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Old 08-04-2006, 04:01 AM   #46
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

5.0.4 Adamant Grotto

This side-quest involves the use of the Enterprise and the Hovercraft. You can only do this after you’ve visited the Town of Summons (Section 4.6.3 and 4.6.4) and obtained the Rat Tail from the chest there.

To reach the Adamant Grotto, you’ll need to use the Hovercraft. Fly back to Eblan with the Falcon and then get into the Enterprise. Then grab the Hovercraft from near the Eblan Cave. Then, fly to the Mythril Village. Remember that cave nearby, that you couldn’t reach before? Now you can. Put down the Hovercraft on the Mythril Village island and then land the Enterprise there as well. Then get in the Hovercraft, and navigate it over the shallow rocks to the cave nearby the Mythril Village island. This cave is the Adamant Grotto.

You’ll see a midget and his son at the center of an altar. It seem that this guy has a strange fascination with animal tails, and collects them. Talk to the guy in the center, and an item menu will pop up. Select the Rat Tail from the menu and you’ll hand it over. As thanks for giving him a new tail, the man will reward you with a piece of Adamant, a legendary ore!

Now, there’s someone we need to show this legendary metal to. Remember Kokkol, the smith? Go back to the underworld, and visit Kokkol’s Smithy again (tucked into the southeastern corner of the underworld).

5.0.5 Kokkol’s Smithy

Go inside the smithy, and go to Kokkol’s bedroom on the second floor. Talk to the sleeping smith and an item menu will appear. Select the Adamant from the menu.

Needless to say, Kokkol is thrilled. His inspiration is fired up again from finally finding the legendary ore. He tells Cecil to hand over that old sword, so he can give it new life (the Legend Sword, now you know why you couldn’t get rid of it all this time). Then, follow him downstairs and talk to him. He’ll have refitted your Legend Sword, and forged it into the holy sword, Excalibur. You’ll then receive the Excalibur, Cecil’s second best sword. Needless to say, you’ll be kicking ass now. Only one other sword in the game is more powerful than this sword, but you won’t be seeing it for awhile.

Well, Kokkol’s all fired up to be a smith again, so we helped someone on top of getting an awesome sword. Way to go! Time to continue.
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Old 08-04-2006, 04:01 AM   #47
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

5.0.6 Castle Baron

Remember how some guards in Castle Baron were mentioning that they heard voices in the basement of the castle? It’s finally time to investigate that.

Go to the area where Cid’s assistants hang out (the right side of the castle). You should see a gate, with a path leading to the right tower. Enter the right tower.

On the first floor of the tower, there are some nice treasures you can obtain. You can find two Bacchuses (Bacchus’ Wine) and two Hermes (Hermes’ Shoes) in the first floor. To reach the leftmost chest, go down the steps right below it and go back up without moving off them. After you’ve gathered those chests, go up the stairs to the right.

On the second floor, check the two chests on the left side for two HiPotions (Hi-Potions). Go up the stairs to the third floor, and check all the chests in that room for an Ether1 (Ether 1) and two Tents. Check the pot on the right side of the room for another Ether1 (Ether 1). Once you’ve gathered all the treasure, go outside and save.

After you’ve made sure you’ve saved (please, save twice if you must), go back to the right tower, and go down the stairs to the basement of the castle. The left pot in the basement contains an Elixir. Go right through the path to another set of stairs. You’ll be stopped by an invisible wall earlier in the game, if Rydia wasn’t in your party..

Once you’re in the second basement, follow the path until you reach a throne. You’ll then hear the deceased King of Baron’s voice! He’ll appear on the throne. Cecil is once again reminded of what happened to his liege, but the king tells him not to grieve. Through death, the king has gained eternal power. He says that Rydia may call upon him at will, thereupon he will appear as an almighty summon. However- you know the drill- the crew must defeat him first.

BOSS: Odin
HP: 20,001
Experience Points: 18,000
Gil: 0
So, remember that book in the Town of Summons? Well, I’ll remind you anyway. It said that Odin only fell once, when he was struck by lightning. This of course, means that Odin is very weak to lightning-based attacks. This will probably be a tough battle, regardless.. Odin has relatively low HP, but there’s a strict time limit before he uses his ultimate attack and mows down your entire party. This can often do upwards of 3-4,000 damage to your entire party. Needless to say, only the most (obsessive compulsive) power leveled parties will survive it, but most people aren’t going to waste their time doing that. You’ll have to take down Odin before he can use it. And, of course, his weakness to lighting will play a part in that. Have Edge use Blitz, have Rydia cast Bolt 2. You can tell Odin is ready to use his ultimate attack when he lifts up his sword. This is an indicator that you’re running out of time. You must finish him off quickly, or it’ll all be over. If you still can’t defeat Odin, you can come back later to fight him again, when you’ve leveled up more. If Rydia has Bolt 3, it shouldn’t be too much though.

