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Old 11-26-2005, 02:46 PM   #1
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Phoenix Flame
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FFVII's Cloud, or mako?

Ok, so it's abundantly clear during the storyline of FFVII that Cloude can we say this...? He's not really him, right? The story goes that he was "constructed by Hojo piece by piece" after the Mt. Nibelheim incident. And through the abilities afforded him by Jenova's cells, he was able to conjure up memories from Tifa and their childhood.
But something troubles me about these statements...

We know he was severly injured by being run through by Sephy's sword in the reactor, and he was taken by the Shin-Ra for experimentation and, er - reconstruction right? So is he a shell - anotherwords, is his body an empty vessel and Jenova through the will of Sephiroth is the puppeteer? I've been confused on this point for a while now ya know??? How do you guys take it? And if he is, how come he comes around and defeats Sephiroth? Does he negate Sephiroth's control, and if so, when and how does he do it. I thought this was a very involved question and would appreciate your collected viewpoints. Thanks.
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