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Old 10-11-2006, 09:43 AM   #42
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Re: Likes and dislike about VIII

Originally Posted by Slider
I need to correct something you said before I explain my point of view, it's true that a villain needs a motivation but that's not to make it more realistic but just to enrich the plot with more turns and twists.
It’s more realistic in that motivations makes her more human, rather than an evil persona.

Originally Posted by Slider
For example not that Ultimicia's GOAL required any MOTIVATION (even I would do it!), becoming a God isn't usually what you turn down or needs much motivation (actually it would ruin the storyline: Imagine someone who wants to become a God for a CERTAIN reason, do you see where this is going?)
Not good enough. You could say the same for villains like Kuja who desire to take over the world(s), yet Kuja’s motivations are explained clearly and the character itself has a significant backstory.

Originally Posted by Slider
but in any case from an outside view Ultimicia may SEEM unrelated in any way to the characters having her own goal and existing even in a diffrent time. But in an in depth look, she was THE BASIC REASON OF THE EXISTENCE OF GARDEN AND SEED (SeeD are even nammed that way for being seeds of the future that will defeat the sorceress, to remind you) so the villain character is A LOT more related to the characters than some might think.
I never said Ultimecia was unrelated to the plot.

Originally Posted by Slider
- In which part did you expect Seifer to appear (to present his transition) again, do you think he would've EVER come back to Lunatic Pandora for ANY REASON- or at any time before Ultimicia was allowed to achieve Time Compression- He could've came back to help the characters, that way he fights along with Squall and rest his mind and revenge from Ultimicia's deciet/brainwash , but unfortunately his mind was in hell and he didn't come back which would've been TOO awakward to recover so quickly espcially after fighting his Garden friends and presenting Rinoa to Adel. Or should he have existed in Time Compression which would have been MOST unreasonnable and is self-explainatory. If you think about it, there was no place but the ending. So it wasn't sloppy story telling, more like perfection of the story (unless you had any other ideas).
It would have taken all of 2 minutes, maybe less, to finish off Seifer’s story after Adel was defeated. There is no reason why they couldn’t have added a scene to at least give us the impression he was changing before Time Compression was to be activated.
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