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The Story of Palis A continuing story of worlds trapped in war, where their only hope are Heroes from other worlds.

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Old 05-31-2006, 08:29 PM   #46
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

"Yes, a good question" confirmed Syne, "but doesn't it seem like something is missing?"

Just then, the group heard a muffled sound, coming from nearby. "Heelp...somebody get this thing off of me!"

"What is it?" asked Titania. "I don't know...but possibly..." said Syne. Meanwhile Glenn checked the area."Heeelp" they heard again. "I hear it again! It's a bit closer now" stated Glenn. Finally,

"Dammit!" exclaimed the voice as one of the limp tentacles of the dead beast was lifted off of the floor. Kirby then got up, small pieces of paper with sketches of hands on them fell onto the floor. Coincidentally, the ground itself seemed to have formed into hands that were lifting up the tentacle of the deceased monster.

"Couldn't any of you hear me? I did need help, you know!" said Kirby. "Uhh.." Glenn stammered. Titania giggled, "well, you can obviously take care of yourself." "Yes, but how did you draw such detailed sketches of hands constricted beneath that tentacle?" inquired Syne. "Ah, well, you know. I have had a few thousand years of practice" replied Kirby nonchalantly.

The rest of the party decided not to inquire any further.

"Well...anyway, we still need to find a way out of here. Perhaps...yes, a compass would come in handy." said Glenn. "Well, let's see...Ah! Here we are!" said Kirby, pulling a compass out of his bag. "I should have known." said Syne.

Glenn recieved the compass from Kirby, and began looking at it, as the needle began to focus.
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Old 05-31-2006, 09:09 PM   #47
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

Syne helped Kirby up as Glenn began to re-attach his armour. It was strange, but without it, the knight felt indecent. The crafted metal had become so much a part of him that to lose it was almost to lose a part of himself.

He turned the slightly dented greave-fronts toward him, trying to unbuckle the strap, when he caught a sight of his own reflection. At first he was surprised not to see a frog staring back (for even after all these years, he was still becoming used to his new –or old- appearance). But as he stared longer, he began to notice other things- the darkness beneath his eyes, the dirt and dried blood on his cheek- there was no escaping the fact that the last few months had taken their toll on him. In one moment it hit him that this adventure could very well be his last.

“Glenn, is something wrong?” asked Syne, “You’ve been staring at that shin-guard for about fifty years now.”

“Hm? Oh…n-no think nought of it.” He said, as he began to fasten it to his leg.

Titania turned away, her now perpetually sorrowful eyes staring at nothing. They had lightened as of recent as had so much about her –a phenomenon some might credit to the metals in the northern air (though those who knew her would not).
In the cold, her skin had turned an alabaster white, and her hair was but a faded version of her once rich tresses. She seemed a ghost now, sad and strange in the ominous dark- no longer the bright and innocent child who had come through on the eve of war. For now she was not carried by the rain, but rather, seemed part of it- as if her very self was like the silvery raindrops; falling without resistance to the unforgiving ground, only to be washed away and forgotten.

She barely spoke anymore –or laughed- and what she did say was often short and soft-spoken, broken by unshed tears and smothered sobs. There was no longer any aim- no longer any desire for peace. She did not care anymore what happened to the world or to its people. What she wanted now was revenge- to take the life of the man who had destroyed what was precious, and then to destroy herself. Perhaps it was fate; perhaps this whole adventure was nothing but a cruel trick of the gods- a way to lure the emotions out of foolish mortals and then laugh at them. It did not seem to matter either way- her faith was all but gone.

There was a sudden coldness, and her light hair swayed even though she had not moved. She closed her eyes, the very feeling of the wind making her chest collapse onto itself.

“Glenn.” She called, her eyes still closed and her head turned down “I can feel a breeze coming from this way. I think we’re almost out.”

“I didn’t feel anything.” Syne remarked.

“Are you saying that I’m lying?” asked Titania, her last word barely audible “…that I’m making this up?”

“No. I only meant-”

“Do you not think I’d know when there was a breeze?” she suddenly interrupted, this time loudly, her echoing voice full of rage and spite “Do you not think I know the feeling of wind!?”

Syne cried out, the feeling of the same magic hitting her once more. There was a bright flash, illuminating the cave for an instant and then disappearing.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Syne called, angrily, though she already knew “Don’t make me defend myself!”

“Dammit, don’t pretend to care!” Titania screamed back “Where were you when we were at war!? Where were you a week ago when you could have done some good?”

There was a tension and stillness that came as Titania nearly collapsed into tears both of sorrow and of rage. Grief had brought on a kind of madness, and in her fury a sudden realization hit her.

