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Old 08-02-2006, 01:02 AM   #7
Master Summoner
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Core of the Moon (Phoenix, AZ)
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Re: ethers cost so much

Here's the best way to get money.

Steal like a few hundred Siren items from the Last Arm and Alarm monsters in the Lunar Ruins areas that look like the Tower of Babil/Giant of Babil. Then go to the bottom room before the fifth floor in the Core of the Moon (the one that had a treasure chest in it). Make sure everyone or most of your party members have Ribbons. Use the Sirens. You'll encounter Flan Princesses. You'll always encounter five. Use Bahamut/Meteor/Holy/whatever until they die. You'll get a ton of experience and around 230,000 Gil each time. If you're extremely lucky, you can get a Pink Tail and give it to the tail guy in the Adamant Cave for an Adamant Armor, though I've only gotten one. Turbo Ethers and Fuma Shurikens are also normal drops from them.

By the time I was done using my Sirens, I had a bit over 10,000,000 Gil. But don't buy Megalixirs, you don't need them. Just buy normal Elixirs.
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