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Old 12-11-2006, 07:33 PM   #58
ˇˇ Fresón rebelde ˇˇ
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Re: Same Sex Marrige

Originally Posted by reasoniamalive
I, on the other hand, disagree. I feel that if there is no God, none of us would be here. The complexities that make up the body, the amount of information in our DNA, the desire to be free and thrive - IMO - could NOT have come from nothingness.
Why? I can't think of a reason not to. And in case that there existed a God, why should it be the Christian one? It's just a matter of faith, and beliefs.

And my faith and my beliefs are based on peace and happiness. Do two people from the same sex hurt you when they love each other? Or even when it's just for physical pleasure, do they hurt you?
They don't, and if they are happy and they don't hurt, try to think of a logical reason to avoid this kind of relationship.
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