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Old 05-26-2007, 03:14 AM   #6
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Phoenix Flame
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Re: FFXII power-leveling guide!

Next...we are going to try and obtain some really nice armor and two kick-ass weapons from the Barheim head there now. (Use the key the moogle gave you to open the other entrance Southeast of the village.) Head to the save crystal and use it. If you remember obtaining/did obtain the Demonsbane sword(s) I told you about earlier - you're patience will be called-upon again here. Go South one screen of the save crystal and Immediately follow the tracks off to the West - you want to zone West from here...but take the southwest tunnel (there are two ways to head West.) Fight your way through the overgrown toads and (if you want) the giant turtle in this area. Past where you fight the turtle there is a huge boulder in the middle to the right of the path. If you see a 'special-looking' chest - you are in luck! This mimic is Ithuno, a rare monster with one item to steal - the Deathbringer sword (1-handed, + 90 Atk and + 10% chance for instant KO/attack) If you don't see Ithuno - soft-core and try again. Repeat until you have two... o_O At least that's what I do. I wouldn't sell these either because two Deathbringer swords + two shields = two walking tanks. o.o
Now that you have some good weapons, it's time to get some 1337 armor. This also may take a while. There are two chests further in the is about 1/2 way into it (Celebrant's Miter) which is awesome (+50 mgk.def, + 5 spd and + 5 magick).... If you happen to make it to the save crystal before Zalera...not that you'll be fighting him/her/shim/it yet.... >_> Just prior to making it there you may find a chest containing some dragon mail (+ 53 def, + 8 str.) 0.0!I suggest growing some gonads and trying to get a full 3 sets of these helmets and 3 suits of Dragon Mail. It will take a while... ok, it WILL take a while. But this will be all you need to fight in the Nechrol and get the 'best' heavy armor in the well as THE BEST heavy armor in the game. (Maximillians-VS-Grand armor.)
Refer to the map that I keife...
*cough cough* .... - borrowed. = D ---- >

---- 2 things of honorable mention: you can steal Gigas hats: (+38 MDef, +530 HP) from dead bones (rare steal.) Lastly, remember that 'Elixer' chest for later...once you have the Diamond Armlet you can come back here and get the Zodiac Escutheon from that chest!!!

While these are totally optional at this point in the game; can you imagine the powerhouse I was with 3 characters at level 50+, with a)Zodiac spear + 2 Deathbringers, b) 3 Dragon Mails and 3 Celebrants Miters, c) my 1337n355? o.O XD! As I said - You can (basically) go through the rest of the game with these items. You don't have to waste time on marks, leveling-up too much, or undesirable sidequests. But there are better weapons/armors out there and I'M gonna tell j00 where to get em! Later. <_<
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