“…you and Kani were the same once.” She muttered bitterly under her breath.

Syne shook her head slowly, trying to move closer, but she was hit once more with a spell.

The pain ripped through her, and this time she drew her sword.

Last edited by Zerlina; 05-31-2006 at 09:23 PM.
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Old 06-01-2006, 01:57 AM   #48
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

Looking towards the light in the corner of the room Syne made a dash towards it to try to escape the incoming magic blasts. Reaching the small gap in the wall her skinny body was able to jump through with little effort and after regaining her footing and jumped up the side of the mountain as fast as she could and took to hiding behind a large boulder.

Titania followed closely unleashing fire bolts as fast as she could. The hail of incoming blasts shattered rocks all around Syne.

Syne started throwing small rocks at Titania to keep her back from attacking her with line of sight. Titania’s eyes went wide and she screamed. A fire bolt the size of a small person flew at the rock Syne was hiding behind and Syne jumped out from behind the rock and started running again as the rock exploded behind her. Titania changed stances and the color of the magic she was throwing became long black needles of magic flying through the air.

Syne ran as fast as she could with her weights still on. The bolts of magic crashing into the rocks around her, Syne jumped behind a large rock and quickly removed her training weights and started to run again.

Titania could not keep up with Syne’s movement anymore. This made her hair start to rise with the immense power she started to give off. Glenn and Kirby ran behind a large rock and stayed hidden so as not to draw aggression from Titania.

Titania clapped her hands together and with the separation of her hands a large black ball of energy formed. She then started throwing these as Syne as close to where the last area she saw her flash step in place. Every second Syne would appear and every second a three hundred foot area blew up. Syne’s flash step was the only thing keeping her from death. With the formation of the area she was in Syne could only run back and forth the walls on either side of her were a bit high for her to jump with this much of a distraction following her.

Titania’s blasts got larger and stronger with every cast and her mana seemed unending a normal person would have passed out after only a few of these powerful blasts, but she had released over two hundred of them already.

Syne’s flash step got closer and closer to the blasting points because the blasts got bigger and bigger. She only hoped that she could keep going long enough to drain Titania of any remaining mana. She threw her sword and kept running the lessened weight gave her back some advantage on distance but this wasn’t going to last long if Titania’s blasts kept growing that way.
Invent a new time, a new life, a new reason to fight.
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Old 06-01-2006, 09:36 PM   #49
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

Titania was somewhere deep inside of herself, lost in a sea of bitterness. She no longer saw Syne- she saw Kani- and with every movement she thought that he was taunting her. Past, present, life, death- somehow everything had merged into one and was now eating away at her.


“You’ve searched for me for this long and now you can’t even catch me?” Kani taunted, moving back with ease “Have your powers left you, priestess?” he laughed, bitterly, hiding his own anger “Hm…I suppose then that the young prince ruined you!”

In a split second, he pressed forward, catching her by the collar “It would seem then that he got the death that he deserved- long…painful…” he savoured the words “I’ll never forget the way that he screamed when I drove my blade into his chest.

I made sure to twist it once…twice…three times- to make him feel the pain that I went through! That he put me through!

Llideah pulled away, pushing his hand with her own; at her very touch he flinched, his arm feeling the heat of a thousand fires. Still, he would not relent. He hid his own injury, striking her hard on the cheek with the blunt edge of his weapon. With a slight cry, she hit the ground, but her eyes still burned with rage, and before he could deliver the mortal strike, she rolled out of the way, sending up her own spell to counter him.

Kani moved back but was still unshaken “It’s a shame you went and let your guard down. The immortals will send you straight to hell for breaking your vows.”

“I’ve done nothing to disgrace the temple!” she screamed, sending up a wave of bright magic, so harsh that anyone but the dark king would have fallen at its touch “What you have done to all of us…”

“What I’ve done, I’ve done for peace!” Kani interrupted “There can never be peace without first shedding blood!”

Llideah stared up at him, her anger pulsing in her hands. She felt her body become paralyzed. There was no way to move- nothing to do but listen.

“Imagine…the world under my control! Under the power of one man!” He moved closer, a madness dancing in his strange eyes “I have…a chance… to end war forever! To end suffering!”

“No man could ever do such a thing! You will destroy us all before you can accomplish your goal!”

“If that is the case then so be it! The world will destroy itself if I do not become its ruler!

For the greater good, I must take over. Who cares if some die in the process? I will save many! And in years to come, they will build statues…temples- buildings dedicated to my memory! They will look upon me as a great man!”

”They will look upon you as nothing.” Llideah muttered bitterly, her words hitting him hard “You are a madman! Not anything to be admired!”

