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Old 07-30-2007, 02:08 AM   #1
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Judge Magister
Head Judge of Galbadia
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Final Fantasy Live Action Movies

I was checking out IMDB the other day (I freakin' LOVE that website) and I came across some pictures of Camilla Belle. She was in that God-awful movie 'When A Stranger Calls.' She is very, very attractive IMO. I was reading some threads and someone mentioned she looked like Rinoa from FFVIII. After doing some 'research,' I came to the conclusion that she would make an AWESOME Rinoa if they made a live-action FFVIII movie. Okay, enough of the backstory. I know this thread has probably been done already, so forgive me. Just out of curiosity, if you could make a live-action movie of any FF, which one would it be and who would you cast?
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