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Old 10-07-2006, 02:54 PM   #23
Master Summoner
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Re: Dragon Quest VIII

Well, didn't they hire English VAs for the characters? I don't think they'd be American, unless they're just doing an extremely good job of mimicking that particular accent. I did hear that they had an entirely new voice cast for the European version though.

The main character in the Dragon Quest games never, ever talks (this is also another way of sticking with tradition. You can see this in alot of other older RPGs, more specifically classic turn-based CRPGs like Mother/Earthbound). This is because of the 'silent hero philosophy', that is, the hero doesn't have too much of a personality* because he's supposed to be a reflection of you. Although the main character in DQVIII had a great deal more back story then meets the eye, if you undergo a certain post-game sidequest...

*Well, they all seem to enjoy 'puff-puffs' at any rate.
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