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Old 08-27-2006, 07:25 PM   #4
Master Summoner
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Re: what methods did u use to beat neo-ex-death?

Everyone should be Bare with their best mastered abilities, so they can equip Ribbons, Angel Rings, and Red Shoes for free.

On the first battle, summon Golem to intercept his attacks. Your equipment should nullify status ailments. Now, cast Haste 2 and Shell on everyone (or just Guardian/Big Guard/Mighty Guard if you have it). This carries on to the next fight with Neo-ExDeath, so Almagest (ignore 'Ultragust'...) and his other level 3 spells won't do as much damage.

Use your strongest attacks. Holy/Meteor/Flare/Throwing Shuriken/X-Fight. He'll go down. A really monstrous combo is to use GilToss ('$Toss') and Mime it with a Mime or someone with the Mime ability. That, or Throwing 'MagiShuriken' (Fuuma Shuriken) and Miming does alot of damage, for free. Well, you'll have to use one item, but Miming won't use up any more.

Good luck. He's pretty difficult too. They just don't make final bosses like they used to...
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