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Old 07-28-2005, 06:15 AM   #1
T-Rexuar Snack
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Final Fantasy Forever (new fan fic)

Hello FS! I'm new to the scene here and I wanted to post something that I've been working on and have been thinking hard about. This story that I've written is something of an amalgam of Final Fantasy VII-IX and other stories that I've chosen that I would think would have an impact. I'm not going to add a disclaimer because it's obvious that the characters are not mine. None of them. The only thing original about the story is the story itself. So, without further adue, I bring to you the first chapter of Final Fantasy Forever.

Final Fantasy Forever
Chapter One

"Rescue From Iifa: 4 Years Ago"

He thought he was dead. Shielding Kuja's lifeless body from the deadly roots of the Iifa Tree was the last thing he remembered doing before seeing a black and white flash in his head. Unknown to Zidane, however, impact from the Iifa Tree was not the cause of his blacking out. It was the travel to his current location that provoked the collapse.
Zidane awoke to find himself in a luxurious, yet alien room. On top of being confused about his whereabouts, Zidane also had a serious migraine. The pain of the migraine only intensified with his attempts to figure out where he was.
"(Well, at least I'm not dead)", he thought to himself.
He slowly sat up and turned to the edge of the bed, holding his forehead with his right hand. He then noticed light coming into the room. It was sunlight coming in through sliding door. He walked up to the door and thought to himself, "(What the hell is this?)"
Although the door was alien to him, Zidane wasn't that foreign not to know how to open it. He opened the door and walked out onto the balcony. Surprisingly, he saw a beautiful landscape with children playing together. Everything seemed normal except for one thing: the children had white hair and blue skin.
Through his travels, Zidane had covered every inch of Gaia, half of Terra, and even into the beyond of Memoria. Not once had he seen white-haired, blue-skinned children. He had deduced two things. One, he wasn't on ANY of his homeworlds. And ,two, he really, REALLY didn't know where he was. Confused, and slightly agitated, he re-entered the room.
"DAMMIT! Now I'm mad," he said aloud to himself. "Where there's BLUE children, there has to be BLUE adults. I'm gettin' some damn answers and I'm gettin'em now!" he vented as he stormed out of the room through the actual exit, and slammed the door behind him.
"Zidane...", an unknown voice whispered.
Zidane looked in both directions of the mechanical hallway and saw nothing but a wall at one end, and a corner at the other. He followed the path leading to the corner. "(No one toys with Zidane Tribal)", he thought as he ran to the corner.
He turned the corner and saw three directions ahead of him. Out of instinct, Zidane chose the middle path. Before he could advance, he heard the mysterious whisper again. This time, more than one. More like three or four. This startled Zidane and caused him to take a step back.
"Ok, I won't take that way," he said slightly stirred.
Once again, he heard the voices, but they came from behind him. He turned sharply and reached for his dagger. It wasn't there.
"Great!" he exclaimed sarcastically. "I'm being followed at a place I've never been and I'm unarmed. Just wonderful."
The voices called him again. "(Screw curiousity!)," he thought. He ran into the left path.
The voices kept calling him. Almost following behind him. They also came from the paths he would initially try to take. It was seemingly as if his actions were being manipulated to go in certain directions. That wasn't on Zidane's mind, though. He was just trying to escape whoever or whatever he thought was following him.
"Zidane, over here...," said a single, whispery voice. This time it wasn't assertive and threatening as the others. It was more inviting and calm. The voice called to Zidane, again. It caused him to turn his attention to a set of double doors that were to the left of him. He also noticed the other voices had stopped calling to him. Relieved, Zidane headed for the door.
Zidane approached the door with caution. He didn't know what to expect. Especially after being chased by voices. He noticed that through the cracks of the doors came a warm, green glow. Putting his ear against the doors, he listened for anything suspiscious. He heard a generator, a small one. It sounded like a pulsing hum.
"There's no way in hell a small generator can make this much light. I don't know what's behind these doors, but whatever it is I know I can handle it. It might even get me back home. Back to Dagger..."
His voice trailed thinking of her. Dagger. Garnet. It didn't matter what he called her, she was still the same person. She was the girl he left behind. He broke so many hearts, but she was different. Everything about her was different. Her hair. Her smile. Her eyes. Her song. Zidane wanted to return to it all.
"I promised that I'd come back," he said as he looked down clenching his fist. "I intend to keep that promise." He knew what he had to do.
Zidane nudged what fingers he could through the crack that seperated the automatic doors. He was unfamiliar with doors like this, so pushing them apart was his best option. And pushed he did. With all of his might, Zidane put everything he had into opening those doors. They were heavy, but he was no quitter.
"I've...gotta get...nngh, these! DYAAA!!!"
With that outcry of power and emotion, Zidane was successful in opening the doors. He was nearly blinded by the green light the greeted him. It shined throughout every hallway he was chased through, piercing every darkened area.
Almost completely falling backwards, Zidane covered his eyes so the bright, green light wouldn't overwhelm him. His eyes focused as the light died down. He was able to make out the source of the light. What he saw was awe-inspiring.
Zidane gazed in wonder upon a large, green structure. The structure was a large power battery in the shape of a lantern. It was definitely alien. He hadn't seen anything so marvelous in Gaia. Not even in Lindblum, the most technologically advanced kingdom on Gaia. All Zidane could do was marvel.
"A green lantern?" he asked himself. "What is this thing?"
"It is the Central Power Battery of this planet," a voice suddenly answered.
"Wha...? Who's there? Show yourself!" Zidane asked defensively as he looked in every direction, trying to determine where the voice was coming from.
That's when footsteps began to echo in the room. Zidane got into his fighting stance. Even though footsteps were echoing in the room, they were getting louder, which means they were getting closer. The light was getting brighter as the footsteps grew closer. A figure came into his line of vision. Zidane couldn't make out who it was. All he saw was green light and a black figure. The figure spoke in a commanding voice.
"Zidane? Zidane Tribal?! There is no need to fear me," the figure said to him.
"You know my name," Zidane began. "Who are you? Where am I? What's going on here?" he asked, trying to block the light from his eyes.
That's when the green light died down to a comfortable glow. The man came into full view, face and all. He was wearing a red robe with a green symbol in a white circle directly in the middle. This man also had white hair and blue skin, just like the children Zidane saw on the landscape. However, this man was older. Much older. Whoever this guy was, Zidane thought, he must be important.
"I am Ganthet and I have brought you to Oa, home to the Guardians of the Universe. This, Zidane Tribal, is the beginning of your destiny."
And with that said, the doors to the room slowly closed behind Zidane, cutting off the green light that had filled the building.

