Thread: Need your help.
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Old 11-21-2006, 04:07 PM   #30
Moogle Farmer
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 173
Re: Need your help.

hey, just a thought, why dont we get payed even a single gil for monster battles, i mean every ff i have ever played gives u gil, just a thought, because i like the rpg and dont like to type, it gets really hard to heal my hp and mp because i cant raise the money, plus i have a 2000 gil debt to pay off from stuff from this torniment, and on top of that, i cant raise enough money to put into the bank and have any kind of income or it not get eaten.
just puttin that out there, it would make RPG lovers lives a little easier to get like 3 gil per monster level.(u know, to heal and update equipment) o ya and one more little subjestion, make the shop have supply and demand concept so people can buy things at low cost and sell for a profit or loss two weeks later. just putting my two cents in.

p.s. only reason i typed so much was to get that out of my system, plus I NEED THE MONEY!!!!!!!!

thank you EmpressCrystal for the sig!!!

dragon ball Z rp game!!!!
check it out!!!

Last edited by blukazoo159; 11-21-2006 at 04:12 PM.
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