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Old 08-01-2006, 03:00 AM   #38
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

4.5 Return to the Dwarf Castle

Enter the castle and go up to the throne room. Cecil will have a conversation with King Giott. Giott will ask if Cecil recovered the crystals, and Cecil will apologize for not being able to retrieve them.

Giott says that Golbez is very persistent, and is trying to open up the Sealed Cave (remember? Where the last crystal is kept). He says it is only a matter of time before Golbez succeeds, and tells the crew that they must get the Crystal before Golbez does. He then calls his daughter, Luca, over to him. Giott then takes Luca’s necklace, which turns out to be the only key to the Sealed Cave. You’ll then have control again, go talk to Giott and he’ll entrust you with the Necklace. The team now has to go to the Sealed Cave to the southwest, and retrieve the final Crystal.

Of course, there is still one problem. The Falcon still can’t go over lava. And the only person in the world skilled enough to upgrade the airship is Cid, who of course sacrificed himself earlier on to aid in the party’s escape.

Well, what if I told you he really isn’t dead? Would that be surprising? Go to the first basement of the castle (where a Fat Chocobo is available, the entrance to the secret passage), and go to the door on the left side of the room. This is the infirmary. And sure enough, Cid is sleeping in the middle bed on the top. As you approach the beds, the team splits up and crowds around Cid. The party is pretty surprised (I mean, he did blow himself up, seriously), and after a humorous reunion, Cid asks Cecil what Golbez is up to. Cecil informs him that only one Crystal is left remaining. Rosa says that they can’t go after the last Crystal, as they left the Enterprise on the surface. Kain says that they took an enemy airship, but it isn’t capable of flying over magma. Cid then says that they’re all hopeless without him, and then hops out of bed, regardless of what the nurses say. He then hopse to sprucing up the Falcon, with the help of Edge and some dwarves.

After the Falcon is upgraded, Cid retires back to bed. He says that they can now fly over anything. Then, Cid falls asleep, exhausted. The crew thanks Cid for all his help, and then you’ll have control again.

With the Falcon fully upgraded, you can now truly ‘take to the skies’ underground. You can now fly over all magma in the underworld. This opens up more places than just the Sealed Cave in the underworld, a few of which are mentioned by the dwarves in the throne room of the Dwarf Castle.
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