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Old 09-18-2005, 01:49 AM   #1
Master Summoner
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the naruto US dub...or my thoughts on censorship.

heres my opinion on the naruto dub. (and, to safeguard myself, imagine and IMO after every sentence. )
the scripting is ..ok...
attack names less than stupendous(the japanese names just sound awesome, dont they?)
narutos voice...surprisingly mediocre
sakuras...not good
havent heard sasuke. id pick chuck huber, hes the only funimation actor id pick for sasuke
kakashi ...meh.
ikura and
lack of nosebleeds lowers humor
i hope that the later characters arent ruined...but i shouldnt get my hopes up...they better not ruin orochimaru! ill never forgive funimation if they do!!

but , anyway, i think funimation is trying to do something thats too much for them, by trying to make it "appropriate for american audiences". it seems we censor everything. anime really isnt as bad as some of the BS thats not cartoons. *cough*reality tv*cough*
in addition, anyone whos seen the later episodes will know that naruto is an incrediby bloody series. (probably more in the manga.) how will they deal with that? i mean, if they cant show a nosebleed, how will they show zaku's arm being blown off? well, with any luck, theyll make uncut dvds, like with shaman king, one piece, and yugioh!, etc... i just really dont like censorship. if you dont want your kid to watch something violent, dont let them! (i personally think sex and drug use are more harmful than violence) maybe an 8 year old shouldnt watch it, just like they probably shouldnt play San Andreas.
i dunno...maybe parents really dont know whats goin' on? if so, thats kinda sad...

well, this is kinda ranty, but i wanted to get my thoughts out. yours?
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