He struck her hard with a dark spell, his own rage now growing inside of him “You will learn for once to hold your tongue!”

“You have no power over me. Not anymore.” She laughed, bitterly, pushing him further back with an unseen magic “You cannot use me.”


Syne dodged the magic quickly, narrowly missing each attack. She needed to somehow make Titania stop- to somehow leave her unable to fight. Her heart beat quickly as her mind raced ahead, trying desperately to think up a strategy.
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Old 06-02-2006, 09:47 PM   #50
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, Dwarf Tunnels

Glenn continued, still angered, attempting to find an exit. Soon Syne's cries reached his ears.

He whirled around, dual-blade drawn, and charged back to Titania and Syne, leaving Kirby in the dust.

"...why do they always forget about me?" sighed Kirby.

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, Dark Cavern

Another blast of light shot from Titania's hand, knocking Syne even further back.

"Titania! Stop!" screamed Glenn, but the girl's eyes were lost in her fog of rage. Another ball of light began to form from her fingertips, and she let it fly.

Glenn dove in front of the lightball and took the blow for Syne.

"Noah! What are you doing?"

************************************************** ****************
Palis, The Last Year Of The Great War, Kani's Citadel

"Stopping this madness."

Noah threw off the hood of his cloak, staring Llideah in the face. "Look at what's happening to you! Look at what your anger has done to you!"

Llideah let another ball fly, but Noah deflected it with his sword this time.

"Look at everything you're doing, Llideah! You're trying to kill now!"

"It's righteous vengeance!"

"It's pure stupidity!"

"I won't let you stop me!"

Noah's eyes dropped to the floor. "So, the High Priestess of the goddess Ishtar has fallen so far to take it upon herself to slaughter others for the sake of revenge." He glanced up, a red-hot fury glowing in his eyes. "What about my pain? What about what happened to Variel? He died too, and at the hands of a demon I want to get revenge on as well! But do you see it happening? Do you see me killing the demon who killed my best friend?"

Kani laughed at this. "Demon? You-you think it was a demon who killed good old Variel? No, it was-" he paused momentarily, pure malice shining in his eyes. "It was Variel's good friend, prince Gadriel."

"You're lying!" shouted Llideah, but Noah heard the doubt in her voice.

The blade slowly rose into the air, and was plunged down into the ground.

"Variel... he..."

"Don't listen to him, Noah! He lies!"

"The High Priestess of Ishtar should have seen it in a vision. She knows it's true."

"Shut up, beast!"

Kani's eyes flared. "You would do well to keep silent, you little bitch!" A blast of dark energy caught Llideah in the chest, causing her to flip backwards through the air.

Noah looked at Llideah, utter despair in his eyes. "I... I can't let either of you kill the other while I'm here. If you two want to die, feel free to do it elsewhere."

"With pleasure." Kani vanished.

Llideah reached out to touch Noah's shoulder, but he reacted as if he was burned by her touch. "Begone, oh holy priestess," he said, sardonicism dripping from those last two words. "I'll have nothing to do with you any further." He pulled the hood back over his head. "You have your key. I've already lost one of my greatest friends and betrayed another. It seems only fitting that the third be a reason for both."

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, Dwarf Tunnels

The room faded back into view. Glenn's face was wet with Noah's tears, and Titania fell to the ground, sobbing. Syne, covered with sweat from dodging these blows, had only seen Glenn jump in front of her before she collapsed from exhaustion. Currently unconscious, Syne slept almost peacefully on the ground behind Glenn.

Titania got up slowly, reaching her hand out to Glenn. "Glenn... are you...?"

And Glenn broke down crying. He hadn't cried this much since he was younger, back when Magus's curse turned him into a frog and killed Cyrus. His tears fell to the ground, and in each of three fallen tears he could see a different reflection.

One of Glenn.

One of Frog.

And one of another man who he'd never met... but knew instinctively to be Noah.
What was the start of all this?
When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?

Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now,
From deep within the flow of time...

But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
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Old 06-02-2006, 11:45 PM   #51
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

((Beautiful post, FFnut *applause*

I know I’ve done the post right before, so I’ll post this and then skip my next turn.))

Titania withdrew her hand as she saw him cry, and let herself fall, folding her legs to kneel as she buried her face in her hands. Her tears soaked her light hair, and her shivering, pink fingers as her sobs echoed through the tunnel’s hollow walls.

