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Old 07-09-2005, 01:24 AM   #39
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Chocobo Jockey
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Canada
Age: 35
Posts: 293
Re: Chapter 3: In The Clouds

Three rounds of fighting had left them exhausted, and even as they stood in peace, it seemed as if the very air were wearing them down in a silent battle.

Healing. The word filled Titania’s ears with good entry, and she was glad to hear it. It had been so long since she had been able to use her magic for that which did not cause harm, and the act was beginning to make her forget.

With a sudden glow to her previously pale skin, she kneeled before and looked onto the injured man with the tenderness of a mother. Placing a hand on his unconscious arm, she examined the burns, knowing that –at least for the moment- his lack of awareness was his greatest benefit.

There was silence save for the wood, when at last there came a gentle glow, first only over the shape of her small hands, but soon covering Magus’ body like white fire.

There was something odd then in both of their presences, as if the flame connected their spirits until it was impossible to tell where one ended and the other began. It became clear then, to the others, that her magic was not merely spells conjured up from a book, but the deepest part of her shared with an injured soul.

The fire spread and then evaporated into smoke; for a moment Malice felt as if he could see images amongst each gray tendril- once again in that ungraspable, dream-like remembrance. He knew that he had seen that flame before, and that it had once been part of him– perhaps still was.


In a place beyond the understanding of mortality, Brian sat upon an opal chair, staring at the faces of his Generals with a look of sudden fulfillment; he had his control back, and now whatever the obstacle, he could rise to power and shape things to fit his dementia.

“Tell me, Bathoris,” Brian began, his words seeming odd when clouded by his youthful voice “You who have prepared for me all of this time- what do you suggest I should do first?

The demon grinned his terrifying smile as he looked at his master, his eyes shadowed by black light “Do you not wish to continue your campaign? Finish what you started?”

There was a silence as he thought over it “That is indeed the final goal, but I am unsure of where to start.” His hesitation, of course, was not over ignorance, but rather over the sensation that a child receives when he is presented with a room full of toys “Shall I first start with them?”

“That would be a wise choice.” Kain advised “Destroy them before they awaken too. As they are now, they have not met the power of their past lives”

Brian laughed “What power? What they accomplished was mere coincidence. It took no skill. First, she betrayed me…left me to be slaughtered by the enemy. But I knew…I knew the whole time that something was wrong, and when they came I was ready for them.” a smile tugged at his young lips “I killed the him. And I enjoyed it, too… his arrogant face crying out from the pain of the sword- my sword! I drove it into him three times for good measure, and watched him squirm as his spirit left.”

“But the woman!”

Brian shot a look at the demon who had dared pull him from the high of victory, down to his bitter defeat “…yes, of course. I have not forgotten. How could I?” He pressed his fingers into the table and pulled them back, as if digging into flesh.

“It does not matter now.” Kain interrupted “You have returned, and she is dead.”

“Indeed.” Brian looked up from his invisible victim “Has her spirit returned to Palis yet?”

“No.” Valmarus answered.

“Good. I should not like a repeat of that day.”

Hector smiled as he turned to his master “Lord Kani, while we are at your service and willing to inform you of the state of our world, I find it is of great importance that I bring to your attention the issue of your body.”

“Ah yes,” Brian nodded, having wondered about it himself “Well, continue…”

“After that day 700 years ago, we saw to it that your body be hidden. Because we all did not trust each other, we entreated one of our kind with the task of placing you somewhere. We put a seal on him so that he would not be able to tell anyone of the location but us. It is a secret he has kept to this day.”

“And who is this demon?” Brian cocked his eyebrow.

“Belial O’Shauva.”


The white fire finally evaporated into the cool night air, and slowly Magus opened his eyes, Doreen having been ready to pull him from his unconsciousness when the time was right. He looked about, and saw his friends standing around with concern in their eyes.

“What-” he began to get up, but fell back down, grabbing his back in pain.

“You can’t stand for a while.” Titania said, blankly, “You’re lucky to be alive and you’ll need to rest for a while.”

He looked at his arms and saw that his burns were gone “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” she said as she withdrew to the fireside; it was clear that she was tired.

“What was that thing?” Syne asked crouching down near him.

“Lavos.” Magus answered “They’ve followed me here from my world.”

“Oh.” Syne acknowledged, unsure of what else to say.

There was pause.

“I don’t think we should stay here any longer.” Malice said “There’s too much that has happened. We should continue on east a little- we can’t sleep anyways.”

“I’d agree except that I can’t walk.” Magus muttered.

“Is there anything that can speed up this process?” Malice asked, turning vaguely to the others.

“I could try.” Titania said, pulling herself up and kneeling beside the fallen ally once mo re.

“Here, don’t watch.” she whispered quietly to Magus, placing a hand over his eyes.

Again the white light returned and spread over his body. This time, however, it was not as peaceful and as concentrated as before- now it seemed almost forced. When at last it was done, she removed her hand and nearly fell backward, as if off-balance. Slowly, Magus rose to his feet and stretched.

Malice looked him over and seemed pleased “Good then, let’s go.’

“Put out the fire first.” Titania said, coughing a little “the smoke’s thick, and we’ll burn down the forest if we leave it.”

“What a shame.” Magus muttered sarcastically as he began to throw dirt on the flames

“Alright, it’s gone. Let’s go.”

Wearily, the others began to follow, Titania being the last to finally remove herself from the site. Pulling her cloak tight around her cold shoulders, she followed them, lagging behind slightly, from fatigue.

“Syne, did Nichi say anything about the significance of the stone we’re looking for?” Malice asked, turning to the girl.
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