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Old 05-25-2007, 09:36 PM   #1
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Talking Fantasy of Aqua 1

this is my idea for a game the pictures wont show but just read the text.
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Old 05-25-2007, 09:40 PM   #2
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Talking Re: Fantasy of Aqua 1

 Fantasy of Aqua First after the main character Dortoro gets to the Forage Dungeon he starts to ask questions. Soon one of the crew members gets fed up and walks off. Then soon enough the rest of the crew will tell him “We should split up into two groups.” Dortoro agrees and picks two people. The other two are left with Forager. So it’s quite simple it being the beginning and all to just follow were the path takes you. Recommended Lv Dortoro:3 Jig:3 Turm:3 You will face a series of battles in the dungeon so just battle to the recommended level. The level chart says level 3 but I say level 5 just to make the boss battle coming up much easier. So on to the Crystal Door after you get there you should save at the glowing orb on the right of the door (you may also use a Fortress item at a save point).Open the door and you will see the crew member that left earlier fighting a monster. He stops to tell you he needs help and the battle begins. DARK WOLF HP/100 MP/5 This is how you should do the battle. First start off with putting everyone in defense because Dark Wolf will start off by its dirge claw attack doing 10 damage to all characters. So after the attack use all the physical attacks(you’ll only have the attack ability at the time).Then you’ll have to time when the next dirge claw will come up. It usually comes after every character attacks twice. So when Dark Wolf’s HP gets to 30 it will start casting blaze which cost 5 MP. So after it cast blaze it will use a ability called Slow Cast which restores it’s MP by 2 points. So you should be able to beat it before its second cast.
Now that the battle is over the crew member will give you his appreciation and will give you two HEALTH POTION one REVIVE and one FORTRESS. Then he’ll run off and the three will follow him. While you get to the main entrance you’ll hear him bragging about how he destroyed the Dark Wolf. The others acted amazed but they’re not and cast Shock on him because they saw the whole battle. Then you alone will go back to the airship afterwards Jig will follow and start to tell you something he thinks is going on with Forager. Over a period of time Forager will come and kick Jig off and tell him to go to the other airship and let him and Dortoro talk alone. As they talk “ Forager: Dortoro you don’t need your crew no more I am putting you in section G. Dortoro: I have to turn down your offer I can’t leave my crew. Dortoro: Also…/Forager: This is not your decision you will and must do this and since you…” Then monsters start to attack the airship. You’ll start the battles but you don’t have to fight so just sit back and watch. When the battles are over Forager will ask you to stay on watch while he goes to the ships core. While he’s gone you’ll have a time limit to open the treasure chest and take what’s in them. The timer will set a time of 40 seconds with 10 chest. The secret is don’t touch any of the chest because when Forger comes back he’ll check all the chest and if you took anything he’ll take them from you also if you opened any of the chest you might notice there was one you couldn’t open. But if you didn’t take anything he’ll give you every single item in all the chest including the one you couldn’t open. He’ll give you a DARK SWORD VORTEX FIST PICK HAMMER 100 zisorun REVIVE HI- POTION ANTIDOTE SOFT ECHO and MAGIC TABLET. Then he’ll tell you to get some rest choose yes. Afterwards you’ll wake up in the middle of the night and will go to the deck and watch the view and eventually Forger will come and tell Dortoro about his first time on the airship. Dortoro will listen and then you’ll head off back to sleep. When the morning time comes Forger will wake you up and tell you have reached Hamruld and the empress would like to see you. You can go to some of the shops around if you like and then go to the palace. The palace is a big blue figure looks like it’s covered in blue crystals. Once you enter the palace a person will come up to you named Venerin he’ll bring you to the empress. Once you get to her she will summon up your new crew and your old crew. The people of your new crew is Venerin, Benjamin, Terrence, and Sifer. She will let you see your crew one last time before their execution. She will then explain they have stolen two of the LUNUR KEY(s). The old crew would admit they did it but as they explain, they are take away. Then she will have a quest for you to go to Hajong Peek to get the RAVEN KEY. Then you will automatically be sent to the world map. This is the world map of Yemen Central there are not that many places around. So while on the world map you should train also again I think you should train to 10 or 15 or in between. Recommended Lv Dortoro: 7 Benjamin: 7 Terrence: 10 Sifer: 7 Venerin: 10  If you are done training you should enter Hajong
Peek.Once you enter go to the save point on the right and save. Then go up the center path and cut through the glowing path to the door with the fire symbol on it  go through the door. Then at the beginning of this path turn right. You will notice that as you walk on the air, tiles will appear follow the tiles and they will take you to a chest in there is a DANTE SWORD. You can’t equip it to Venerin until you defeat Zach- Draken. Then walk back down the tiles and turn left and when you get to the main path ( the center ) walk up it and you will hear a voice telling you to stay away but keep walking. Now every time you go to Hajong Peek you will face battles. So as you go up the path it will start turning blue. Then you will hear the voice again and start a battle. ZACH- DRAKEN HP/ 500 MP/ 40 Now this is a quite complicated battle no matter what level you are, the main characters level is its level. The thing is its HP stays the same no matter what its level is. Start by having Terrence cast his strongest fire magic that you have ( it should be Blaze if you haven’t gone to level 10 or over ). Then if you are at level 15 with Dortoro use his Sword Slash in his Sword Play ability. Afterwards attack with Venerin and sense he is a vampire he can drain life when he attacks. Just let the other two attack but if you still can’t manage to beat him allow Sifer to get weak and when his HP turns yellow an arrow will point right. Hold right and select Fearful Shadow while still holding right. At this point it does the damage of 30-110( rare )at higher levels it can do the damage of 9999. So you should be able to beat him if you continue this process. Its goblin punch and LAY OUT! Are quite fatal.  After the battle another door will appear with the fire symbol on it. After the conversation go walk into the door. When the blinding light calms you will see the empress talking to Xian a summoner you will meet later in the game.  After the short story you will be teleported to the palace with everyone else. You will hear everyone yelling. You will go to the main throne room which is in the middle of the room. You will switch over to a new party Empress Rosa and her guardians you will engage in battle with an unknown beast. This battle is for you to fill extremely powerful for the fun of it. There will be no strategy of defeating this beast until your original party battles it. This battle will take some time and have fun with some of the new magic and abilities. You can lose this battle, but if you want a good item you will defeat it. ???? HP/ 600,000 MP/ 999 When the fatal battle is over whether you won or lost the beast will start to fade away. Now if you won you will receive a INVINCIBLE GLORY. This will allow one character to be unseen for 10 turns. After the beast fades away your main party with Xian will come bursting through the doors. First Dortoro will ask what has happened and then he will ask about the argument about a person named Garnett. Rosa will walk up to Dortoro then slap him and tell him to never mention that name again. She will explain that she was her mother and was turned into a fearful feind for protecting her murderous husband. She will then say he killed off all of the Haylen Clan except one person Venerin Maximous. Venerin will tell everyone that he was named after his father and then she will say she thinks the fiend was Garnett.
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Old 05-25-2007, 09:42 PM   #3
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Re: Fantasy of Aqua 1