After you win, the king says that Cecil has come of age. He says that the fate of the world lies in your hands and that he’ll fight by your side as Odin. Rydia will then learn the Summon magic, ‘Odin’.
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Old 08-04-2006, 06:16 PM   #48
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

5.1 To the Moon!

After you’ve done these side-quests (and please, make absolutely sure you’ve obtained Asura and Leviathan), and stocked up on supplies, it’ll be time to finally go to the moon. Enter the Lunar Whale. You’ll notice that the Lunar Whale is pretty awesome, it has a control panel (at the top) to navigate it like a normal airship, a Fat Chocobo you can use without using a Gysahl Green, and beds for everyone to act like an inn. But, to get to the moon, you must examine the Crystal inside the Lunar Whale, which will automatically pilot you to the moon. It’s time to find out what all this is about!

When the Lunar Whale reaches the moon, you can navigate freely. However, see that giant blue crystal tower? That’s our next destination. However, unfortunately, you can’t land in front of it. Instead, land just a bit northwest of it, right above a set of stairs in a cliff. Right near you should be a cave, enter it to go through one of the first ‘Lunar Paths’ that we’ll have to traverse to get to that ominous blue tower.

Take note, the monsters on the moon are a good step up from the monsters you’ve encountered previously. You should do just fine with a party with levels ranging in the late 30s, as you’ll level up a lot from the great experience you win here. Remember, Leviathan truly is your friend.

5.2 Lunar Paths

When you enter the first Lunar Path, take the way to the right near the entrance to a chest that is a monster-in-a-box. You’ll have to fight two Procyotes and two Juclyotes (should be ‘Eucaryote’ and ‘Procaryote’, two types of cells in the body...). They hit hard, so use Leviathan to finish them quickly. You’ll get an ‘Au Apple’ (Gold Apple) for winning, it increases a party member’s HP by 100, a better version of the Silver Apple.

Heal up your characters, and continue on the Lunar Path. Right when you reach the exit, head to the right to two chests. One chest contains a MoonVeil (Moon Veil, hang onto this too!), and another contains a Stardust (a spell item). Go out of the exit, and you’ll be back in another section of the moon’s world map again. Follow the linear path to the next Lunar Path.

From the entrance of the second Lunar Path, head down and go through the linear path to the exit. There isn’t any treasure here.

When you exit again, head west. You’ll soon reach that blue crystal tower.

5.3 Crystal Palace

In this beatiful place, there are not random encounters, so don’t fret.

Right when you enter, to your left is a path leading to a spot that when stood upon, will refill the party’s HP and heal them of all status ailments. The right path leads to a spot which refills your MP.

When you’re ready to go on, go up the center path. The truth is about to be revealed.

When the crew steps into the center chamber, a voice thanks them for coming. The room starts flashing, and a mysterious bearded, robed man appears on the throne at the center.

Cecil asks who this man is. He replies that he is FuSoYa, guardian of the Lunarians. Rosa inquires as to who the Lunarians are.

FuSoYa explains that eons ago, a planet between Mars and Jupiter was on the brink of destruction, as a meteor crashed into it (this planet later became the asteroid belt) The survivors escaped by ship to the blue planet. Cecil asks if this planet is their home. FuSoYa says that it is, called Earth. However, because the people of Earth were still evolving, the survivors created another moon, where they now sleep.

Edge tries understanding all of this, trying to affirm the situation. FuSoYa says that some Lunarians were relunctant though. One Lunarian even planned to destroy all life on Earth and usurp the planet. The party is appalled at this.

FuSoYa says that he forced him to sleep, but even through long repose, the power of his will continues to grow. His very will has further corrupted evil souls on Earth, inciting them to gather the Crystals. Cecil says Golbez being one of them. Edge asks who this Lunarian is.

FuSoYa says that his name is Zemus. He plans to use the Crystals, the Lunarian’s source of energy, to restore the Tower of Babil and bring down the Giant of Babil to annihilate all life on Earth. FuSoYa assures the party that this is not the Lunarians’ wish. The Lunarians wait quietly for the Earthlings to evolve, and long to commune with them in the future.

Cecil asks how the Lunar Whale came into being. FuSoYa replies that his brother, KluYa made it long ago to travel to the blue planet, which he had longed to visit. He introduced the concept of airships and interdimensional transportation like the Devil’s Road to the Earthlings. He also fell in love with an Earthling woman, and they had two children.

FuSoYa says that Cecil is one of those children.

Cecil is shocked. He now realizes what the voice on Mount Ordeals was. FuSoYa says that it was no doubt the spirit of KluYa. He says that Cecil resembles KluYa greatly.

As Cecil tries absorbing this startling revelation, FuSoYa tells Cecil that KluYa gave him his power to fight Zemus. He says they must stop Zemus for the sake of both their races, and says they must depart for the Tower of Babil.

