Thread: Chapter 2
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Old 03-02-2010, 10:29 AM   #8
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Re: Chapter 2

Clief and Hael made it through the forest and to their little village.

This....this is the last of my people...all in this tiny village

"So you came after all Clief?" yelled out a voice.

Clief looked over to see who it was. This boy looked exactly like Clief, but with red eyes and black pupils.

"You sure you want to do this Loabin?" asked Clief.

"It's the only way im going to get better," he replied.

Clief nodded and stepped forward, withdrawing his sword. It was his Crystal sword, only it was smaller, the size of a sword for his sized body. Loabin then withdrew his sword. It was glowing red, and looked as though it was made of Ruby.

"Get ready Clief, here i come!"

Loabin dashed forward with a strike from the side. Clief blocked it and countered with an attack from above. Loabin moved to the side and thrust his sword forward. Clief then jumped backwards, barely getting out of the way in time.

"You've gotten faster brother, impressive"

"I can get faster," Loabin smirked.

With that he disapeared from Clief's sight, only to reappear next to him, swing his sword from above. Clief jus blocked the attack but Loabin dissapeared again.

"I should've been the prodigy, not you!"

He reappeared again infront of Clief, swinging his sword from the side, faster this time. Clief ducked under the blade and swung his sword up towards Loabin, but he dissapeared again.

"You cant even keep up!"

He appeared behind Clief and kicked him in the back then disappeared again.

"How can we be twins when your the prodigy!?"

He appeared infront of Clief again, standing there.

"You cant even keep up with me. Your finished!"

Loabin lifted his sword up and attacked Clief again. Clief blocked it, but the blade kept coming at him.

I remember this! He....he cut me

Loabin slashed Clief down the chest, making Clief fly back a few meters landing on his back. He tried to get back up, but collasped and passed out.


After a few hours had past Clief began to stir. He opened his eyes to see Hael above him.

Her eyes, they're amazing!

"Where am i?" Clief asked gasping for breath.

He lifted his hand and placed it in his chest and twitched as he touched his large wound.

"It's been connected"

"This makes him very dangerous"

"We cant keep him around"

Clief could hear voices, but didnt know who was talking as he was about to pass out again.

"We ca.............use tha..............ULTIMA"
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