And there you have it folks. The first chapter of "Final Fantasy Forever"! Feel free to review it and give me whatever criticism you feel is needed. It's my first story so I need and want the feedback.
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Old 07-28-2005, 08:29 AM   #2
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Re: Final Fantasy Forever (new fan fic)


I'm too tired to read it right now (work in a few minutes) but I'll get around to it ASAP.
I've been FFnut since before I'd even heard of FFnet, so don't accuse me of stealing anything.

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Old 08-02-2005, 06:16 AM   #3
T-Rexuar Snack
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Re: Final Fantasy Forever (new fan fic)

I'm back FFNET and it's time for chapter two! To recap, Zidane woke up to find himself in a room in an unknown building of an unknown planet. He also saw that the inhabitants of the planet had blue skin and blue hair. To satisfy his curiosity, he ended up in the core of the building where he found a green power battery. He then was greeted by Ganthet, a mysterious, blue skinned, blue haired, older man. The man revealed to Zidane that he brought him to Oa, home to the Guardians of the Universe. Ganthet has information for Zidane that will be uncovered in this chapter. I now bring you chapter two of Final Fantasy Forever.

Final Fantasy Forever
Chapter Two

"Ganthet and the Unknown Origin"

The soft hum of the power battery was the only thing heard in the room. The green glow the battery emitted was bright, yet comfortable on the eyes of Zidane. His face had a look of utter confusion. Ganthet, standing at about the height of a 7-year-old child, glared into Zidane's eyes with his furrowed brow. With his hands folded behind his back, Ganthet stood adamantly, feet together, as if protecting something. Zidane felt the awkward silence between him and Ganthet, and broke it.