Edge says that the Tower of Babil is shielded, so they can’t enter. FuSoYa says that he’ll come along and neutralize the barrier. Then, FuSoYa, the Lunarian, joins the party.

You may notice that FuSoYa is pretty kick ass. He has every Black and White magic spell in the game, and comes to your party at level 50 (pretty high, compared to your party which will probably be in the 30s.) He also has a special ability, ‘Regen’ (Regenerate) which will gradually refill the party’s HP. To be honest, this ability is quite worthless, as FuSoYa should be casting spells to aid the party in some fashion, but at least it introduces the ‘Regen’ status to the FF series. Also, reserve three spots in the back row, and put Rosa, Rydia, and FuSoYa in them. Cecil and Edge belong in the front rows of course.

You may go up and speak with the Lunar Crystals for some interesting info, but there really isn’t anything else to do here. Exit the Crystal Palace, and trek back to the Lunar Whale. But DO NOT go back to Earth yet! Instead, operate the control panel on the Lunar Whale. We have some quick things to do on the moon first.

Last edited by Zeromus_X; 08-04-2006 at 08:49 PM.
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Old 08-04-2006, 08:13 PM   #49
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

5.4 Hummingway Home

The Hummingway Home is located south of the Crystal Palace; it’s a cave inside an enclosure you must land the Lunar Whale in. Inside, you’ll see many Namingway look-a-likes. These ‘Hummingway’ just enjoy playing their flutes all the time and chilling out, I guess. Apparently one of them who was good at making nicknames decided to travel to Earth, and became the first Namingway.

Talk to one of the Hummingway (you’ll have to talk to all of them until you find the right one) and he’ll offer many rare goods to sell to your party. Here you can buy many items that were only available in chests throughout the whole game, like Ether 1 and 2s, Elixirs, Cabins, Bestiaries, and a new item, ‘Whistle’ (Gysahl Whistle). Using this item on the field can call upon the Fat Chocobo, anywhere.

However, these items are very expensive. You probably won’t afford but a few Ether 1s or 2s right now. But keep this place in mind for later, the goods offered here are too great to pass up.

5.5 Cave Bahamut

West (or east....well, to the left or right) of the Crystal Palace is a circular mountain range, with a cave in a mountain in the middle (like an eye). Land on the top of this mountain range, above the steps leading down. Then go down them, and enter the cave (saving beforehand, of course). This is the Cave of Bahamut.

From the entrance, head down. At the spot that branches out to three directions south of the entrance, head down to reach a chest with a Genji (Genji Glove). Then go back up, and go right this time.

You should see a wall to your right. See that indentation on the upper part? Stand in it, and go right through a false wall. Then go up and right to reach a chest with a Genji (Genji Shield). Then follow the path through a ledge down to the stairs to the second basement.

In this floor, from the entrance, follow the path until you see a chest to the left of a column. Open it to receive Genji (Genji Armor). Continue right, and you should see a one space wide land bridge leading north. DON’T GO ACROSS IT YET. Instead, go right and open the chest with a Genji (Genji Helmet). Now go across the land bridge. As you try and cross, you’ll suddenly enter battle with a ferocious beast, the Behemoth.

BOSS (sorta...): Behemoth
HP: 23,000
Experience Points: 57,000
Gil: 65,000

Yeah, this thing is mean. Not only does it have a whole bunch of HP, but it hits hard too. Fortunately, it only counterattacks. This means you can cast Armor and Blink on your party members to increase their defense before moving in on the attack. Use Rosa and FuSoYa for this, but you may not have to cast it on your mages in the back row. That’ll really cut down the damage from the Behemoth’s attacks. After you’ve done that, use Edge and Cecil to attack the beast. If your party gets weak, put Rosa and FuSoYa on healing duty. Remember, just use Parry if a party member is of no use. Rydia won’t be important for this, as the Behemoth has a high resistance to magic, and it’ll even counterattack magic, making it not worth it in the long run. And also, take note, if you cast Holy on the Behemoth, it’ll retaliate with ‘Storm’, a spell that’ll reduce all your characters’ HP to single digits! So try avoiding that.

After that dreadful fight, your party may be worn out. Warp outside and rest inside the Lunar Whale, then return. Your party may be worn out quite often, even from the normal encounters. What’s even worse, is that you’ll have to fight even more Behemoths on every land bridge throughout this cave! Fortunately, you’ll only have to fight them once, and they won’t attack again.

Once you defeat the first Behemoth and have rested, continue up from that first land bridge. Go down the stairs to the third basement.

At the entrance of the third basement, just continue down the land bridge below you. Fight the next Behemoth. Then, after that, follow the long land bridge until you’re before an altar. The part of the bridge right before the altar hosts the third and final Behemoth. After defeating it, you may go outside and rest and save again.

