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Old 11-17-2005, 08:27 AM   #7
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Re: Someone insulted the whole FF game

Originally Posted by Zeke70
Hey someone here named yukin insulted the whole FF game I got only one request PLEASE don't donate any gil to him and attack him if you guys have the time it's so frustrating you know it's like my parents just got insulted. I hope you guys are with me and don't listen to his lies I know him a little bit this is what he said "FF is so dumb the characters are stupid, the game stinks, and the creator, I think he is dumb." That's what he said all of his posts about FF are lies and he might try to counter me so don't believe him :mad: :mad: :mad:
Please don't ask others to gang up on and attack another member. It goes against the flameing/insults rule .

Everyone has the right to their own opinions. If you don't agree with those opinions you are welcome to debate them without insulting or attacking the writer.

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