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Old 11-04-2006, 01:41 PM   #22
Master Summoner
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Re: Final Fantasy XII?

To make engagements go faster, increase the battle speed to the max, and if you want, set the battle mode to active.

I've been playing for twelve hours and my characters are at level 16, disregarding guest characters, who are usually at a higher or lower level than your characters.

You can start power-leveling at the Lhusu Mines, up until the teens; try to get a big chain going fighting the skeletons there on the second bridge. After I had slain around 150 skeletons, I had 89 Bone Fragments and 40 Dark Stones. I promptly sold them all to gain 19,000 Gil, and my characters had lots of License Points.

Shopping time.

I'm not saying you absolutely have to do this, but it helps. The only reason I leveled up in the first place was because I thought you had to win a boss battle there...when in fact I was just supposed to escape.

In addition, if you want the camera to stay on your leaders current target, hold down L2. Though I prefer the battle camera to be on an overhead view, so I can see my characters gang up on an unsuspecting monster and the flying numbers that ensue.
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