Afterwards, head on up to this altar. You’ll see a boy and a girl standing below it, and they have some pretty funny text boxes. Climb the stairs to talk to a strangely dressed man.

Depending on what you’ve done earlier, one of two things might happen. If you haven’t defeated Leviathan yet, the man will tell you to leave. If you have, however, he’ll say that it still proves nothing. He announces that he, Bahamut, the God of Summons, will decree the final judgement.

BOSS: Bahamut

HP: 45,001
Experience Points: 35,000
Gil: 0
Like with Odin, this fight too is a race against time. When the countdown reaches zero, Bahamut will unleash his ultimate attack, Mega Flare, which will annihilate your party. However, again like Odin, the library in the Town of Summons has the clue to defeating him. A book in the library said that the only way to defeat Bahamut was to reflect his power back at him. So, it’s time to put those Star and Moon Veils to work. Have Rosa and FuSoYa cast Wall on themselves, and have Rydia, Edge, and Cecil use Star and Moon Veils on themselves. Then, your party should all have the ‘Wall’ status on themselves. Now, when Bahamut unleashes MegaFire (should be ‘Mega Flare’), it’ll bounce off your party and deal 9,999 damage to himself! Just keep hitting him with all you got (normal attacks, Leviathan, Holy, and so on) and he’ll go down without problem.

Bahamut will compliment the party’s spirit and strength, and allow Rydia to summon him anytime. Rydia will then learn the Summon magic, ‘Bahamut’. Now exit this cave and rest up in the Lunar Whale. Save as well. That’s all there is to do on the moon, so let’s hurry back to Earth and stop Zemus’ evil plot! When you're ready, examine the Crystal inside the Big Whale and return to Earth.

Last edited by Zeromus_X; 08-04-2006 at 08:49 PM.
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Old 08-05-2006, 02:07 AM   #50
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

5.6 Return to Earth

When the Lunar Whale reaches Earth again, the party is greeted by a massive tremor near the Tower of Babil. FuSoYa says that they are too late, that the Giant of Babil has been unleashed.

Then, from the Tower of Babil, a giant mechanical menace, the Giant of Babil appears. It begins walking and destroying all in it’s path. The party was too late.

The crew is surprised, and Rydia says that they must stop the giant. Then, Cecil notices something.

Just then, dwarven tanks appear from the south. Giott and his men fire at the Giant, slowing it down. Yang and the Sylphs are also in another tank, aiding in the fight.

Then, the Red Wings appear. Cid and his engineers, as well as some soldiers from Baron are helping as well. The elder of Mysidia, along with the de-petrified Palom and Porom, are also in another airship. Edward and the clerics of Troia are there too, and Edward says he finally has the courage to fight. Everyone is aiding in the fight for survival, the fight for Earth.

Cecil thanks all of them. With the Giant of Babil staggered by the fire, FuSoYa says that they have a chance to enter the Giant of Babil, and destroy it from within.

Cid takes the Enterprise and picks up the crew. FuSoYa introduces himself to Cid, and says to approach the giant’s mouth. Cid then tells the crew to hang on, and drops the team into the giant’s mouth.

The party falls, and lands right inside the Giant of Babil. It’s time to get this show on the road.

5.7 Giant of Babil

Note that you won’t be able to return here afterwards, obviously, so snag all the treasure!

From where the party lands, go up until you reach the chute to the next area (these are basically the stairways of the Giant of Babil). You’ll enter the Neck. Just go down another chute here, and enter the Chest.

From the entrance to the chest, go down and right, following the path until you see a chest above you. Open it up for a Shuriken. Go down and follow the path until you see another chest, it contains a HiPotion (Hi-Potion). Keep going along the path, you’ll find another chest which contains an Ether1 (Ether 1). Then keep going until there’s a three-way split. The way up the steps leads to the chute to the next area. The way to the right and up leads to a chest with Yoichi (Yoichi Arrows). The way to the left leads to a chest with an Alert item, this automatically starts a predetermined battle with monsters in the area. Save this for later. Now go up the path to the chute.

You’ll now be in the Stomach. From the entrance, head up some steps to a chest with an Ag Apple (Silver Apple). Then go left. You should see two paths going up. The right path leads to a chest with a SomaDrop (Soma Drop). Now go up the left path going up, it’s a linear path to the next chute.

You’ll now be in the unnamed Passage. Keep following the path, you’ll eventually see a chest above you, it’s a monster-in-a-box with Last Arm monster. It’s basically a tougher version of the Alert monster in the Tower of Babil. It’ll use a ‘Magnet’ attack to paralyze your characters, but you should be able to defeat it in time before it gets all of your party members. You’ll get an Elixir for winning.

Now, continue through the linear path, until you see a Save Point (it looks different from the other Save Points in the game, however, it’s a glowing blue pad on the left). Then continue up to the chute, which leads to the Stairwell.

