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Old 07-04-2005, 02:44 AM   #33
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Chocobo Jockey
Join Date: Mar 2005
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Age: 35
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Re: Chapter 3: In The Clouds


As time rolled on and the fire began to dwindle on its last embers, the effects of the night had worn through their soft demeanour. Conversation had run thin, and now that there was not even warmth, the fight against sleep was becoming unbearable.

“I think that…I think that I’ll try to find more water…” Titania said timidly, and yawned, for though she had slept it was not a peaceful one, and she was as worn as the others.

“Do you want me to come with you?” Syne asked.

“If you’d like.” She yawned once more.

The two set off, wearily, wanting nothing more than to rest their eyes for just a moment, but knowing that there would be days ahead of them before they could. It was an odd sight to see them walking, for they contrasted not only in their height, but in their manner- while Syne moved with a carefree bounce and attractive sway, Titania walked slower, and more conservatively; while Syne’s hair shone golden in the moonlight, Titania’s remained its usual red-brown; while Syne’s voice was sweet and childish, Titania’s was quiet and timid. It was not only a witness who could see this, but the smaller of the girls, too, and in her tired state, she began to view her new friend with a touch of jealousy. She would never say so out loud, of course, or even hint at it. But the thought was now at the back of her mind and for a moment, she wondered why she could not be so lovely.

“Do you carry that everywhere?” Titania asked curiously, looking at the sword, which hung off of the other girls’ back.

“Yep. All the time! Wouldn’t you?”

“Not really. I think it’s taller than I am.” She laughed, though her voice fell dry from fatigue.

Syne joined in the laughter, but hers over-powered the other girl’s and shot loud through the silence of the wood.

“Tell me. What was it like to be the only girl here for so long?”

Titania was silent for a while; she hadn’t even thought of that. For months, the others had been her family and she had regarded them simply as that- not knights or sorcerers, not men or women, but people whom she trusted her life with and who did the same.

“I never really thought about it like that. When I came there was another girl…well sort of. She was half of Nichi.”

“I thought I was half of Nichi.”

“I think you’re one third of Nichi. She was…his eyes?”

“So what am I?”

“I don’t know.”

They continued walking, being civil but finding it hard to make conversation.

“It will be nice to have another girl to talk to, though. I sort of miss that. Though I never really talked to girls when I was home, either.” Titania spoke up after a while, breaking an awkward silence.

“Who did you talk to, then?”

“My father. My mother. The High Priestess.” She laughed, realizing not for the first time that she did not have much of a social life “It does not matter, though. I’ve found my home here. I can’t imagine trading the others for friends and a simple life at home.”

“How long have you been together?”

She thought for a while, and was surprised with the answer “Not more than three months!” she exclaimed, suddenly realizing how short a time they’d spent travelling “But after a few weeks of spending all your time together, it feels like more.”

“I understand.” Syne said, remembering her friends from her own homeland “Are they nice? What are they like?”

“Well, I don’t think you’ll have a problem getting along with Glenn!” Titania laughed, “But hm, let’s see... well I myself avoid Belial and Osirus. They’re in a world of their own. The others seem to be scared of them- I don’t know why- so perhaps it’s good not to bother them. Magus is dependable, but also don’t bother him, because I don’t think he’ll put up with a lot. He doesn’t talk to me too much- I think he’s shy to speak to anyone. (Don’t tell him I said that)! And then there’s Malice. He’s…” she tried to explain but found she could not make any few statements about him. There were simply too many things to name “…you won’t have to worry about him. I’m sure you’ll get along.”

They continued walking, and finally got to the river.

“Is that water safe?” Syne asked.

“For drinking? Yes. For swimming, no.” Titania said “There’s something not right about this forest, and if I were you I wouldn’t trust myself to it.”

Syne nodded “…how old are you?” she asked after a while.

“Seventeen, I think.” Titania answered “You?”

“Eighteen. What do you mean ‘I think’

“I mean I can’t remember.” Titania laughed “I know I’m seventeen but I feel like I’ve been here forever. Not only that, I haven’t really been asked my age since I’ve left home. You’ll find things will change for you soon, too.”

“Things can’t possibly be worse here than where I’m from.”

“What do you mean?” Titania asked, kneeling by the water and washing her face in it.

“Well, I was born into a war of sorts. And that’s all I’ve ever known. Every day I don’t know if it’s the last time I see the sun.”

Titania looked up at her, and saw a touch of un-expected solace in her eyes. Giving up on washing, she sat next to her.

“I’m sorry.” she said, consolingly “I was in a war for two months and I couldn’t even take it. I don’t know how you managed your whole life.”

“It doesn’t feel like that- ‘managing my whole life.’” Syne said, leaning back and putting her weight on her palms “I was living every day as it came, and now that I come here…it’s almost like a dream- like I shouldn’t be here.”

“You call not being able to sleep, and having to deal with mind-devouring monsters a dream?”

Syne smiled “I mean the peace. Look around.”

For the first time since she’d come to Palis, Titania looked around and took in the beauty of the forest. The sky seemed to her a deep and seamless ocean, dotted with clear stars, and revelling in a pool of moonlight. Around them, the grass was soft, and the river was peaceful. Trees lined the banks, dipping their branches into the bubbling water and swaying gently in the breeze.

“You’re right. It is quite beautiful.”

“I never would have dreamed of being in a place like this, not fearing that there were people waiting to slit my throat.”

“I hate to break it to you, then- this isn’t a vacation. Life here’s very hard. And it’s not only surviving, it’s keeping everyone safe…body and mind.”

“How do you keep ones mind safe?”

“Well…we’ve not only seen war. We’ve travelled and we’ve dealt with demons, monsters, danger of all kinds. And not only that, there’s pressure. It’s almost like we’re not only doing this for ourselves, but for other people to. And I don’t know why. It’s just something I’ve come to terms with.”

Syne nodded “How is it that you go about dealing with this?”

“Each other.” Titania shrugged “We cling to each other. The others aren’t as obvious about it, because they’re proud, but it’s true for them too. Glenn and Magus, Belial and Osirus. They need each other or else they will be alone and have to face everything alone. I think it’s really the only thing that’s keeping us going- waking up and not thinking ‘I might die today,’ but waking up and thinking ‘I have someone near me who matters, and I matter to someone near. Even if I never wake up again, at least I’ll have spent another day close to him.’”

Syne smiled and nodded, dipping a canteen into the river “I did not have that where I came from. Perhaps it will change here and I’ll find the same thing.”

“Perhaps.” Titania smiled, gathering water as well “No- not perhaps. You will. Welcome to Palis, Syne.”

Last edited by Zerlina; 07-05-2005 at 10:15 AM.
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