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Old 04-08-2005, 12:54 PM   #39
Drazniich's Avatar
T-Rexuar Snack
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 19
Belial stood, summoning his nightmare mount. "May as well train him to recognize me..." he muttered. The horse that devoured and slaughtered the hopes and dreams of others matierialized, rearing to strike Belial down. He bicycle kicked the horse on the jaw.

"Now that that's out of the way..." he smiled. There was something to be said for Belial's new form. It really made him seem incredibly less sinister, especially in the sunlight, where as his old form seemed to dampen light around it. He drew his cane, now a bit longer, almost like a miniture staff to his new form, and began to practice.

"Being a demon, kids" Belial orated while he spun the cane around. "Isn't all about taking souls and destroying things. Actually, its more your job to simply change the world. You're the force of rebellion. Without you, there is nothing but calcification."

Nichi shook his head. "So at what point did mutating others come along?"

Belial paused. "Mistakes have been made. Others shall be blamed."
The Via Hyron, Road of the Hive, dictates that you shall protect your loved ones, fight to preserve your way of life from outside threats, and never forget you follow the road. This road is, by far, one of the most honorable roads known to the vampire clans, short of Galconda only. The Via Hyron is only practiced by one clan, the second clan of Ashur-called-Cappadocius, namely, the Baali, the original infernalist clan...
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