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Old 07-14-2005, 04:31 AM   #41
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Chocobo Jockey
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Canada
Age: 35
Posts: 293
Re: Chapter 3: In The Clouds

Titania wandered along the barrier for a while, tapping it and running her hand along the hard air that the others had so easily passed through.

“Whoever built this shrine must have wanted to keep us out.” She said.

Syne nodded “As Nichi said, we are all connected to Kani.”

“We can’t be the only ones.” Titania pointed out, turning to face her new friend “That wouldn’t make sense…I felt as if I knew Malice. And he was able to enter.”

“Perhaps the architect did not want to keep him out.” Glenn stated “Only us.”

“That would make sense. Perhaps he was not a threat to whatever is in there.”

“And we are?”

Syne nodded “Titania, I felt betrayed by you. That must have meant we were on the same side. And Glenn…” she turned to face him “I feel almost as if we were once together, but for some reason there was a parting of ways. Perhaps we chose different paths.”

“You remember a lot, Syne.” Titania said “I can’t even believe any of this. How is it possible that I could have forgotten an entire lifetime?”

“But that’s just it…” Syne began “It’s impossible. Somewhere inside of us it’s still there. I think we see more of it than we know…we have to think from now on.”

“Perhaps we should think back.” Glenn added “Try to remember those instances where things might have seemed familiar, or people might have.”

“I think I know a time…it’s really striking me as odd…” Titania said “When I first came here, we rested at an inn. For some reason I didn’t feel like I could stay there…it was almost like something was pulling me from the outside- some sort of impulse. I felt I had to leave and I had to leave right away- or else. Then when I got to a square, I found that Malice had followed me. It was almost like something unfinished had finally been taken care of. I don’t know how to explain it any other way than that, and I know it sounds ridiculous, but that’s exactly what it felt like.
Afterwards, I went to trade in some of my stones for shoes. There was a man in an alley and I asked him for help, but he did not respond. He kept on whispering things- things I couldn’t understand. He called me by a different name, and I thought he was crazy. Finally, he stepped forward and all of a sudden I was scared. At that time I was so sure that I was going to die- that he had a knife with him he was going to use to plunge into my heart. I went to run, but then suddenly there was a rush of wind and I was back with the others.
After that I tried not think about it. I didn’t know why I was so sure he was going to kill me- and in that way. I just knew. When I thought about it, I figured I must have been paranoid, and he must have simply been insane, or a drunk... something like that. But now that all of this has come up, I’m beginning to wonder.”

Syne nodded “We must keep our eyes open and not pass these experiences off as oddities or déjà vu. Anything could be our true spirit trying to emerge.”

“Why do you call it our ‘true spirit?’” Titania asked, “This life is not fake. It’s not a mirage.”

Glenn nodded “I must agree. Perhaps this is simply a continuation of our old lives- assuming that this theory is true.”

“It is not a theory.” Syne stated, “I can tell you that it is completely true. This is not the first time our spirits have dwelled in this planet. We were away for a while and now we’ve returned.”

“All at the same time?” Glenn asked, “That’s too much of a coincidence.”

“Exactly.” Syne agreed.

“Not only that…when we were moved here we all ended up close to each other- we weren’t randomly thrown about. We were called.” Titania noted.

“The planet needs us back.” Said Syne, putting everything together, “It needs us and it’s brought us here for that reason. Something is going to happen, and don’t be surprised if we’re involved.”

Suddenly there came a loud crash from within the Verity Shrine, followed by a cry of pain. Instinctively, Glenn and Titania made a dash for the entrance but were stopped by the barrier.

For a while they tried to push through it, pounding on it, using spells- but to no avail!

“We can’t help them!” Syne yelled after a while, “And besides…we have a bigger problem…”

Slowly, the two turned, and there, looming before them was a dark figure, clad in black armour and shadowed against the dawn. Standing even higher than Syne, the human-like creature moved toward them at a menacingly slow pace. Weapons drawn, they stood their ground, ready to fight.

“Do not waste my time.” The creature said, raising his hand and knocking Titania and Glenn to the ground with some sort of magic “I’m here for only Kani.”

“My name is Syne.” She stated, boldly, tightening her hold on her sword “What business do you have with me?”

The creature laughed, “Do you not recognize me?”

“How can I when I cannot see your face?” she questioned, keeping a hard stare.

The others tried to stand but felt the air pushing weight on their bodies; they could not move.

“If you wish to see my face, you can view it later. Come- or else.” It said, coldly.

“Syne, do not listen to him!” Glenn cried, struggling against the suddenly strong force of gravity.

“I’m not going anywhere.” She answered them both.

“Fine…” the creature said, but surprisingly did not draw its sword “You have been warned, Syne. Stay here with these two snakes, but don’t think you have seen the last of me.”

With a grotesque smirk, Hector stepped into the light so that they could see his face.

“You will return to us, Kani.” He muttered, arrogantly, then turned to the others “And as for you, Llideah, Noah…” with yellow teeth he grinned at the struggling companions “Get used to this feeling” He struck them hard with black magic and they cried out in pain “You haven’t seen the last of me either.”

The demon raised his hand. Suddenly, from the ground came a smoky spiral, which wrapped around his body before consuming it. In seconds, the smoke disappeared and the creature was gone. No sooner did he leave were Glenn and Titania freed from their invisible hold. Syne did not even see them; her eyes were fixed upon the spot where Hector had vanished.

“Syne…?” Glenn spoke up.

“Noah…Llideah…” She whispered with cold lips, the names striking through her like lightning.
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