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Old 05-02-2005, 08:09 PM   #34
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: The space between dimensions... kinda like where Gilgamesh ends up in FF5.
Age: 34
Posts: 436
Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, Gracia Walls

Magus stood atop the walls. He held up the little glass ball and swore loudly.

Glenn eyed him. "'Tis something wrong? You hath not been so downhearted since..."

Magus tossed the glass ball in the air. Quickly drawing his scythe, he prepared to cleave it in two, only to have Glenn's hand grip the blade.

The ball fell quietly into Glenn's other hand. "Whom didst thou search for with this artifact?"

Magus grunted. "Schala. She's not showing up. She's not even there anymore."

Glenn raised an eyebrow. "What wouldst thou mean?"

"Lavos Spawn."

Glenn gasped audibly. "Art thee certain?"

"Yes. This giant shapeshifting Lavos Spawn told me that she was dead while I was fighting it. It hurt me pretty badly, too. I killed a lot of people fighting that thing, ally and enemy."

Glenn nodded sadly. "Thou art certain that there is none other that thou wishes to scry?"

Magus took the little ball back. "Hm... maybe..."

He set the ball on the ground and sat cross-legged in front of it. He looked deep inside. "Malice," he whispered.

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, Through The Crystal

Malice sliced through a few demons. He summoned wind around his two blades, allowing for extra damage.

("What is that?" asked Glenn.

Magus laughed. "He's casting magic on his weapons to try and deal extra damage. You should try it one day when you're fighting.")

Malice called across the battlefield, "Titania, you handling them okay?"

A few more demons turned to ash as Titania slapped them with her fans. "I'm fine, we have to get out of here soon, though, before they summon more."

("And that is?" asked Glenn.

"Titania. She's an off-worlder like us." Magus whispered.

"Like us? She, too, is an Earthim?"

"Well, she's not from Earth, I don't think, but as to exactly where...")

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, Gracia Walls

The image faded. Glenn stood up and brushed off the Masamune. He held the greatsword into the sky, then looked at Magus. "Now, Sir Magus? Where to?"

Magus kept gazing at the ball. "I wonder... maybe... Kain!"

The ball refused to activate.

Magus stood up. "Dammit. I don't even get to see the face of the demon that killed her." He looked out over the walls and saw the other guys preparing to leave. He leaped over the wall, Glenn behind him.

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, Outside Gracia Gates

They landed softly behind Nichi and the demons. "Going somewhere?"

Nichi turned. "Oh, Magus. We're off to find some stone that can seal up the portals. Are you coming?"

Magus shook his head. "No thanks. Me and Glenn here can take care of Gracia while you guys are gone." He paused, thinking. "Did Aikia say okay to it?"

Nich groaned. "Aikia. Crap. I knew I forgot to get approval."

Glenn chuckled. "Thou may not receive thy wish, the war doth continue."

Nichi nodded. "Yeah. Crud. Look, we'll talk to Aikia. It may take a while, but we should be able to go if we convince her that you guys are good enough to hold down the fort."

Magus nodded. "Alright then."

Then Glenn heard two little voices whispering in his head.

Oooh! Glenn's in charge of another army now! giggled one.

Funfunfunfunfun! We get to fight a lot more now, brother! said the other one too happily.

Quiet! Glenn's voice cut through their little conversation. Masa! Mune! Get out of my head and back in your sword! Now!

Fine. You don't have to be so mean about it, Glenn, said Masa. The two voices faded from Glenn's head.

Belial cast an eye over Nichi. The demon grinned. "You're whipped."

"There's a difference between being whipped because she's a woman and being whipped because she's a demon that possessed my body at one time," Nichi shot back. "You've got no idea how strong she is."

Belial nodded. "You're right, actually. Better to delay our trip than have her mad at us for leaving. She'll make us all into little scorch marks."

Osirus snorted, "Nobody can be that powerful."

Magus just looked at him. "You'd be surprised."
I've been FFnut since before I'd even heard of FFnet, so don't accuse me of stealing anything.

"Only an egotistical bastard would sig himself." ~ FFnut

That is not dead which can eternal lie
And with strange aeons even death may die.

Commander Of The Platinum Dragons

Official Ex-Member

Last edited by FFnut; 05-03-2005 at 05:47 PM. Reason: Fixing up the stuff that is needed to be fixed...
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