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Old 05-07-2006, 08:32 PM   #11
Master Thief
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Re: The many "What if..."'s

not nesesery they will not have concract t stole dagger from the castle and she will stay in there so dagger will jojin our party later maybe when brahne is dead by bahamut and kuja
albert will stay in aleksandria allso and become our enemy, freya will join our party after barcemia thing, eiko will be in our party coz we will be soner or later on that continent and she dont have much to do with that mogle guys and she love zidane our party will act on undergraund base and have cold war with aleksandria by headquaters in lindblum chif will be cid will meet dagger in the moment aleksandria attack lindblum by caunter atack order by cid cot he is her uncle and he will pool her out from heands of her crazy mother,but what with albert albert will be our enemy or he will go after dagger depends of his filings i think he will go after dagger and we will have him in aur party but brane is dead and who will put baunty on party head mybe kuja guy after brahne is deah he will take control over aleksandria and col armant t hunt as and we have him on that way so this is my opinion SL.
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