After this long story she will ask for the RAVEN KEY and put it next to the two LUNAR KEY(s) in a highly protected case. Then she will discuss the execution of Jig and Turm. It won’t be much but then she will finish what Jig tried to tell you on the airship. She says Forager is in the highest section. She then says if he doesn’t attend the execution it won’t be done. Then she finishes of the conversation with “Forager is powerful and he is slick. He thinks I don’t know what he’s up to, but it’ll be up to you to stop him.” Empress Rosa will say there is no way to stop the execution and says it is about to start. Follow Rosa until you get to the Sazen Temple then the execution will start. Now when the execution starts leave the room. Below is a map of the SAZEN TEMPLE. NO MAP IS INCLUDED FOR ANY ROOM BECAUSE THEY CONTAIN NO IMPORTANT ITEMS UNTIL LATER IN THE GAME.(NOTE THAT THE ONLY ROOMS YOU CAN ENTER NOW ARE THE ONES YOU ARE RECRIURED TO GO TO) After you leave the room go to R-12 and then go to the unknown room. You will hear Forager talking to a unknown person in black. The words they say will be completed as you go through this small challenge. Each time Forager talks to the man in black run across to the other side as fast as you can, and when the time limit goes down to at least 3 run to your nearest crease. Continue this process over with your other characters until they are all across. Then after the conversation the man in black will summon a black portal and will throw Forager in it. Then after the man leaves an unknown monster will come out and will start to go to the Execution Room(L). Follow the beast until you reach the room.

After you reach the room everyone will be floating in mid- air. Then Terrence, Benjamin, and Sifer will go off floating too. Then will appear Xian. Walk up to her and she will say it is the work of Dimaniqueante. She will tell you he once came from the havens above, but then he became the Devils guardian. Then the man in black will appear, and summon up the unknown beast named Crakantose. He will tell you” You all are just mere puppets of my work that will die soon enough.” Then you both will fall out, and will wake up in the world of Oblivion.
Don’t be alarmed that you are in a world full of powerful fiends. You are in only in one section of the World of Oblivion. The monsters you challenge aren’t hard at all. They carry a nice amount of experience points. Thirty to Fifty to be exact. The only problem is that it’s only you and Xian. Xian will learn a new summon spell at level 20, but don’t break your neck trying to get her there. She starts at level eight, and that fits me. Recommended Lv

The enemies are very weak, but they have special abilities that turns the battle the other way around. Some monsters in your section in the World of Oblivion you should run away from. It is very possible that you wont face a Hornidtal and Junamaler. These two usually come together in battle, their HP is about the same as the Dark Wolf at the beginning of the game. Except each of their attacks deals exactly 100 damage!!! Also they continuously use Tag Team Reversal and Abnormal Cause. Tag Team Reversal is basically a counter attack that deals exactly163 damage! Abnormal Cause causes venom, ignoramus, and stone. But they cannot use these two moves unless they’re together. They are very easy to beat, but they get to attack first and they usually use Abnormal Cause. The only thing that can stop the abnormal statuses from happening is by abnormal armors, Auto- Bounce, First Go! ( Just to attack first ), Bounce, or grow an immunity to the status by getting attacked by it several times. Getting attacked by this you can grow an immunity quick to all three status. To grow an immunity quick you must have more than one status on that character. If you have all abnormal statuses possible on the character after the battle they will have an immunity to all abnormal statuses. NOTE: K.O is not included as an immunity ( You must have Auto- Revive, Auto- Full Rev., Rivivolon, Revive, Sup.- Revivolon, Multi- Revivolon, All- Life, or Full- Revive just to keep your character alive, but they can have an immunity to one hit death attacks. If your characters have Seconds To Live on them for the matter of 230 seconds they can have a complete immunity to one hit attacks. To make this possible just continue to use Expand Life on the characters that have the effect on them and soon enough it will work.Also don’t forget you can save on the world map.
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Old 05-25-2007, 09:51 PM   #4
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Re: Fantasy of Aqua 1

Oh man. This story is so good. I wish this was a game right now.
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Old 06-27-2007, 06:01 PM   #5
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Re: Fantasy of Aqua 1

Wow this is amazing! I hope this comes out!
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