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Old 09-05-2005, 05:42 PM   #14
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Re: Racism as a factor in Katrina aftermath

Just because there is space doesn't mean it has to be filled. You can collapse the RGP stats in everyone's posts and bring the posts back to normal size by going into the RPG link at the top right of the forum, then headquarters, then clicking on the "display RPG stats in dropdown" option as shown in the attachment below. That cuts out a lot of the extra space .

China has relaxed its one child policy now under pressure from the rest of the world and its own people. The policy was not that effective anyway because it only applied to people living in the cities and towns. Country people were always allowed to have more children to help the parents on farms ect. They also realised that the one child policy was resulting in a majority of boys being born compared to girls. It is believed in the age groups affected that there are 3 or 4 boys to each girl as there is a strong preference for male children. That is already causing problems with men finding wives.

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I'm sorry but you'll never convince me that some God is trying to reduce the population by stealth. These are just natural disasters, with emphasis on the word "natural". The world wide birth rate would have more than replaced those killed in this disaster within 24 hours. India alone probably replaced half of them. Even the over 100,000 killed in the boxing day tsunami have been replaced and then some. It will take a world wide catastrophe killing thousands of millions to ever put a permanent decent sized dent in the population figures. The last I heard the world population was up to about 40 billion people.

As for the diseases, I've already answerd that. In the 19th century people died like flies from infection because there were no antibiotics, today we don't because we do have them. Thats the simplest example. STDs are the result of stupidity because people don't take precautions, not God saying "don't have sex". Married people get STDs, just not at the same rates.
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Last edited by Arkacia; 09-05-2005 at 05:59 PM.
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