The way Noah had spoken to her- the way he had pointed out her shame…it brought up a hatred in herself she could not bear. She wanted to stop, yet at the same time, she could not let go of her desire for vengeance. Past, present- she could no longer tell the difference- and so all she could do was sob, her chest crumbling in on itself as she did so. The pain spread to her palms, and as the tears flowed over her skin, they glowed with a white, ethereal aura, hitting the ground and disappearing.

“This whole time…” she muttered between exasperated breaths “We thought that it was Kani who had destroyed us…but it…it never was…

…we came together to fight him, but what made us fail was my own hatred…I was the one who gave him the power to win.”

She fell forward, catching herself with her shaking hands, still too ashamed to look at the others

“I…I couldn’t let go. I couldn’t accept Gadriel’s d…” she trailed off, struggling with the word “…death…

He promised he would come back for me- and I gave up everything…I turned my back on the immortals…I only wanted to be with him. It was so foolish, but…he was my everything…the only person in the world who ever saw me as Llideah- not as someone who could help them advance their army. He loved me, and even though I knew it was wrong…I loved him- love him.

Noah…what you said to me that day…it broke my heart again. It made me hate you. Hate… I had never felt it in my life…not until Gadriel died. Then all of a sudden, it was the only thing I understood. I hated the world. I hated the gods. I hated myself.

It was I who created the demon who gave Kani all of that terrible power- that destroyed him…that destroyed all of us. It was born from my hatred and strengthened by my power. Unknowingly, I fed it, eventually turning what was once a mortal enemy into a godly king.

What I did was unforgivable and caused everything that we’re living through today. It’s what trapped us- what made Variel seal us away. He was the wisest one- the one who knew what terrible power lay beneath my innocent appearance.

Judge me.

Go ahead. Judge me like you did that day. You thought that you knew pain, and you spoke to me of your friend’s death. You thought you were relating to me, yet you only seemed to spit in my face. Did you honestly think that because Variel died your whole world was over? It was never so.

You weren’t kept away from society. You weren’t isolated by that damn pool- three inches of water standing in the way of the rest of the world. Didn’t anyone know that I never wanted to be a priestess? I never wanted to live every day alone. I was put there because I was cursed- cursed with prophecy that others abused in order to gain power.

Gadriel…he was the only one who I ever loved…and he offered to take me away from that terrible life. All of that loneliness. Noah, I never had any family…never any friends… nothing but gods who never answered my prayers. When he came to me, and spoke so kindly, so sincerely…when he visited me every day, asking questions about things of unimportance simply to make an excuse...

He spoke to me like this, every day for a year, never crossing Ishtar’s pool. Never entering my realm of loneliness.

It wasn’t until the gods sent me a vision so powerful that I lost consciousness, that he crossed into my reality. When I awoke, I found myself in his arms. Part of me was afraid for the wrath of the gods, but a stronger part of me made me stay. I stared into those eyes that I had only seen through the screen of the blessed camphor’s smoke, and I expected to see the same fear in him. But…there was none. He had no regard –no reason to be afraid. He had only joy and relief in his eyes- the first for our closeness, and the latter for my conciousness.

That was when he told me about the world I had been so long denied. He described things I had never really seen- things I could only imagine from seeing them in the pool. I…I was too afraid to leave then…to walk across the water… I had lived in the temple too long to be unafraid of the outside world. When he offered, I refused, for I feared the immortals.

Until then I didn’t know that he did not.

He carried me over, not caring that his boots tread through holy waters. When he set me down on the other side he… he made me realize how foolish I had been. I had crossed into the realm of others, and nothing had happened. There was no thunder, no sign of vengeance from the sky. I blocked out better judgment, and decided that it must have been what the immortals wanted- that they wouldn’t punish us. I didn’t realize that they meant to cause us the ultimate suffering- to deny us a life together..

I was so foolish…our happiness was so fragile. But I was too blind to see that- imagine…the prophetess blinded by her own emotion. I thought that the world was wonderful when it revolved around one person. I never thought of what would happen when that person was suddenly gone. I…I wasn’t prepared for the emptiness…for the abandonment.

What was I to do? Was I to return to the temple? No- I had offended the gods. Was I to go out on my own? There was no way to after years of being cloistered.

I was afraid…afraid and angry…with nowhere to go. And what’s more, I was full of hatred for the man who I knew had caused everything- who had taken Gadriel away.

I had only met him twice, and after that it was his generals who had come to see me. I knew that many hated him, though I was never certain why. All I knew was what Gadriel had forced me to look at. All I knew was the fire…the pain…the death that he had caused. I filled in the blanks, so filled with hatred that I believed it all must have been true.

That’s why I joined you. That’s why I tried to take Gadriel’s place…to avenge him...”

Titania turned, outstretching her hand so as to heal him; never daring to touch him for shame.