At the entrance of this area, head up. You’ll soon be stopped by four familiar faces.

The four elemental devils appear. They say that you cannot stop the Giant of Babil, and say that it’s your turn to go to hell. Cecil is surprised at the four fiends appearing. Cagnazzo says that their true master, Zemus, blessed them with a second life. Rubicant will fully restore the party, saying that they too, will fight as a team like the crew fought him.

BOSS: Elements
(All statistics are the total of the four fiends.)
HP: 105,000
Experience Points: 63,000
Gil: 10,000

Even with their combined forces, the elemental fiends aren’t too tough. Still, be careful. Physical attacks are very poor against them, use their elemental properties against them instead. Also, casting Blink on Cecil and Edge will pretty much nullify physical attacks. You’ll have to fight them one at a time, starting with Milon. For Milon, watch out for his Curse attack, which should be healed immediately, and his strong physical attack. Bahamut and Holy do extreme damage. He won’t take too long. After Milon, you’ll fight Rubicant. You won’t have to worry about his cloak technique here, just give him all you got. He’ll mostly fight you with weak fire-based attacks, again, with the exception of Glare, but even it only does around 300 damage to your party. Flood does decent damage, and Ice 3 will do almost guaranteed straight 9s. It also saves Rydia and FuSoYa MP. After Rubicant, you’ll fight Cagnazzo again. Bolt 3 will do straight 9,999 damage against him. Bolt 2 and Blitz are also good alternative attacks. The final fiend you’ll have to face is Valvalis again. She’s really weak against Holy, and Cecil’s Excalibur sword does several thousand damage. And, Bahamut of course, is always effective. She casts Glare (gradual petrification) like last time, but she shouldn’t last long enough for any of your characters to actually turn to stone. Watch out for Storm though, it reduces all your characters’ HP to single digits, heal afterwards.

After you defeat the fiends, Milon and Cagnazzo beg Zemus for another chance. Valvalis laments losing again, and Rubicant says farewell to the heroes.

After you have control again, go back to the Save Point, rest, and save. Then go back to the Stairwell area and head north, to the next chute. You’ll now be in the Core of the giant. Head up the steps, and an alarm will sound. FuSoYa says they have reached the core. Edge is in awe at how huge it is. FuSoYa says the defense system repairs the main system, and they must destroy it first.

BOSS: CPU, Attacker, Defender

HP: 30,000
Experience Points: 50,000
Gil: 10,333

HP: 3,000
Experience Points: 0
Gil: 0

HP: 3,000
Experience Points: 0
Gil: 0

Like FuSoYa suggest, destroy the Defender first. It constantly heals the CPU, making it impossible to kill. On top of that, the CPU will cast Wall on itself, limiting you to just using Cecil and Edge’s attacks. DO NOT, I repeat, do not kill both the Attacker and Defender. If you do, the CPU will retaliate by using it’s special attack which always does 9,999 damage to a character (meaning you have no way of surviving it). So don’t kill the Attacker. It has a very weak laser attack anyway, which can be remedied simply by healing often. Focus your attacks on the Defender. have Edge and Cecil concentrate on the CPU. ‘Bouncing’ spells off of your party members is risky, as it isn’t guaranteed to hit the CPU and you might hit the Attacker instead. You may have Edge throw any unnecessary equipment, except the Knife, at the CPU. Rydia can wait on the sidelines and use items if need be. Her Summons aren’t needed because you could potentially kill both the Attacker and Defender on accident. Rosa should be put on healing duty, but you may want to Haste up Cecil and Edge. Eventually, the CPU will fall, and you’ll have just the Attacker to deal with. Promptly destroy it.

After the CPU is destroyed, the party rejoices. Then, Golbez, furious, appears. He threatens to kill everyone. FuSoYa then becomes enraged. He yells at Golbez, asking him if he’s forgotten who he is. Golbez tells him to stop, but FuSoYa commands him to awaken. Then, FuSoYa casts a strange spell, and then falls down, exhausted.

Golbez then seems to come to his senses. He asks himself how he bore so much hatred. FuSoYa says that he has come to, and asks him what his father’s name is.

Golbez says that his father’s name is KluYa.
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Old 08-05-2006, 02:07 AM   #51
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

((Continued from last section))

The entire crew, especially Cecil, is shocked at this. This means that Golbez was, all along, really Cecil’s brother.

FuSoYa states that Golbez was controlled by Zemus’ telepathy. Since Golbez has Lunarian blood, he easily fell prey to his influence, and it amplified its effects.

Cecil realizes that all the time, he was fighting his own brother. He also realizes that he could have just been easily chosen as Golbez was. Golbez says no, that Zemus chose him because of the evil in his soul.

Golbez then goes off, saying he’ll settle this himself. FuSoYa tells him to wait, and that since Zemus is also another Lunarian, he will accompany him.