"My destiny?" Zidane asked. Still, confused.

"Yes, Zidane Tribal, your destiny," Ganthet replied. He spoke properly, but emotionless.

"Well, do you think I could get some answers before you 'reveal my destiny'?" Zidane asked sarcastically, using his two fingers symbolize quotations.

"Of course, Zidane Tribal. Any question you possess, I'm certain to have the answer," Ganthet replied in his commanding tone. His face still rigid.

"Okay. First off, where am I?" Zidane asked, still unsure of his whereabouts.

"You are on Oa," Ganthet said proudly, forming a smile. "This planet is home to the Guardians of the Universe, immortal beings sworn to maintain balance and order."

Zidane folded his arms and shifted his weight to his right side. "Guardians of the Universe, eh? There's more of you?" he asked suspiciously, raising his eyebrow.

"Yes . . . well, there used to be. My Oan brethren lost their lives in a tragic accident years ago," Ganthet replied. He reminisced with a heavy heart, looking away from Zidane.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Zidane said, attempting to console Ganthet.

"Thank you for your empathy, Zidane Tribal, but it's unnecessary," Ganthet said to him waving his right hand. "I'm currently training a new generation of Guardians. I'm sure you saw them."

"I saw them. They were the children playing outside, right?" Zidane asked.

"Yes, indeed. Soon, they will take lead of Oa," Ganthet replied, reverting back to his proper demeanor.

"That's good to hear. Now for my next question: What happened to Kuja? You know, the other guy with the tail," Zidane asked, picking up his tail and pointing to it.

"He is where I found you," Ganthet said, lowering his voice. "Kuja was dead by the time I found you."

"Oh . . . poor guy," said Zidane. He clenched his fist and closed his eyes in guilt, feeling responsible for not being able to save Kuja. "What about my friends? Are they safe?"

"Your friends made it to their destinations safely," Ganthet said, relieving Zidane.

"Thank goodness," he said gratefully. Zidane looked to the ground in sadness as thoughts of Garnet ran through his mind. "What about Garnet?" he asked somberly. "I promised I'd come back. There's no telling what she's thinking."

"Garnet is fine, for the most part. However, she misses you to no end. She's waiting for you," Ganthet replied in his unnerving tone.

"Oh," Zidane simply said. His feeling of sadness slowly turned to anger toward Ganthet for bringing him to Oa. Zidane was determined to keep his promise to Garnet. He looked up at Ganthet with a face expressing agitation. "I wanna know how and why you brought me here, Ganthet. My girl is waiting for me and I need to get back to her," Zidane said dropping his hands as if poised to attack.

Ganthet stood firm, unaffected by Zidane's expression. He turned to his right to face the staircase and cut his eyes to Zidane. He then commanded in his cold tone, "In time, young warrior. Follow me." Ganthet began toward the staircase. Zidane, wagging his tail in anger, reluctantly followed.

Zidane followed Ganthet, keeping his hands in his pockets. He watched the Central Power Battery as he walked. He stared into the green lit core shuffling his thoughts. Furrowing his brow and biting his lip, Zidane was still in disbelief at what was happening. He hadn't been to another planet and, so far, it hadn't been too bad an experience.

Zidane turned to face the back of Ganthet and took a quick second look at his feet. He noticed that the little, blue man wasn't walking up the stairs. Instead, he was floating. Effortlessly. Zidane raised his eyebrow and released his lip from his teeth's grip to speak. "Uh, you can fly?" he asked, curiously.

"Why, yes. It is only a fraction of my power," Ganthet replied, boastfully.

Zidane sensed Ganthet's sarcasm and responded in turn. "Well, I've gotta trick for you," said Zidane, stopping and pulling his hands out of his pockets.

Ganthet sighed as he shook his head. "And what 'trick' would this be?" he asked annoyed.

