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Old 07-24-2006, 05:56 AM   #33
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

4.0 Tower of Babil

Getting to the Tower of Babil may be confusing. From the exit of the Dwarven Base, go west, then north until you get to a clearing. Further north will be a group of dwarf tanks, and the tower.

When you first enter the tower, climb up the long set of stairs at the entrance and go up until you see a three-way split, with a door to the north. Take the left path to a chest with Ice (Ice Arrows). Keep going down to the lower left corner to a chest with even more Ice (Ice Arrows). Now go back to the split, and take the right path. Follow it to an Ether1 (Ether 1). It’s below an archway which may look like a wall and confuse you; just go under it. After you gather the treasure continue to the north door to the second floor.

Right when you enter the second floor, proceed left to a chest containing a Bandanna. Continue down, and follow the path until you see a door. Inside is a room with a chest, which is a monster-in-a-box with a strange enemy dubbed ‘Alert’. Attacking it causes it to call on security and alert another monster to join the fray. Luckily the Alert monster is pretty weak to physical attacks, so it won’t take much to take it down. You’ll get an IceSpear (Ice Spear, for Kain) for winning. Afterwards, exit the little room. Continue to the right, you’ll notice another door above you, to the right. Go inside for another chest, another monster-in-a-box with an Alarm monster. You’ll get an IceBrand (Ice Brand, for Cecil) for winning. Now exit that room, and continue up to the door to the third floor.

Again, at the entrance of this floor, go left from the entrance for a chest. In this case, it contains a CatClaw (Cat Claw, for Yang). Now head to the right of the entrance. You’ll notice three paths, again. The path leading down reveals a door and a chest (which contains a Life). The door leads to an enclosure on the fourth floor with a two chests. The chest on the left side contains an Archer (Archer’s Bow?). The chest on the right contains a Notus. Now go back to the split to the right of the door from the second floor. Go up this time, and go into the corner for a chest with a Hi-Potion. Then go back up to the top of the room, and go left and follow the path to the door leading to the fourth floor.

When you enter the fourth floor, head left from the entrance to a door leading to yet another small room, which is a Save Point. Rest and save here. Then, exit the Save Point and go north, until you see a bridge going right. Go across it to the other side. You should see another bridge going left above you, a door to your right, and a path leading down to two more doors. Go down to those two doors. The door to the left is another small room with a monster-in-a-box containing an Alert monster. You’ll get an IceShld (Ice Shield) for this one. The right room is an empty room.

Now, go back up to the door to the right of the long bridge you just crossed. It’s another room with an Alert in a treasure chest. IceArmor (Ice Armor) is the prize this time. Now exit this small room, and go left across the upper bridge. At the end is the door to the fifth floor.

When you enter the fifth floor, you’ll notice a chest to the right of you, across a chasm. To reach it, go down from the entrance, then right and up some stairs, it contains a Boreas. Now go back down, and right to continue. You’ll see a big set of stairs leading up in the center of the room; ignore them for now. Continue to the right side of the room. Stairs leading down to the lower-right corner of the room lead to a chest containing a HiPotion (Hi-Potion). The door to the sixth floor is in the upper-right corner.

As you enter the sixth floor, you’ll be in and enclosure. Just go left to the door to the seventh floor; there’s no way to explore the outside part of this floor at the moment.

Whew! Almost there! Once in the seventh floor, you’ll notice another separate area to the left, which you can’t reach by a wall. Same deal as the sixth floor. Just head right from the entrance to a door, inside is a Save Point. Rest and save, you know the drill. Now head back to the entrance to the seventh floor, and head down. Follow the path until you see a chest to your left and another path to your right, leading up. Open the chest for an Ether2 (Ether 2). Then take the path to your right, to the eight floor.

On the eight floor, just follow the path until you see a set of stairs going up. Go up them, and a scene will ensue. A doctor is saying goodbye to a being called Rubicant, who mentions that the nation of Eblan and it’s ninja have been decimated...he tells the doctor to take care of things while he is gone. He then teleports away using a strange device.

Then, the doctor (with his Kefka-esque laugh...) starts prancing around, celebrating now that both his bosses, Golbez and Rubicant are gone. The party listens in on him, and then Rydia makes a wisecrack, revealing the party’s presence. The doctor then realizes the party is there, and is surprised that Cecil made it up the tower. Kain remarks at how the doctor was caught at a bad time, and mocks him. The doctor (revealing himself to be Doctor Lugae) says that although he may not be one of Golbez’s four fiends, he is still the brains behind the operation, and promises to protect the tower. Kain makes another remark, saying he isn’t impressed. Doctor Lugae is fed up, and sics his ‘great creation’ on the crew.

BOSS: Dr. Lugae, Balnab, Balnab-Z (Balnab Zombie?), Lugaborg (Lugae Cyborg)

Dr. Lugae:
HP: 4,936
Experience Points: 5,500
Gil: 2,000

HP: 4,832
Experience Points: 5,500
Gil: 2,500

HP: 4,518
Experience Points: 20
Gil: 2,500

Lugaborg (Lugae Cyborg):
HP: 9,321
Experience Points: 10,101
Gil: 4,000

If there’s one thing we know for sure about Final Fantasy IV, the bosses of giant mechanical towers are very interesting indeed. This is an interesting fight because the fight can change depending on which one you decide to kill first. If you kill Lugae first, Balbab will self-destruct (and outright kill a member of your party). If you kill Balnab first, Lugae will repair him to create ‘Balnab-Z’. But before any of that, Lugae will order his creation to attack at the beginning of the battle, and it’ll humorously attack its creator. Whichever way you want to fight, it isn’t a tough battle. Rydia should summon Ramuh or Titan, Kain should Jump on who you want to focus on, Yang can use ‘Power’ on the target, Rosa should be put on healing duty, and Cecil should just attack. It won’t take long. After you win that battle, Doctor Lugae starts getting serious. He’ll turn into his true form, a strange cyborg, dubbed ‘Lugaborg’. If Balnab self-destructed, revive the person who died in the last battle. Lugaborg’s main attack is a ‘Beam’ attack, which seems to do random damage to the target. He also uses ‘Emission’, a very weak fire-based attack, and ‘Gas’, which puts one of your characters to sleep. Just use the same tactics as the last battle, and Lugaborg should go down with haste. One thing to note, is that Lugaborg will use a ‘Poison’ attack to poison all your characters. Don’t bother with trying to cure all of your party members; surprisingly the doctor will heal your party’s status ailments throughout the battle (can’t really complain, eh?).

After the battle, you’ll receive a ‘TowerKey’ (Tower Key). The doctor tells the party that they are too late. The Tower of Babil connects the underworld and overworld, and Rubicant has taken all the Crystals to the surface. He then exclaims that his cannons will blow the dwarf fleet away, and then promptly explodes (well, that’s what it looks like!). The party then decides that they have to hurry to the cannons, and stop them before the dwarves are hurt.
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