Golbez says farewell to Cecil. He and FuSoYa leave, and needless to say, FuSoYa is out of your party.

The crew asks Cecil if he will go with them. Rosa remarks that Golbez is now willing to die to right his wrongs. Cecil is still having a hard time absorbing all this new information.

Suddenly, the Giant of Babil starts shaking. It’s finally collapsing, with no Core to sustain it. The crew can’t find an exit, but then Kain appears and says to come this way. He says they’ll talk later, but now they have to leave immediately. The party barely escapes from the Giant of Babel, and then returns to convene inside of the Lunar Whale.

Kain says that he’s finally broken free of Golbez’s control, once and for all (since, he is no longer under Zemus’ control). But Kain says he doesn’t expect them all to forgive him. Edge gets angry at Kain, saying that it was his fault the giant was revived. Then, Rosa rushes to his side, saying that Golbez was being manipulated too, and that it wasn’t Kain’s fault. She then explains the situation to Kain.

Kain then decides that he’ll go to the moon too, to get even with Zemus. Edge says he’ll just end up being controlled again. Kain asks him to kill him if that happens. Then Edge says he’ll have to go with him, since he wants to ‘bust up’ Zemus anyway.

Cecil then decides that he’ll go to the moon as well. But he tells Rosa and Rydia to stay behind, so that they’ll be safe. The girls adamantly refuse, but Cecil says that he doubts they’ll all return safe this time. The girls refuse again, but Cecil yells at Rosa to get off. Edge then convinces Rydia to leave as well. Then, the men use the Crystal to fly to the moon.

When they land, Cecil asks if they’re all ready. The men then try leaving the Lunar Whale, discovering that the women were hiding there all along. After an emotional agreement, the entire team decides to go and confront Zemus. Kain is now back in your party. It’s finally time to confront Zemus and begin the final battle.
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Old 08-06-2006, 12:26 PM   #52
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

5.8 Core of the Moon (Part One)

To reach Zemus’ lair, the crew must travel to the core of the moon, which is below the Crystal Palace. Before, you couldn’t enter, but now that the Tower of Babil has fallen, the seal is broken.

Go to the chamber behind the room where you met FuSoYa earlier. You’ll see the eight Crystals of the moon, and you can even talk to them for information. Apparently Golbez and FuSoYa have already entered the core, to confront Zemus some time ago. In addition, there are many powerful weapons that once posed a threat to Lunarians sealed in the core along with Zemus. Pretty interesting place.

When you want to enter the final dungeon, step on the tile in the center of the Crystal room. After a ten-minute lightshow, the Lunar Crystals will teleport you to the lunar subterrane. You can teleport back by stepping on the same tile. Before entering, I recommend stocking up on Hi-Potions, Ethers if you have enough Gil, and every other type of medicine, like 20 of each status ailment medicine. You don’t want to use up too much MP on the trek down. Buy three sets of 99 Hi-Potions so you can heal in between battles with them, without using MP. Also, buy 99 Lives if you haven’t already. I highly recommend getting all the summons if you’ve missed any, especially Bahamut. Also, sort out your inventory. Give all unnecessary items to the Fat Chocobo or sell them, especially useless ‘spell items’ which just waste space in your inventory.

When you’re ready, step on that tile. The Crystals say they’ll guide you to the core.

At the entrance (the teleport pad), head up, and then left. You should see a ‘missing shadow’ on the wall to your left, a false wall. Go left through it, then down, then left, and follow the ledge to reach a teleport pad. Step on it, and you’ll be warped to an enclosure in the first floor. You should see some stairs north of you. Go down them, and you’ll be in an enclosure in the second floor. From here, follow the path until you reach a chest above you that is a monster-in-a-box. It contains two Warlocks and two Karys. Leviathan or Bahamut and the men attacking will finish them. You’ll get a Sage (Sage’s Staff) for winning. Equip this on Rosa, it’ll raise her Will by 15 points. Now, from that treasure chest, head left, and down, to another teleport pad. Step on it.

Now you’ll be in another area. Just follow the path until you reach another set of stairs. You’ll be in a hidden area in the third basement. Follow the path until you reach an altar with a floating sword on it. Have Rosa cast Float on the entire party. Put Rydia, Rosa, and Kain in the back row, and Edge and Cecil in the front ranks (two spaces in front, three in back). Heal up the party and examine the weapon. An evil voice says the following:

“To the seeker of this blade, I bring death!”

