interesting.

Head into the Inn, and in the diner you’ll see - suprise - Yang! Talk to him. Cecil will be overjoyed to find that Yang survived, but Yang won’t even recognize Cecil. Yang will remark that Cecil is a traitor to Baron, and commands the soldiers to seize him.

BOSS: Guard (2)
These guys are pretty weak. Just attack them like you would any normal monster. They can cast Mini and Pig on your characters, but with a round of Fire 2 on them, they won’t last long regardless.

After you beat them, Yang decides to take care of you.

BOSS: Yang
Yang shouldn’t be that much trouble, but be careful. Heal and revive your characters as necessary. A few level 3 spells from Tellah should do the trick. Eventually, Yang will come to his senses and the battle will end.

Yang finally comes to his sense. Apparently, he suffered amnesia, and can’t remember anything after Leviathan attacked. With his memory gone, he was used by Baron. Cecil asks if Yang knows what happened to Rydia and Edward. Yang says that Rydia was swallowed by Leviathan and he doesn’t know the whereabouts of Edward.

The group decides to discuss everything in the Inn. Yang rejoins your party. As thanks for taking care of the soldiers, the innkeeper lets you stay for free. Everyone introduces themselves, and Yang apologizes for his actions. Cecil says that they must find Cid immediately. However, sneaking into the castle won’t be easy. Yang however, finds a key on his person. It turns out that the key is a Baron Key, which must have been given to Yang when they gave him command of those guards. With it, you can now unlock the doors in all of Baron by checking them and selectin the Baron Key from the obligatory item menu.

The weapon shop sells all the fangs for Yang you could’ve bought in Fabul. However, Yang no longer has those, so I suggest purchasing two BoltClaws (Bolt Claws). Buying a Kenpo (Kenpogi) and Headband for Yang will also suit him up appropriately. Silver (Silver Rings) are also good accessories for the whole party.

In addition, there is a secret passage in the weapon and armor shop. Go to the lower right corner of the room near the table. Go down to pass through a false wall, and then go right, up, left, and then you can go down two passages to go behind the counters of the weapon and armor shops. The chest in the weapon shop has a ThorRage (Thor’s Rage), while the armor shop has 2,000 Gil. (More spending money!)

When you want to proceed, head to that door below Cid’s house. You can unlock it with the Baron Key. As it turns out, this is the Waterway, the sewers beneath Baron. You’ll have to go through them to sneak into the castle.
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