“I’m not asking you to forgive me...” She began, tears still streaming down her face “But I’m asking you to forgive Gadriel. He…he never meant to take Variel’s life…and he doesn’t deserve your hatred.

Nobody deserves hatred.

Titania looked at Glenn, Syne, and Kirby each in turn, her eyes settling on the ground as she thought of what she had done- both in the past and the present “If you were only there…if you had that same image in your head- knowing if you had only reached out and caught him before he ran…knowing there were a million things that could have stopped what happened. Perhaps if your days, too, would be haunted by “what ifs”… perhaps then you could understand.

She finally let her gaze travel upward, sorrow on her tear-soaked face “I only want him back…” she whispered, closing her eyes as she struggled to explain all the wordless emotions she felt “Without him, there’s only emptiness- only loss.

Glenn, I…I don’t want to be like this. I don’t want to hate…but…for me there’s no more tomorrow…no more world to live in- no more reason to love.”

Last edited by Zerlina; 06-03-2006 at 11:48 AM.
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Old 06-03-2006, 04:57 AM   #52
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

The roar of the great one came steadily closer. Harima was ready. He lay in wait in the shadows. No one had dared to attack the great ones, no one. But he had no choice, they took his sister and since that day he had been a hollow shell of a man. It is unknown what they do with there victims, there was a chance that she was still alive, a chance for redemption for his miserable excuse for an existence. He whispers to himself, “I am sorry Kakano. I’ll be with you soon, one way or another.”
The steps of the great one come ever closer. Harima broke into a cold sweat, remembering a lesson of Soldat the Elder, only 35, but none have lived longer then he. He told Harima and Kakano that if they should ever hear the bellow of the beast, run, run for they would not last in its presence. Now here Harima was, ready to face what they had feared for over 700 years, disregarding the only advice Soldat had given him.
Harima could now hear the raspy trembling growl of the great one from around the corner of the canyon wall. He began to breathe heavily, flexing his wrists and tightening his grip on the leather wrap of his reverse crescent daggers. Suddenly, there was silence. (where is it) Something wet dripped onto Harima’s shoulder from above. Immediately, Harima sprung into action and darted to the left and kicked off the canyon wall launching himself into the air, his blades thrusted out in front of him. However, before Harima could see his foe, the beast spewed a purple liquid in his eyes blinded him. He immediately changed directions, dropped to the ground, and flash stepped a quarter mile away.
He tried fervently to wipe the sludge from his eyes, but to no avail. Then he felt the ground tremble. The beast was behind him. The speed of the great ones is legendary. Even Harima, God of The Flash, could barely out run such a beast. The beast lunged at Harima and tried to plunge its claws into Harima’s chest. However, Harima dodged the blow just in time using his shadow sense, an extrasensory technique that creates an image in the users mind based on darkness and movement of darkness around the user.
Harima launched himself in the air spinning 360, his blades giving off a black electrical aura. At the top of the spin, his body flew forward, streamline, in a flash. The blade slashed the beast across the face causing it bleed profusely. The beast had enough of toying with its prey. It began moving at speed that even Harima could not imagine. His shadow sense could pick up the great one’s movement, but if the beast attacked there would be no way to dodge the blow. The great one started running in a circle around Harima and while doing so, slashed Harima repeatedly with its razor like claws. Harima could not fend off single blow and felt himself being ripped to shreds. He could feel the tendons in arms and legs being shorn asunder. This was the legendary Hurricane Claw technique he heard about so much about in his youth. However, the only people who had seen it had done so through shadow sense, since no one had truly seen the great ones and lived to tell the tale. (My Slash of Ephemeral Darkness is nothing compared to its technique) The beast stopped its onslaught and Harima fell to floor unable to move. The great one took a moment to look over its handy work before continuing its assault. It reveled at the masterpiece of wounds before it, and then drew back its massive arm and stabbed its claws clean through Harima’s chest, puncturing the pleural membrane and causing his left lung to deflate. Harima spurted blood and began to gag. His life force began to leave him. He shed a single tear for his sister and began to pass out. The great one cackled at its pitiful prey.
Suddenly, as fate would have it, a violent storm kicked up on the battlefield. A whirlwind lifted the great one and hurled it against the canyon wall, knocking it unconscious. The storm pulled Harima’s limp body into the air and flung him into an inter-dimensional vortex. The vortex began puling at Harima’s body causing him excruciating pain. It forcefully closed his wounds and sealed them. It forced are into lungs slightly over inflating it to the point that he thought they would pop. As quickly as he was cast into the vortex, he was flung out.
The occupants of the ravine felt the violent winds of a storm swirl around them none of them moved or even acknowledged the storms presence being both emotional and physically exhausted. Harima found himself flying through the air from a moderate height. Harima was flung straight into Glenn’s chest knocking Glenn flat on his back. Harima quickly interpreted the situation; there were four people and massive amounts of damage around the ravine. The area seemed unsafe and he knew he should get out of there fast before they got a good look at him or before they could draw their weapons. He scrambled to his feet, but began to stumble and trip on the rocks. He felt light headed. (The gravity here is less then my world. Where the hell am I?) He tried feverishly to get away before anyone looked at him. Anxiety began to set in. He new he would be spotted. Then, unexpectedly the ground beneath him lifted him to his feet and allowed him to regain his balance. He immediately flash stepped to higher ground and used his shadow meld technique to hide himself and become one with the shadows. Titania and Kirby saw nothing only a raised clump of earth and Glenn laid out flat on his back. Glenn, despite the fact he had been struck, only saw a black blur before he was laid out flat. After seeing the clump of earth he wondered if there was a new enemy nearby, he wondered if they were under attack. Syne, however, had seen something, though not in clear detail. She saw a humanoid figure warp away at high speed. She recognized the technique immediately, it was the flash step, though it was at a level at which could not have imagined. Even she could not visualize the figures movement. It was at level far beyond what she would ever be able to obtain.
The entire amount of time it took for Harima to get to his feet and get away was under 5 seconds. He stayed melded in the shadows watching the group. They would never be able to find him or see him unless he wished to be seen or found. He decided he would follow this group from the shadows until he found out what this place was and the manner of people they were. As he sat and watched, Harima wondered: what was the strange power that helped him to his feet, and what was this strange new world?
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Old 06-04-2006, 03:41 PM   #53
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