You’ll then be assaulted by the first of the Core’s bosses.
BOSS: White D. (White Dragon)
HP: 32,700
Experience Points: 55,000
Gil: 0

Being the first of the Lunar bosses, the White Dragon isn’t too tough. Still, don’t let your guard down. First off, the White Dragon absorbs thunder-based spells, so Blitz, Ramuh, and Bolt 3 are a no-no. Second, the White Dragon has a few tricks up his sleeve. He uses ‘Blitz’, a weak single target thunder-elemental attack. This is nothing to worry about. However, he also has ‘Gaia Rage’ as a counterattack to summons, an attack that does around 700 damage to all your characters, something to worry about. However, with Float on, that’ll nullify the damage of this attack. Another of his attacks is the infamous ‘Storm’ which lowers everyone’s HP to single digits. This is very dangerous. Immediately heal after it. He also regularly uses Slow throughout the battle to hamper your characters’ speed. However, even more obnoxious than that, is his regular physical attack which can really hurt your front lines (over 1,000 damage!). But here’s a surefire strategy to take him down. Before the battle, you should’ve cast Float on everyone. Now Gaia Rage will be nullified. Now, have Edge use his Ninja skill, ‘Image’ to cast Blink on himself. Then have Rosa cast Blink on Cecil. Now the dragon’s physical attacks are meaningless. Just have Cecil and Edge whale on him for the whole battle, Kain Jump, Rosa recover the party from Storm, and Rydia summon Bahamut. Not a single characters should be wounded with this strategy.

After defeating the White Dragon, you’ll receive the legendary weapon, the Murasame, for Edge. Now use Exit to teleport out of the core, and recover the party with the two healing pads in the Crystal Palace. Then, save, and return to the core’s entrance.

Now, from the entrance, go up the steps and this time to right. There’s a very noticeable false wall to your right. Go right through it, up, and right to reach an outside ledge. Follow it to a chest that is a monster-in-a-box. It contains two RedGiants (Red Giants). Bahamut and attack them, and you’ll get Ninja (Ninja Gear) for Edge after winning. Now go back to near the entrance, and go down this time. You’ll see a set of stairs leading down to the second basement, go down them.

In the second basement, go down from the entrance, and right, following the path. You’ll eventually be at a dead end, that is actually a false wall. Go right, through it. Then, go up. Right when you’re at the right of a chest in the wall, take a left. Then go down, left, up, and right. Open the chest for a FireLash (Fire Lash Whip) for Rydia. Then, go back on the main track of the false wall. Go up. Then go left, and walk through an enclosure, and go through another short false wall passage to the left. You should be right below a set of stairs. Don’t go through them yet. Instead, go to the left. Open up the chest containing a Dragon (Dragon Shield) for Kain. Now go down the stairs.

You’ll now be in the third basement now. Go down, and you should immediately see the stairs to the fourth basement. Ignore them for now. Instead, go down a bit further. Six steps down and four steps right of the stairs to the fourth basement is a false wall. Go right, through it. Then go up, and right, to reach an enclosure with a chest. Open it up for a Dragon (Dragon Helmet) for Kain. Then, from this enclosure, go right through another false wall. Then go down, left, down, and left to reach a lower enclosure. Open the chest up for Dragon (Dragon Armor) for Kain. Then go left to another chest, which contains Dragon (Dragon Gloves) for Kain. Now go all the way back to those stairs, and go down to the fourth basement.

As you enter the fourth basement, you’ll be on the top platform of many platforms stacked together by columns. Go all the way to the right of the top platform, and open a chest with Artemis (Artemis Arrows). Then go down the steps to the second platform. Go to the left, and you should see a doorway. Go through it, and enter a mini-chamber. The chest inside contains an Elixir. Now go outside back to the platform. Go all the way to the right, and you’ll find more steps leading down. Go down them, to a third platform. Enter the doorway here to access the next area.

In this big chamber, open the chest in the upper right corner for a Blizzard. Then go to the lower left corner, and open a chest with a X-Potion. Then go through the exit on the left side. When you come out, you’ll be in the other side of the lowest platform. Open the chest on the left which is a monster-in-a-box containing a Behemoth. Use the same strategy as you did when you fought these in the Cave of Bahamut. You’ll receive a Stardust (Stardust Rod) for Rydia. It increases her Wis (Wisdom) by 20! Now go down the stairs below you to the fifth basement.

Go down the steps, ignoring the mysterious unreachable door and sword to your right. Open the chest on the very left, which is a monster-in-a-box with Red D. And Blue D. (Red and Blue Dragons, respectively). Use Bahamut and be constantly healing your party from their assaults. Cast Blink on Cecil, Edge should use Image, Rosa should thereafter constantly be healing, and Kain should be Jumping. Keep up the damage, and recovery, and you should win with minimum hassle. You’ll get a Crystal (Crystal Shield) for Cecil for winning. Then go through the doorway to your right.
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Old 08-06-2006, 12:27 PM   #53
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

((Continued from last section))

In this chamber, walk up and then go right through the obvious false wall. Open up the chest in the enclosure for a Protect (Protect Ring). Equip this on anyone you see fit, I gave it to Edge for his lack of really great equipment. After that, go through the false wall at the right of this enclosure, then go down, left, down, and right to get out of the wall. Then go down, and open the chest on the outside ledge for another monster-in-a-box. It contains a Behemoth, and you’ll get Crystal (Crystal Armor) for Cecil afterwards. Now, go back into that chamber. Then go up, up some stairs, and you’ll be outside, on another ledge. Go right to open a chest that is a monster-in-a-box with two Red Dragons. Same strategy as the other dragon battle applies here. For winning, you’ll get Crystal (Crystal Gloves) for Cecil. Then go to the far left of this ledge, and enter the doorway on the left side. You’ll enter a chamber.

