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Old 02-24-2007, 09:18 AM   #1
ˇˇ Fresón rebelde ˇˇ
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Comic/videogames based movies

Reading the thread about the new Marvel movies that Tiny Bronco posted, it just came to my mind something that I always think and ask the people about it: Am I the only one person who is so much dissapointed with the comic based movies? Or with the videogames based ones??
I'll put some examples:

I've always thought that X-Men movies coulh have been way cooler. I mean, I think the portrayal is very important in this kind of movies. And I find Sabretooth's portrayal really bad... I didn't like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine either... Not to say that I'd have kept the original customes for everyone. Magneto also seems to me not more that an old guy in da movie... while it seems to be much more powerful in the comics. I also disliked that it they didn't fight a single sentinel (kay, in the third one and virtually...) and Gambit didn't appear there either!! And I'd love to see a good fight between Wolverine and Sabretooth, not that ****.
And they'd have chosen a cuter girl for the role of Rogue XD

Spiderman... The first movie is like, meh. XD But there in the 2nd one, one thing that offended me... Spiderman takes his mask out in the tram. And he doesn't care about it. Great. And then what? He takes high efforts to hide his identity, which sometimes gets himself in trouble (with Mary Jane, for example XD). But no, in the movie is like: 'You know what? I'm so 1337 that I can take my mask out if I want to.' ;ang That's not 1337 Mr.Director, 1337 would be a faithfull representation of the comic!!!

After this I only decided to see The Punisher and Fantastic Four, which I found both were quite good. There're few others, such as Hellboy, which I liked a lot.

And what about videogames based movies? Most of them are really bad. Well, definitely Alone in the Dark is the worst movie ever. Resident Evil is really bad too. I won't type anything about the Street Fighter movie(feat. Jean Claude Van Damm), 'cuz they're at the same level Alone in the Dark is. Not to mention Final Fantasy: the Spirits within, which is not only based in any of the games, but also is a very bad movie.

I need to ear something...
DANG! I feel much better now. XD
See ya later!
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