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Old 05-31-2006, 09:09 PM   #47
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Chocobo Jockey
Join Date: Mar 2005
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Age: 35
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

Syne helped Kirby up as Glenn began to re-attach his armour. It was strange, but without it, the knight felt indecent. The crafted metal had become so much a part of him that to lose it was almost to lose a part of himself.

He turned the slightly dented greave-fronts toward him, trying to unbuckle the strap, when he caught a sight of his own reflection. At first he was surprised not to see a frog staring back (for even after all these years, he was still becoming used to his new –or old- appearance). But as he stared longer, he began to notice other things- the darkness beneath his eyes, the dirt and dried blood on his cheek- there was no escaping the fact that the last few months had taken their toll on him. In one moment it hit him that this adventure could very well be his last.

“Glenn, is something wrong?” asked Syne, “You’ve been staring at that shin-guard for about fifty years now.”

“Hm? Oh…n-no think nought of it.” He said, as he began to fasten it to his leg.

Titania turned away, her now perpetually sorrowful eyes staring at nothing. They had lightened as of recent as had so much about her –a phenomenon some might credit to the metals in the northern air (though those who knew her would not).
In the cold, her skin had turned an alabaster white, and her hair was but a faded version of her once rich tresses. She seemed a ghost now, sad and strange in the ominous dark- no longer the bright and innocent child who had come through on the eve of war. For now she was not carried by the rain, but rather, seemed part of it- as if her very self was like the silvery raindrops; falling without resistance to the unforgiving ground, only to be washed away and forgotten.

She barely spoke anymore –or laughed- and what she did say was often short and soft-spoken, broken by unshed tears and smothered sobs. There was no longer any aim- no longer any desire for peace. She did not care anymore what happened to the world or to its people. What she wanted now was revenge- to take the life of the man who had destroyed what was precious, and then to destroy herself. Perhaps it was fate; perhaps this whole adventure was nothing but a cruel trick of the gods- a way to lure the emotions out of foolish mortals and then laugh at them. It did not seem to matter either way- her faith was all but gone.

There was a sudden coldness, and her light hair swayed even though she had not moved. She closed her eyes, the very feeling of the wind making her chest collapse onto itself.

“Glenn.” She called, her eyes still closed and her head turned down “I can feel a breeze coming from this way. I think we’re almost out.”

“I didn’t feel anything.” Syne remarked.

“Are you saying that I’m lying?” asked Titania, her last word barely audible “…that I’m making this up?”

“No. I only meant-”

“Do you not think I’d know when there was a breeze?” she suddenly interrupted, this time loudly, her echoing voice full of rage and spite “Do you not think I know the feeling of wind!?”

Syne cried out, the feeling of the same magic hitting her once more. There was a bright flash, illuminating the cave for an instant and then disappearing.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Syne called, angrily, though she already knew “Don’t make me defend myself!”

“Dammit, don’t pretend to care!” Titania screamed back “Where were you when we were at war!? Where were you a week ago when you could have done some good?”

There was a tension and stillness that came as Titania nearly collapsed into tears both of sorrow and of rage. Grief had brought on a kind of madness, and in her fury a sudden realization hit her.

“…you and Kani were the same once.” She muttered bitterly under her breath.

Syne shook her head slowly, trying to move closer, but she was hit once more with a spell.

The pain ripped through her, and this time she drew her sword.

Last edited by Zerlina; 05-31-2006 at 09:23 PM.
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