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Old 06-11-2005, 01:00 AM   #10
~Hidan~'s Avatar
Highwind Pilot
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: The Clouds above Midgar
Age: 41
Posts: 543
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Brain sat down on the deck of the boat and thought about how safe the others may be. Belial and Osirus had gone into one of the cabins and were playing poker, Brain had refused to join in. Captain was sound asleep in his cabin and they sat at around two hundred feet in the air.

Brain had a strange feeling about what was going on here, like something was out of place; he knew everyone had gone to their cabins or into the caves. Yet there across the boat from him stood a man in black armor tapping a gigantic sword on his shoulder.

That’s all the man did for the longest time. Brain watched him for several hours before the man finally turned towards Brain. The figure looked a lot like someone he had seen before. As it got closer he started to realize it was the man he had seen in the town he landed in. Only last time he had seen this person they were in the form of a statue.

The figure sat down next to him and smiled. Putting down his sword the figure started to gesture for Brain to copy what he did. It started to make symbols with its hands. Brain copied them but the first few times only got a puff of smoke out of it. The fifth time nothing happened but then the Figure started speaking.

“It’s been a little while since I could speak. Thank you for taking the time to learn the curse seal.” The man said while smiling. “How is everyone?”

“It would seem that they are much better of then you my friend, who are you by the way?” Brain said looking over the exquisite armor that the man was wearing.

“Oh they must not have told you, I’m Nichi. I use to be part of all this but it seems you were chosen to go on in the fight and not me.” Nichi said

“What do you mean by that?” Brain said looking rather confused.

“Well to make it a short story we are somehow connected in existence. However only one of us can exists in the same universe at the same time. Having the fate of you coming to this world, I in turn had to leave this world.” Nichi said “You were chosen to stay here because you’re the one who’s got the highest chance of success for the war.”

Brain thought for a moment about this. “So in a theory I am you? I just look different?”

“I guess that’s what could be said.” Nichi said looking over Brain. “We need to do something about this equipment that you use. It doesn’t suit you or this world.” With a snap of his fingers all of Brains equipment other then his wrist computer disappeared.

Looking a little unset Brain looked at his body. “How exactly am I supposed to be helpful in a world of Magic and Demons without any weapons to fight?”

Nichi sighed “Well for one your plenty strong if you just listened to your body enough to unlock its power. Secondly I’m going to give you a weapon, it may change form once in your hands though.” Nichi handed over his giant sword to Brain which turned solid once touching Brains hands. It however did not change as Nichi thought it would.

“So I’m supposed to fight with a sword that I can barley…. Wait a second how is this thing so light?” Brain said looking down at the huge weapon.

Not really sure what to say Nichi just shrugged. “Well maybe your stronger then you thought.”

Brain stood up and started playing around with the sword. “This is actually pretty cool I can fight well with this thing for its size.”

Nichi sighed as he noticed his time was falling short. “One more thing I’m giving you. This is very important so listen up.”

Brain sat back down next to Nichi and listened closely. “Ok?”

Nichi looked at Brain and then pulled up Brains hair from the back of his neck. “There is a mark here; do you know what it is?” Nichi said looking at it still. Brain shook his head no. “Well I had one when I was alive to, though I never figured out how to use it or even what it was until I died.”

Brain looked uneasy. He put his hand on the back of his neck and sure enough he could feel a slight raise in the skin. “So what is it?”

“Well when I was born in my village there was a great demon that had recently been killed. Fearing its return they locked his spirit in my body.” Nichi said. “So part of locking it to me leads to it either being passed down to my children or to the one closest to being like me.”

Brain shook his head. “So I’m carrying the spirit of a demon in me?”

“Exactly, and he is your slave. He needs you to be a live for him to be alive. Which means you can steal his strength once you figure out how to talk to him.” Nichi went on to say. “Lucky for you, you may have a chance of tapping this power, being that I’m dead I can’t.”

Brain just thought of his genetic transmutations. “I was genetically altered when I was born, I am supposed to have the power to turn into a humanoid like creature, I haven’t ever been able to do it because of my age but can I still do it?” Brain asked hoping the answer was no.

“Well I don’t really know, all I can say is you are human now, when you lived in the other world you were mostly filled with nano machines, they aren’t there anymore.” Nichi said.

“How do you know so much, I mean I would think you’d only know about this universe?” Brain said looking a little puzzled.

“When your dead all the universes are one, and all of time is one.” Nichi said looking up at the sky.

“I see, so I have to learn a lot more about myself to be able to help save this world don’t I?” Brain said thinking about how the others might be doing in the cave. “Will I see you again if I need help?”

“I’ll be around; I am bound to your spirit as well, just like the demon.” Nichi said “I need to go now, tell the others nothing of this but take good care of them.” With that Nichi vanished.

Brain sat for a little thinking about how to talk to part of him that was not normally open to talk to. So he just went to sleep focusing on the idea of talking within.
Invent a new time, a new life, a new reason to fight.
~Hidan~ is offline