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Old 06-11-2007, 12:44 PM   #52
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Gackt Camui
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Re: I need your ideas.

Yeah I think thats one of the problems...spam. Its ridiculous and I am not saying that I was not part of the making of it because I was...but most of the other people that were on here were here to talk about FF and we kinda traveled away from that and started talking about other things like our personal lives which is great and all but it belongs somewhere else...
I think mainly what we need is people like mods and junk to actually do their job. When you see somethig that makes no sense what so ever to the topic, get rid of it. Or tell the people that are posting to knock it off. Just "general" members can only do so much. I know for awhile the FF discussion was getting out of hand. One reason why I left. Nothing was ever done about those sections until it was blown way over board. The cleaning up the forum sounds like a good idea though. That one big thing it does need.
Sorry if I might have repeated everything somebody else might of said. I don't have the time to read every page word for word. Good luck with the cleaning.
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