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Old 07-21-2009, 03:24 AM   #9
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T-Rexuar Snack
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 8
Re: The Nation of Shu

Soren could not sleep well that night. Not only was he on a strange world, but there was no possible way home. Lyn had already mentioned that the technology on this planet was still primitive in nature. He wondered to himself what was the point of going with Lyn tomorrow morning. He no longer had a reason to fight. The inhabitants of this planet were not his people and he had no obligation to protect them. Even if the Ayakashi came, he had no reason to fight them unless they came after him.

Soren stared out the window at the night sky. It was cloudy and the moon was obscured. He figured he would go with Lyn to the next town. Once there, he would try to get a job and settle down. There was no need to push himself. Plus, traveling with Lyn might be annoying. Soren was the serious type and Lyn was very cutesy and sweet. Sickeningly so from his perspective. He was thankful she helped him, but her personality was a little more than he wanted to try to get used to.

Soren drifted into a restless sleep. The snores of the Ayakashi pup filling the room and the odd sleep rambling of Lyn buzzing quietly in the background. If Soren had been more open minded, one could call the situation peacefully, even homey.
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