Thread: Chapter 1
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Old 12-23-2009, 01:38 AM   #17
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Re: Chapter 1

The cold air ran in through the cave but it wasn't that, that was keeping Jayden awake. He repositioned him self so he could get to sleep better but sleep wouldn't come. He was to excited. He had finally found his best friend after 2 years. For the first time in a long time, Jayden was happy. He found his best friend and he had made another friend.

Jayden started thinking of Seri. Now that he had found Nari, what was he to do now? He had no clue of where to go or what to do. Then he started thinking of Clief and he might feel like an outsider since he hadn't been spoken to by Seri.

Seri hasn't spoken to Clief. Will he still hang around, now that I've found Nari? He might feel like an outsider and leave. I'd still like him to travel with us, even if he hasn't been chosen.

Jayden decided that he'd ask Clief to travel with them in the morning. On that thought, he started to fall a sleep.

Jayden woke up. He was still tired but decided to take a morning walk. Besides, it might give Clief and Nari time to get to know one another. He looked at the cave entrance to see how light it was outside but found he couldn't even see outside.

Jayden started coughing. It was smoke but what was causing it.

"EVERYONE, GET UP", yelled Jayden.

Jayden had already gathered his equipment and belongings when Nari and Clief stirred.

"Why did you wak...", said Nari in an exhausted voice before being interupted by Clief.

"It's smoke", Clief said in an alarmed voice.

"What", said Nari, wide awake now.

"I'll go check outside" said Jayden. "Gather your equipment. We must leave now".

"Wait", said Nari but he had already left.

Jayden stepped outside to see the forest around him was on fire. The green trees that he saw yesterday were now burnt black. The sky was covered in billowing black smoke.

What happened here?. It was fine a couple of hours ago. Who or....what could've done this?

Originally Posted by rissole25 View Post
My 1000th post was about you Leon

Last edited by rissole25; 12-23-2009 at 01:41 AM.
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