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Old 07-14-2006, 12:06 AM   #21
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

2.9 Baron Castle (Part 2)

As Cecil confronts the king of Baron, the king calls Cecil an ingrate, by renouncing the sword of darkness without his authority. Cecil counters by saying that the king renounced his duty to his people.

The king, is confused at who Cecil is talking about. Then, he realizes he must be talking about the ‘old duffer who refused to surrender this kingdom’. The ‘king’ says he’s enjoyed impersonating him. Cecil asks what this imposter has done to the king. The imposter says he’ll see him soon enough, and Milon, in hell.

Then, the imposter sheds his ‘costume’, revealing himself to be a blue turtle-like creature. He reveals himself as the Devil of Water, Cagnazzo, another of Golbez’s Elemental Fiends!

BOSS: Cagnazzo
HP: 5,312
Experience Points: 5,500
Gil: 4,000
Now, you’d think being another Elemental Fiend, Cagnazzo would be tough. However, he’s actually pathetically easy. He’ll try surrounding himself with water to build up a tidal wave to attack you with, but casting a Bolt spell on him will get rid of all the water. Casting another Bolt spell will make him hide in his shell! Yes, the Fiend of Water is pitifully weak to electricity, as would be expected. Have Tellah cast Bolt 3, Palom cast Bolt 2, Yang attack with the Bolt Claws, and Cecil keep attacking. You may not even have to heal. He won’t last two castings of Bolt 3 from Tellah.

After you kill Cagnazzo, who else but a furious Cid rushes into the room, ready to ‘knock the king’s teeth in’ as he puts it. Then, he realizes that Cecil is actually in the room. He thought Cecil died, and wants to know why Rosa isn’t with him. (It turns out she thought he was still alive and wanted to go find him, after all.) Cecil tells that Golbez kidnapped her. Cid is calls Cecil a pinhead and is furious at Golbez.

Tellah interrupts, and tells Cid to hurry to his airship. A funny scene occurs with Cid and Tellah insulting eachother. Porom breaks them up, and introduces everyone to eachother.

Cecil inquires as to where Cid hid his airship. Cid tells them he hid it where no one would suspect, and starts leading the group to it.

However, as they start walking out of the throne room and into a hall, they hear the voice of Cagnazzo cackling. He says that although they defeated him, he’ll make them join him in the next world. The walls of the hall begin closing in rapidly. They find out that the doors are locked. The twins, Porom and Palom, stand in front of each of the walls.

The twins say they have no choice, that they would’ve been glad to help out further, and thank Cecil. As the rest of the group objects, the twins cast Break on themselves to turn themselves into statues and stop the walls from closing in.

Tellah tries casting Esuna to change them back, but as they chose to turn into stone, attempting to cure them will have no effect.

Tellah says that now he will avenge both Porom and Palom, and Anna. The rest of the party grieves, Cid says that it’s time for payback, and begins leading the party to his airship, the Enterprise.

Meanwhile, the scene shifts to Golbez’s hideout. Golbez notes that Cecil has defeated two of his Elemental Fiends, and that his power continues to grow. Kain and Golbez also worry about how they’ll steal the last Crystal. Golbez says that it will be a problem retrieving it from where it is located, and Kain suggests that they force Cecil to get it for them. He also suggest that since they have Rosa as a hostage, they can exchange her for the Crystal. Golbez says that it just might work, and that he will destroy them both at the time of exchange. Kain says he will convey the terms to Cecil, and starts to leave. Rosa tells Kain to stop, but Kain tells her that she’ll see that he’s superior to Cecil soon enough.

Back at the castle, Cid reveals the secret passage that leads to his airship, the Enterprise. Cid lifts off, and as they fly into the air, they notice an enemy airship passing by. Cid prepares the battle stations, but then they notice a white flag on the enemy ship.

As the two ships connect, Kain walks forward. Cid swears at Kain for being a traitor. Cecil demands to know where Rosa is. Kain says that if they retrieve the Earth Crystal in Troia, they’ll return Rosa. The rest of the group scorns Kain for his behavior. Cecil begs Kain to snap out of it, but Kain will say no more on the matter.

After the enemy ship departs, Cecil tells Cid to go northwest, to the nation of Troia, where the Earth Crystal lies. This is the end of the second chapter.

Last edited by Zeromus_X; 07-14-2006 at 02:18 PM.
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