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Old 02-27-2007, 08:34 PM   #23
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Re: Comic/videogames based movies

Originally Posted by ShadowHeart
All I'm saying is, with that attitude, you'll always be disappointed. Always. I'm not saying that directors shouldn't be faithful. It is generally the best if they are, but not always. Some things just have to be left out for example, you have to draw the line somewhere.

Why do people make movies? For fun? Perhaps, but the ultimate goal is to make money. If you don't, you're out of business pretty fast. How do you make money? By making a movie that the large masses will appreciate. If it comes at the cost of changing a couple of things from the original it is based on, for example to make it easier to follow without massive background information, it will be done. In the best of worlds, things wouldn't need to be changed, but that is rarely the case. Would you have watched a LOTR movie (or set of movies) with hours of pure introduction of hobbit culture and other things, and a total length of 20+ hours (perhaps far more)? That's just an example. The Amazing Spider-Man comic have seen how many years of magazines by now? If the Spiderman movies were completely faithful, they would have included a long time of highschooling, a failed attempt at joining Fantastic 4, Peter having several girlfriends before even meeting Mary Jane (such as Gwen Stacey who is killed by the Green Goblin), and several other events that I can't remember. Possible? I think not. To properly screen a massive comic such as Spiderman it would require a TV series, but TV series have massively smaller budgets (per hour anyway!) and you'd have far more to complain about such as crappy actors, clothes/suits and effects

Perhaps it is better if books, comics and videogames are never screened?

Sorry if I sound so negative..
Absolutelly right. XD

But by the other hand, that's the risk of doing a comic/videogame based movie.

Also, If they don't keep it faithfull, the 'fans' or the ones who loved most the comics/games could be really really disapointed, and for that make a negative buzz marketing. (Which means, talking bad about the movie to other potential members of the audience)

But Shadow, you should know that I'm a member of the audience... thus I must say which things do I like or which ones I don't. It's my duty XD
I know the whole story can't be screened. In the Spider-Man case, I don't care from which point do they start, but please keep it real! XD lol
I actually thing that Dr.Octopus, as well as Green Goblin are important villain ones...
I know they may do it for cash purposes, but hey! are you sure that skiping some important characteristics would be more profitable than makin' it just as the series have done it?
I mean, Spiderman is a very well known hero... the series deserved his fame. Why try to change elements that brought the original one to the fame?

Just think about it.
Anyway, it's quite obvious there're two different kind of opinions here XD
Which is very good!
Every story begins with a name

Last edited by Luis; 02-27-2007 at 08:36 PM.
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