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Old 04-27-2005, 04:37 PM   #32
Drazniich's Avatar
T-Rexuar Snack
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 19
Osirus walked over to the various parts of Nidogg that scattered the ground. He ripped off the armor, taking a small amulet that was underneath.

Belial stood solemly as Osirus ground it to dust, and scattered it over his head. "And thus, another betrayer dies." Belial sighed.

Osirus turned to Belial. "When will you grind my symbol, Belial? For my crimes against the council?"

Belial shrugged. He paced over to the group. "This war needs to be taken somewhere else." He suggested.

Nichi nodded. "Go attack their camp?"

"No." Belial shook his head. "The entire battle. Our collateral damage is high here. We must find some way to draw them off the castle."

"Well, we know they hate you all." Osirus pointed into the distance. "Perhaps they know taking us down will shatter the army's moral."

Both demons sat down cross legged at the same time. Malice's eyes caught it, if only momentairily, that they'd fallen into an old pattern.
The Via Hyron, Road of the Hive, dictates that you shall protect your loved ones, fight to preserve your way of life from outside threats, and never forget you follow the road. This road is, by far, one of the most honorable roads known to the vampire clans, short of Galconda only. The Via Hyron is only practiced by one clan, the second clan of Ashur-called-Cappadocius, namely, the Baali, the original infernalist clan...
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