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Old 06-03-2006, 04:57 AM   #52
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Vivi's Minder
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Miami
Age: 38
Posts: 21
Re: Chapter 4: Domination

The roar of the great one came steadily closer. Harima was ready. He lay in wait in the shadows. No one had dared to attack the great ones, no one. But he had no choice, they took his sister and since that day he had been a hollow shell of a man. It is unknown what they do with there victims, there was a chance that she was still alive, a chance for redemption for his miserable excuse for an existence. He whispers to himself, “I am sorry Kakano. I’ll be with you soon, one way or another.”
The steps of the great one come ever closer. Harima broke into a cold sweat, remembering a lesson of Soldat the Elder, only 35, but none have lived longer then he. He told Harima and Kakano that if they should ever hear the bellow of the beast, run, run for they would not last in its presence. Now here Harima was, ready to face what they had feared for over 700 years, disregarding the only advice Soldat had given him.
Harima could now hear the raspy trembling growl of the great one from around the corner of the canyon wall. He began to breathe heavily, flexing his wrists and tightening his grip on the leather wrap of his reverse crescent daggers. Suddenly, there was silence. (where is it) Something wet dripped onto Harima’s shoulder from above. Immediately, Harima sprung into action and darted to the left and kicked off the canyon wall launching himself into the air, his blades thrusted out in front of him. However, before Harima could see his foe, the beast spewed a purple liquid in his eyes blinded him. He immediately changed directions, dropped to the ground, and flash stepped a quarter mile away.
He tried fervently to wipe the sludge from his eyes, but to no avail. Then he felt the ground tremble. The beast was behind him. The speed of the great ones is legendary. Even Harima, God of The Flash, could barely out run such a beast. The beast lunged at Harima and tried to plunge its claws into Harima’s chest. However, Harima dodged the blow just in time using his shadow sense, an extrasensory technique that creates an image in the users mind based on darkness and movement of darkness around the user.
Harima launched himself in the air spinning 360, his blades giving off a black electrical aura. At the top of the spin, his body flew forward, streamline, in a flash. The blade slashed the beast across the face causing it bleed profusely. The beast had enough of toying with its prey. It began moving at speed that even Harima could not imagine. His shadow sense could pick up the great one’s movement, but if the beast attacked there would be no way to dodge the blow. The great one started running in a circle around Harima and while doing so, slashed Harima repeatedly with its razor like claws. Harima could not fend off single blow and felt himself being ripped to shreds. He could feel the tendons in arms and legs being shorn asunder. This was the legendary Hurricane Claw technique he heard about so much about in his youth. However, the only people who had seen it had done so through shadow sense, since no one had truly seen the great ones and lived to tell the tale. (My Slash of Ephemeral Darkness is nothing compared to its technique) The beast stopped its onslaught and Harima fell to floor unable to move. The great one took a moment to look over its handy work before continuing its assault. It reveled at the masterpiece of wounds before it, and then drew back its massive arm and stabbed its claws clean through Harima’s chest, puncturing the pleural membrane and causing his left lung to deflate. Harima spurted blood and began to gag. His life force began to leave him. He shed a single tear for his sister and began to pass out. The great one cackled at its pitiful prey.
Suddenly, as fate would have it, a violent storm kicked up on the battlefield. A whirlwind lifted the great one and hurled it against the canyon wall, knocking it unconscious. The storm pulled Harima’s limp body into the air and flung him into an inter-dimensional vortex. The vortex began puling at Harima’s body causing him excruciating pain. It forcefully closed his wounds and sealed them. It forced are into lungs slightly over inflating it to the point that he thought they would pop. As quickly as he was cast into the vortex, he was flung out.
The occupants of the ravine felt the violent winds of a storm swirl around them none of them moved or even acknowledged the storms presence being both emotional and physically exhausted. Harima found himself flying through the air from a moderate height. Harima was flung straight into Glenn’s chest knocking Glenn flat on his back. Harima quickly interpreted the situation; there were four people and massive amounts of damage around the ravine. The area seemed unsafe and he knew he should get out of there fast before they got a good look at him or before they could draw their weapons. He scrambled to his feet, but began to stumble and trip on the rocks. He felt light headed. (The gravity here is less then my world. Where the hell am I?) He tried feverishly to get away before anyone looked at him. Anxiety began to set in. He new he would be spotted. Then, unexpectedly the ground beneath him lifted him to his feet and allowed him to regain his balance. He immediately flash stepped to higher ground and used his shadow meld technique to hide himself and become one with the shadows. Titania and Kirby saw nothing only a raised clump of earth and Glenn laid out flat on his back. Glenn, despite the fact he had been struck, only saw a black blur before he was laid out flat. After seeing the clump of earth he wondered if there was a new enemy nearby, he wondered if they were under attack. Syne, however, had seen something, though not in clear detail. She saw a humanoid figure warp away at high speed. She recognized the technique immediately, it was the flash step, though it was at a level at which could not have imagined. Even she could not visualize the figures movement. It was at level far beyond what she would ever be able to obtain.
The entire amount of time it took for Harima to get to his feet and get away was under 5 seconds. He stayed melded in the shadows watching the group. They would never be able to find him or see him unless he wished to be seen or found. He decided he would follow this group from the shadows until he found out what this place was and the manner of people they were. As he sat and watched, Harima wondered: what was the strange power that helped him to his feet, and what was this strange new world?
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