Disreguard. [[I'm back but lost and confused... could someone recap me?]]
The Via Hyron, Road of the Hive, dictates that you shall protect your loved ones, fight to preserve your way of life from outside threats, and never forget you follow the road. This road is, by far, one of the most honorable roads known to the vampire clans, short of Galconda only. The Via Hyron is only practiced by one clan, the second clan of Ashur-called-Cappadocius, namely, the Baali, the original infernalist clan...

Last edited by Drazniich; 06-05-2006 at 11:14 PM. Reason: LOST!
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Old 06-05-2006, 05:17 PM   #54
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

((I'm not reading that wall of text.

Doth mine eyes deceive me? Draz is back? Well, since we're not on a shore I assume he doesn't mean us. Either way, I've been planning this one out for a while now.))

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, Dwarf Tunnels

No more reason to love.

The words hit Glenn like a cudgel.

No more reason to love.

Hadn't he felt this way before?

When Cyrus died...

When Magus died...

For once in his life, Glenn had no idea where his path was leading. His chivalrous, knightly path seemed to have collapsed beneath him, leading him into dark, subterranean tunnels of hatred and sorrow. And where could this path lead? Further into this despair?

Or a way out?

Still sobbing gently, Glenn reached out and took Titania's hand.

"Thou'rt right, Titania, about one thing anyway. Variel's the only one who truly understood what hath been happening in the first place. He was right to keep us for seven hundred years. But now..." Glenn shuddered. "When Noah... when Noah sent Llideah to meet Variel... what did he say?"

Titania flashed back to that moment on the airship. When Llideah and Variel, in Titania and Magus, spoke of what was happening.

"After our seven hundred year intermission, we'll act out this exquisite play once more..."

But this time the ending will change to the way it's meant to be.

Titania looked up, tears shining in her eyes. "But... that means... Malice... he never had a chance in the first place. He was going to die because that's the way Gadriel died. And I was going to feel this way because... Llideah felt this way..."

"Ever since we entered Palis..." whispered Glenn, "...our lives hath not been our own. They belonged solely to Noah, Llideah, and the others. We hath not controlled this chain of events. Variel did."

Titania began shouting in her rage. "So... Variel did this to me! It's unfair! Why would he make me feel this way twice? Why would he make all of us suffer these same damn things again?"

"How dost thou think Variel felt? He, too, probably felt horrific guilt. Imagine if thou knew that thy best friends would be condemned to relive the worst tortures they'd ever felt - if you had to relive those same tortures - only to save thy world? To keep all others happy... martyrs need to make great sacrifices."

"Nobody asked us to be martyrs!"

"I suspect nobody asked Nichi to die either. Thou weren't quie so enraged at his death, nor were you enraged and Magus's."

"But I didn't love them!"

