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Old 10-08-2005, 01:03 AM   #2
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Moogle Farmer
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 111
Re: Chapter 4: Domination

The demons were mere childsplay. Each member of the party had felled tens of thousands of the same demonic species before, and now was no exception. The side gates of the town were opened, and the party quickly slipped out the side, alongside 2 full regiments of mythril-clad soliders. There was no time to check weapons; thus was the way of chaos.

Though Magus was the first to reach the ever reaching lines of the demon horde, it was Titania who lay the first to waste, holding her staff high and eminating a large ray of light that seared through the lines of the demons, leaving only an ashen trail. The party hit with full force. Magus barrelled through the lines, slashing violently with his scythe. His armor was pierced by demons claws, but he did not relent. The battle once again raged on.

Upon reaching the lines, Malice quickly unsheathed both daggers and hurled them forward. They embedded themselves elegantly in the demon's chest and were quickly returned by a small gust of wind that rustled the settling ash. As soon as the daggers met his hands, they were active, slashing side to side at the grotesque creatures that blocked his path. He too was suddenly engulfed in the enemy lines, and he fought wave after wave of the demonic pawns as they threw themselves relentlessly at him, rushing to death at the hands of an ungrateful master.

Glenn and Syne broke the lines last, as if figureheading the soldiers. Together with the retainers, they slashed at the front of the demon lines, their sword always one step ahead of the enemies weapons. Glenn looked sideways at Syne, and nodded, and the two came together, entwined in the graceful dance of battle. Glenn grabbed his female counterparts arm and spun around, launching her blade-first into an oncoming line of demons. The demons toppled, and Glenn rushed forward to aide his comrade in arms.

Malice spun left, barely dodging an oncoming spear. He grabbed the spear and yanked it forward, causing the demon to lose his balance and fall forward. It was reduced to ash as it fell upon the serpentine stylings of his dagger. The demons squeezed Malice tightly for space, and Malice said a quick prayer to the wind goddess. He dematerialized and shot up into the air, halting the attack of the demons as they were tossed aside effortlessly by the gale. Malice looked down at the battle. Glenn and Syne still fought back to back, slicing down demon after demon. Magus stood atop an ashen hill, and a bright blast released from his body indicated that he needed no assistance. Belial and Osiris also fought together, leaving huge spaces when enemies had stood only seconds before. No ash lay at their feet; their victims plainly ceased to exist.

It was then that Malice noticed a light blast coming from the treeline. Titania was slowly being forced backwards by an oncoming barrage of demons. Soon, she would be among the trees, where the demons could move freely and attack with greater force and stealth. Malice quickly pushed off his current and glided towards Titania. With another quick prayer, he uncloaked. Air gathered around his fists as he flew towards Titania. He landed smoothly, and quickly turned, the gathered air still cascading delicately around his lower arm. Malice opened his palms, focusing the wind into the center of his hand. He placed his hands together in the centre of his body, and slowly brought them apart, sending a ripple through the battlefield, and seperating the lines directly in front of them.

Malice turned around to Titania, who smiled at him gratefully.

"Nice of you to show up," she said, wiping the sweat from her brow.

"I'm never late," said Malice, winking.
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