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Old 11-16-2005, 06:01 PM   #18
Master Thief
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Re: silly pluto knights

Arkacia i agree whit you so i taypd this on google:
Greek mythology Tantalus and i found
In Greek mythology Tantalus was son of Zeus and the nymph Pluto=Pluto knights (not to be confused with the god of underworld).Thus he was a king in the primordial world. He was associated with Phrygia or Mauntia Sipyus in Lydia both in Asia Minor. He became one of the inhabitants of Tartarus the deepest portion of the underworld, reservd for the punishment of evildoers. His children was Pelops, Niobe, Broteas, all three fathered on his wife Dione. Tantalus is know for having welcomed to Zeus table in Olympus. There he stole nectar and ambrosia, brought them back to his people, and revealed the secret of the gods. He also offerd up his son, Pelops as a sacrifice=(zidan limit) to the gods, an archetypal story of shamanic initation in which he cut Pelops up, Boiled him, and served him up as food foe the gods.
The gods were said to be aware of his plan for their feast, so they didnt touch the offering; only Demetar disturbed by the rape of her daughter Persephone did not realize what it was and ate of the boys shoulder. Fate,ordered by Zeus=(Mace of Zeus), brought the boy to life=(LIfe tree)again ( she collected the parts of the boy and boiled them in a secred couldron) rebuilding his shoulder whit one wrought of dolfin ivory, made Hephaestos and presented by Demeter.
Pelops, thus recinstituted, was brought back to life having gained new qualities. To reinforce the initiatory theme, the revived Pelops is kidnapped by POseidon and taken to Olympus to be gods lover.
The Greeks of the classical times claimed to be horrified by Tantalus doings and accused Tantalus of trying to trick the Olympian gods back into older indentities by offering them a sacrifice-banquet of human flesh.
The karnel of myth embodied in this tale reinforces Olympian gods supperssionof human sacrifice which had apparently been offeredin earlier times,especially to Demeter in her earlier embodiment as the Great Goddes, but which was now taboo. Alternatively , Tantalus is cast as a Promethea (i was confused whit that) figure who divulges divine secrets to mortals and presides over sacred initiations cinsisting of mystic death and transfiguration.
Tantalus punishment, now proverbial for temptation without satisfaction, was to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches. Whenever he reached for the fruit, the branches raised his intended meal from his grasp. Whenever he bent down to get a drink, the water receded before he coud get any.
In separate story, he was also blamed for having stolen the dog of Hephaestus (god of metals)(alternatvely, he cinvinced his friend ,Pandora=(FF 7 Pandora Box) to do so)
Tantalus is the origin of the English word "tantalize"(I agree whit you)The idea being that when a person tantalizes someone eles, that person is making them like Tantalus: there is something desirable that is always just out of that persons reach (that sounds familiar to me).
A Tantalus , by an obvious analogy, is also tje term for a type of drinks decanter stand in which the bottle stoppers are firmly clamped down by a locked metal bar, as a means of preventing servants from stealing the masters liquor.(I am not alkoholic)
The cemical element tantalum (symbol Ta ,atomic number 73) is named for him.

Tantalus is also later put in use in the hit role-playing game series or ( R P G ), Final Fantasy IX,in which a group of thieves called themselves Tantalus. In the opening Sequence in the game, they are responsible for putting on a ploy in order to capture the Princes of Alexandria.

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