Thread: Cutting
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Old 04-03-2007, 04:08 PM   #18
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Re: Cutting

A lot of my friends do or have done it. No, I'm not a little high school punk and neither are they. The biggest standout example of them is 33 actually. So it's not some fad type of thing here that people should be calling retarded. Not that it isn't mentally brought on in some cases, but It's part of something called borderline personality disorder. And it can be a real struggle not to self-multilate. I used to do it myself. But I was luckier than most others because even though I sometimes wish for that option, it's a very rare occasion at this point. My friends, which I've met through group therapy, some of them really have to fight. Through other groups and one on one counseling they've found techquniques and other things that help them through really bad times. Medication can also help. It's at least made me less vulnerable to severe depressions.

Hang in there, Faust. I think a lot of us are there for you.
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