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Old 03-31-2007, 10:19 AM   #50
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Re: Opinions of XII.

I have to be really honest but this game really isn't that good. So far I'm upto the "Still-shrine of Miriam" and I haven't played it for a week or so, I'm far more into playing FFVI: Advance at the moment.
The combat is what seriously ruins this game because the magic is next to useless except for the Healing/curative magic, you can basically do WAY more damage just by attacking, the loading bar to where you have to wait to attack is seriously stupid, being given the ability to run from enemies means absolutely nothing when the enemies continuously follow you until they attack you, the Gambit system is really flawed and the characters are carbon clones of each other.
The bottom line is;

-The battle-system in this game sucks, WTF didn't Square just stick to the ATB battle-system?
-The story honestly isn't that good, were in the 21st century now and Square are STILL using those types of stories? Come on....
-Vaan is seriously annoying, I mean, Tidus was bad enough but Vaan.....

All together so far I'd give FFXII a 6/10 because it really hasn't captivated me, honestly I'd rather play a 2nd playthrough of FFVIA which at the moment I'm doing. Square-enix are going down-hill and I'm afraid I probably won't be playing the next FF if it's anything like this.
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