Thread: Cutting
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Old 04-03-2007, 03:51 PM   #15
Master Summoner
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Re: Cutting

Originally Posted by Kat
alright everyone,you really have no say,i doubt any of you know what its like to be this depressed,i myself however have cut myself before from being depressed.
i don't anymore,but i know what its like to feel that way!
and theres no need to just keep saying "its retarded" even though i know its not good!
its a little obvious isn't it?!
if you haven't anything helpful to say besides stuff like that,you shouldn't even post here. could i put this..
When you're depressed bad enough...your emotional pain is greater than your physical if you cut yourself you don't really feel anything..and your emotional feelings tell you it feels good.
if i could explain it better i would.
Ok, take it easy Kat i'm sure no one means sumtin personnal

now that u had personnal experience with this, did it help you at all? was it ur answer to bad feelings? if so why did you stop it?

I'd just appreciate ur explanation (point of view) why would someone do sumting so.... irelevant!
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