Glenn's voiced dropped so low Titania had to strain to hear his words. "So... this rage is merely personal. Just like Llideah's. Perhaps this would have been our path anyway, Titania, whether or not Variel had cast that spell. Perhaps Kani would have still killed Malice, regardless of whether or not he was predestined to do so. And thou wouldst have remained with this same rage afterwards. But even so, what would have happened if the spell really did control this? You never would have met Malice. You'd never feel this rage."

His eyes pierced into her very soul.

"You'd never have felt such love."

And that last sentence led back to the very sorrowful ending of Titania's sentiment.

No more reason to love.

But without this, there would have been no reason to love in the first place.

Titania hung her head. "Let's... let's go. Even... even if all of this..."

Glenn finished for her. "Let's give Malice and Magus meaning to their lives and deaths. Even if this all is a part of some grand story... let us give it a proper ending."
What was the start of all this?
When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?

Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now,
From deep within the flow of time...

But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
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Old 06-06-2006, 08:22 PM   #55
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

First I'd like to point out that I'm very proud of FFNut. Your recent posts have been extraordinary. I don't know what you did on your break, but kudos to whoever helped you become a better writer!!
(I'm starting another story elsewhere and might ask you to join if you're interested )


Malice woke from his dream state.

i'm not dead??

He got up slowly, but recoiled as a shock of pain shot up his spine...

Then he blew up the world.

"lolz0r, i bloo up t3h wurld" said Malice, winking and giving a thumbs up in true Sonic the Hedgehog fashion.

Cheers ladies! (lemme know FFNUT)
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Old 06-07-2006, 06:49 PM   #56
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

((Why not? Gimme more info and I'l definitely join. Now, if you'll excuse me, a little more humor to... uh, clarify your little situation.))

************************************************** ***********************
The Netherrealms, The Year Infinity Minus One, Darkness

Variel shook his head. "I have got to stop daydreaming of stupid stuff like that..."
What was the start of all this?
When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?

Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now,
From deep within the flow of time...

But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
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Old 06-07-2006, 08:08 PM   #57
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

Wicked, i'm leaving al the info with zerlina.

PS: not a joke.
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Old 06-08-2006, 06:45 PM   #58
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

Syne listened to the conversation between her two friends, thinking about what Glenn had just said. If this was true, she would die in only a couple of days. She would be killed and Kani would be at full power. ‘How am I supposed to stop this from happening? How are we going to beat Kani if I’m dead? If I die who will fight in my place?”

Glenn turned to Syne. “When and how did you die in the past?”

“I’ll die tomorrow or the next day. Kani’s sword will fall from the sky and pierce my heart, when it does I will not die but be absorbed by the sword and become on with his power.” Syne said with a small ad weak voice that sounded very unnatural to everyone that knew her.

“This is not good.” Kirby said “What can we do to stop it from happening?”

“Nothing, if what Glenn says is true then I am doomed to die no matter what precautions we use.” Syne said this and started to cry. ”I don’t want to be stuck as part of him again. The memories are still too fresh from my past life.” Syne cleared her eyes. “I know of one way to stop it.” She actually smiled as she said what came next. “We have to kill me so he can’t get my power.”

Everyone’s eyes went wide and jaws dropped. “What?!”

“I know it sounds insane but if I join him this time. You won’t be able to kill him. There is no way.” Syne thought for a moment.

“But that’s madness. We don’t even know for sure if you’ll end up dead too.” Glenn said looking angry.

“I will.” She pulled down her shirt and showed he back. “The scar is bleeding on its own already.” Only a small hint of blood could b seen but there was in fact blood coming out of the edges of the wound. “His sword will hit me right through this wound.” She looked around. “Then I will die, I will become part of him and he will kill everyone.”

Titania fell to her knee’s and started crying. Glenn bent over to comfort her and Kirby just sat confused by everything he had just heard.

From the shadows a figure watched the whole scene interested in the dramatic experience he was witnessing. He thought to himself about the whole thing and wondered just what was going on.

“Please Glenn, I will only ask you once to kill me. If you wont this is going to be a bad beginning to something even worse.” Syne said in a very serious tone.

Glenn stood up and looked her right in the face. “You know I can’t kill you, I have already seen too many people die. Too many people suffer. How do you think I can kill someone who is my friend?”

“You can kill me, because if you don’t many more will die, including you and Titania.” She said. “All you have to do s draw your sword I will do the rest.”

“I can’t and won’t do it.” Glenn said.

Syne turned her head suddenly, a look of fear on her face. “It’s coming!” She pushed Glenn, Kirby and Titania out of the way and just as doing so a sword over three feet wide and fifteen feet long plunged through the back of Syne. “Don’t give up hope!” She said as he body disappeared like a ghost.

