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Old 03-05-2005, 02:05 AM   #13
Mong00se's Avatar
Moogle Farmer
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 111
The crystals curse over the warrior was strong. He stood across from Magus and Malice, staring into their eyes, as if diving deep into their souls.

"Give in to the darkness. Let it become you. The darkness will become you..." it chanted.

Magus looked at Malice, and the two nodded at eachother. They split up and started circling the shadow warrior. Dust flew up from the sand from their movements, making it hard to see. A brisk wind blew across the road.

"Give in to the darkness. Give in to the darkness. GIVE IN TO THE DARKNESS." The warrior still chanted. Suddenly, a surge of shadow erupted from its body, surging outward. "GIVE IN TO THE DARKNESS," it screamed again, and it charged.

Both Magus and Malice had covered their eyes when the blast of shadow came at them, and both were unready for the attack. When the dust cleared, Malice noticed the corrupt warrior charging towards Magus, who still had his hands covering his eyes, his arms across his chest.

"Magus, look out!" Malice shouted, and Magus immediately snapped into action. He barely had time to block the shoulder of the warrior as it rammed into him. Magus parried the blow, but his scythe was flung from his hands. It spun to a stop in the gravel nearby. Magus himself wasn't too shaken. He blocked the blow, and with all his might he pushed back on the defences of the warrior. With brutal strength, the warrior lost balance and fell backwards.

Magus took the opportunity to run for his scythe. He was no good to the fight empty handed, and he knew it. He reached the scythe and bent down. As he clasped his one hand around its handle, a shadow shot up from the ground and enveloped Magus. The shadow quickly turned into a claw that squeezed Magus, and it raised up to the sky.

With his one hand free, Magus slashed wildly at the shadow. With each dent he made in it, it reformed good as new. Magus knew he could not fight shadow with shadow, and slowly sighed. He dropped his scythe, and flexed his palm towards the warrior, who was now up on his feet and controlling the shadow with one hand, sword in the other. A static charge formed around his fingers, and Magus grinned. "Bolt!" he shouted as a lightning bolt hurled down from the sky. With another shadow, this one resembling a shield, the warrior blocked the bolt. The warrior snickered and clenched his fist. The claw tightened around Magus' body, and it felt as if his ribs were about to give way.

A blast of wind cut through the arm of the shadow, severing the link. Before the shadow could reform, the hand opened and dropped Magus. He landed on an air current and floated safely to the ground at the foot of his scythe. The warrior looked peeved, and look towards Malice, who was giving Magus the thumbs up. He motioned his arm toward Malice, and the shadow quickly followed. Malice noticed the attack just in time, and windwalking, he shot straight up on a current. Rematerializing in the air, he looked down at the warrior. His legs spread to shoulder length, and his arms were raised straight, out in front of him. The warrior called a bluff, and laughed, once more repeating his chant, but he was wrong. A strong current of air, like a tornado, lifted the warrior out of the air. Malice took the opporuntiy, and flew towards the warrior, still visible. He caught him as he was still flying upwards, and with a swift kick, knocked him down again. Like a bullet, the warrior fell towards the earth.

Midway through its fall, the warrior came to and summoned a shadow. He fell towards the shadow cushion, still blindly chanting the insidious phrase. Magus looked up the 50 ft into the sky at the jet black cushion, and acting on instinct, he threw his scythe. With enormous power, the scythe made contact with the shadow, slicing it in half. Before it had time to reform, the warrior fell through it, and hit the ground with a large thud. The were a few cracks as ribs hit ground, but then only silence. It uttered the phrase one more time, and then it finally followed its own words, and succumbed to the darkness of the underworld. The crystal on its head went black.
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