"Okay," Zidane said in a challenging tone. He shifted his weight to his right leg and slightly leaned forward. With a piercing look, Zidane commanded, "How about you magically use your mouth to answer my damn question!"

Ganthet now was irritated. He had become intolerant with Zidane's lack of patience. Ganthet turned sharply to face Zidane with a look of vexation. "Zidane Tribal, I have brought you here for a crucial reason! Your co-operation is of precedence and is vital!" he said in a disciplinary tone.

"Then, why don't you just tell me what's going on?!" Zidane asked, restlessly.

The two of them locked eyes, both stern looks piercing each other. Zidane was fed up with Ganthet avoiding his question. Ganthet sensed Zidane's irritation and gave in. "I brought you through the Nexus, Zidane Tribal. I recovered you just before you were crushed by the Iifa Tree. You would've been killed, ," Ganthet reluctantly replied.

Zidane widened his eyes, then looked away from Ganthet. He looked to the ground in guilt for his attitude. Zidane's guilt didn't last long, however. "Thank you, but I'm no idiot. You didn't bring me here by chance. You brought me here to do something for you!" Zidane snapped, intolerant of the mystery behind Ganthet’s intentions.

Ganthet just glared at Zidane with his commanding stare. Zidane, in turn, had a look of rage on his face. Both knew that whatever partnership that had to be made, it wasn't going to be easy. Ganthet, still floating, turned back around to face the stairs. Simply, he said, "Let us continue. All will soon be revealed, Zidane Tribal." Ganthet proceeded up the stairs. Zidane, as mad as he was, still followed.

They came to a second, shorter flight of stairs that led to a platform. Surprisingly, to Zidane, the light from the power battery had reached their position. The green glow illuminated the entire area, making everything appear to have a green hue. Zidane stopped a few paces from the staircase. Ganthet, now walking, continued to a large screen and a large control board, ahead of Zidane. With the press of a button, an image appeared on the screen. It was the symbol that was also on Ganthet's robe.

Ganthet faced Zidane with his hands behind his back and his emotionless look. Zidane, with his arms crossed and eyebrow raised, stood feet apart, shoulder width. He watched Ganthet, trying to anticipate his actions. Ganthet once again broke their intense silence. "Zidane Tribal, what do you know of your origins?" he asked.

Zidane sighed as he dropped his hands and rolled his eyes. "What does that have to do with anything?" he asked with a slight, sarcastic smile on his face.

"Everything," Ganthet replied as if it were the obvious answer. "What do you know of it?"

Zidane sighed again, lifting his arms to cross them. "Let me think," he said closing his eyes. He recalled all that was revealed to him in Oeilvert and Terra. "I was created by a mad man that sought power through destruction. That man's name was Garland. Garland also created Kuja. Kuja's purpose was to take over Gaia. Kuja wasn't willing to be anyone's henchman, though, so he rebelled. I was then created. My purpose was to stop Kuja," he said clenching his teeth.

Ganthet watched as Zidane struggled with telling the story. Ganthet was sympathetic to the thief, being that he had seen the same look in one of his champions in the past. Ganthet hoped that the information he had would give Zidane a sense of purpose. More purpose than he already knew.

"Well, I see you do not know as much as I expected, Zidane Tribal. There are many facts that have been hidden," he said with somewhat of a cocky smirk.

Zidane opened his eyes and raised both of his eyebrows in interest. "What . . . What are you saying? The facts are that I was born in Terra and raised in Gaia," he said defensively.

"True, Zidane Tribal," Ganthet started. "..., but your DNA does not originate from either Terra or Gaia. It also does not originate from your Universe."

Zidane dropped his jaw and uncrossed his arms. His look of disbelief had graduated to a look of horror. "What are you saying?!" he asked, frightened of what he might get as an answer.

Ganthet breathed heavily in his guilt. He knew that the truth would be too much for Zidane to handle all at once. But it was too late for regrets. Ganthet had sacrificed his better judgement to Zidane's will for knowledge, and he couldn't turn back. "I am saying, Zidane Tribal, that you are from a whole different Universe, altogether."
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