Glenn, Titania and Kirby all looked at each other in fear and sadness.

“This is bad, really bad.” Where are they going to now? What are they supposed to do Glenn thought? How are we supposed to do now that she id gone? Glenn thought to himself.

Titania cried for only a moment and then pulled herself together. She raised her head and smiled. “Can you feel that?”

“What? What is it?” Glenn asked

“The armies have disappeared, the only demonic aura I can feel comes from the spire. Syne destroyed the armies somehow. People are free of them for now.” Titnaia dried her face. “Come on we have to find our way to a city that can help us. We have a lot of work to do. We have to beat Kani for Syne, and not let anyone else we love die.”

“All right lets do it.” Kirby and Glenn said with a renewed strength.

The man in the shadows felt even his heart moved by this and decided to continue to follow them. It would be fun to find out just what he had gotten himself into.

After a couple of hours of travel they came across what seemed to be a ruined village, however people were there. Fixing the buildings and moving around supplies.

Glenn stopped a man. “How is it that your people had returned to the town so fast?”

“I don’t really know, it was like we were in a dream and suddenly woke up. We found our town in ruin and this is what happened. Lucky for us there are plenty natural resources here to rebuild with.” The man said smiling and pointing around. “If you help your welcome to stay, it will only take a couple of days to have this place back to its old self.”

“Titania what do you think?” Glenn asked.

“We would love to help!”

~~~ Someplace dark~~~

Syne sat curled up with the corner of a dark room with little light. She focused her power into keeping herself isolated from the rest of the darkness. She would not go down without a fight.


The people that had walked into the village seemed to be pretty beat up. The tall man in plate armor held himself with a pride that was unbreakable, the girl was small and seemed frail, but not to be underestimated. The other man seemed to be lost and still gathering himself. And there was a fourth, were they aware of him? Even he had a bit of trouble figuring out just where or what was there but he could small him.

Only a few days ago he had shown up in this town. Demonic creatures surrounded him. In ever direction he was surrounded by them, they had been nothing for him. That same day he had been declared the emperors champion. His Black sword and his Holy Armor had just been given to him. He had not taken his pistol on that day; Chaos had no need for a pistol. He was the youngest ever of the Emperors Champions to ever exist amongst the Black Templars. Only 23, most neophytes were in their forties before even gaining the right of being a Marine. His first battle ever as a Champion and he was just about to kill Slaneesh, the bastard demon, running chaos on Mars, trying once again to get his hands on the titan plans. He and five terminators were called in to take care of the mess. But right before he could cut down the demon is foe cut a hole through the roof and threw him into space, Right into one of the great windstorms on Mars. His honor was destroyed. But he was avenged by his terminator brothers. The demon screamed so loud even in space he could be heard.

Then he woke up in this strange new world. In grassy plane things that seemed like that demons he had once fought in training were everywhere. With his natural drive to kill them he jumped into action, his holy sword cutting through one after another after another.

Brother of the eighth legion of the Black Templars, Sacryan Veruse now stood in the center of this strange town helping rebuild a minute, underdeveloped town that he had seen demons turn into normal humans without a single sent of chaos to them. His powerful armor made for great use in rebuilding the city. At just short of eight feet tall he knew he would soon be noticed by the newcomers.

The one hidden in the shadows was first to notice him. The black armor with all of its rune inscriptions had caught his eye and made the shadow-melder lock its interest and eyes onto him. Sacryan pretended he didn’t notice the stare. Not that anyone could tell where he was looking from under his helmet. Second to notice him was Glenn, being a knight himself Glenn looked over the man’s armor wondering how it was made. There were no breaks in the armor and a very strange build. It almost looked as though the person insie the armor would be crushed by the weight of it, and yet the man moved around like he was light as a feather. Something strange and great also resonated from it. He felt stronger, almost as if he could hold twice as much and run twice as long. It made him calm and steady.

Titania however never seemed to notice or care about the giant man in the black armor that was helping build the city.
Invent a new time, a new life, a new reason to fight.

Last edited by ~Hidan~; 06-08-2006 at 08:45 PM.
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Old 06-12-2006, 08:54 PM   #59
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

((Son of a bitch!

I had a whole goddamn post and it was awesome and such, and the STUPID BOARD deleted it because it thought I was being idle while I was composing it and logged me out!

Piece! Of! Shit!))
What was the start of all this?
When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?

Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now,
From deep within the flow of time...

But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
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Old 06-12-2006, 08:55 PM   #60
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

Heh, that sucks. And you don't have it on your computer? Well, I'm sure you can type it again. (Although, copy/paste is a good idea.)
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