In this chamber, open the chest in the lower left corner for a White (White Robe), excellent armor for Rosa. Then go up the stairs to the north. You’ll be on the lowest platform of the fifth basement. Go left to a chest, yet another monster-in-a-box. It contains a D. Fossil and a Warlock. Just Summon and attack them to death like you’ve been doing to all the other monsters-in-a-boxes. You’ll get the final piece of Crystal gear for Cecil, the Crystal (Crystal Helm). Now, go to the right of this bottom platform. Enter the doorway to a mini-chamber to the right of the stairs that lead down to the sixth basement. Open the chest for an Inferno. Now go down the stairs to the sixth basement, outside this room.

From the entrance to the sixth basement, you should see two chests to the right and left of you, on ledges. Open up the left chest for Artemis (Artemis Arrows), and the right chest for a Fuma (Fuma Shuriken). Now you should see two sets of stairs below you. Go down the left set of stairs, and open up the chest for a Cabin. Then go down the right set of stairs, and follow the ledge to a doorway, to another chamber. Open the chest in the upper left corner of this room, a monster-in-a-box. It contains a Warlock and three Karys. Simple, after winning, you’ll receive a Minerva (Minerva Gown), which you should give to either Rosa or Rydia. Give the White Robe to Rydia, if you decide to give Rosa the Minerva Gown, in that case. Now go down the stairs in the upper right corner of the room, and go down to the seventh basement.

From here, follow the path and ledge to a series of doorways. Enter the left door first. You’ll find a Save Point here, I highly suggest you rest and save here. Now, it’s treasure time.

After you’ve rested and saved at the left door’s Save Point, go outside the Save Point and go to the next door (the middle door). Unequip Rosa of her equipment, and set the battle mode to ‘Wait’ if you have it on Active. Go up to the weapon on the pedestal in this chamber, and you’ll be stopped by a tremor, another sinister voice.

“The coveter of this holy spear shall perish!”

You’ll now have to fight the next Lunar boss.

BOSS: Plague
HP: 33,333
Experience Points: 31,105
Gil: 550

This boss might frustrate you. He’ll begin the fight by casting ‘Doom’ on each of your characters. This means you have an incredibly strict time limit to take him down, 10 seconds! Granted, it is possible to do this normally, but it’s very frustrating. After he puts the death sentence on your party, he’ll start casting Haste on your characters, which actually helps you a bit. However, there are other ways to counter his countdown. Kill off one of your characters, and then revive them. Then, Plague will cast Doom again (because it notices someone doesn’t have the countdown), resetting the countdown on everyone, so you’ll have more time. This is why I suggest taking off all of Rosa’s equipment and then use her to kill someone off, use a Life on her to revive her for this strategy. Then, she’ll have low enough HP to be killed off in one hit. Now whenever the countdown gets low (say, 3-4), kill her off and revive her. You can easily control the timer now. Then, with this set up, use your strongest attacks. Rydia should summon Bahamut, and Kain should Jump. Cecil and Edge should be saved for killing off Rosa. If anyone else gets a turn when the countdown is low and Rosa is already dead, use a Life. If you do plan on not using this strategy, you’ll have to go all out. Attack, Jump, Bahamut, et all. This requires a bit more leveling to do, so I recommend just using the first strategy. With it, the fight won’t last long.

After winning you’ll receive the legendary weapon, HolyLnce (Holy Lance), for Kain. It’s his best weapon. It can cast the spell, Holy, when he uses it as an item while it’s equipped. Unfortunately, the damage is very poor.

Go back to the Save Point, rest, and save. Re-equip Rosa, and set the battle mode on Active if you had that before and preferred it. Now enter the third door, and attempt to go through the two columns near the doorway. You’ll be stopped by a flash of light, and another voice, or two.

“By sacred force, we shall protect the ribbons.”

You’ll now have to fight not one, but two more bosses.

BOSS: Lunasaur (2)
HP: 23,000 (each)
Experience Points: 29,500 (each)
Gil: 0

This fight can be really tough, or still aggravating. The Lunasaurs both use a weak Flame attack which may do around 300 damage to all your party members. The Lunasaurs don’t hit very hard, so just have Rosa constantly heal to stay on top. DO NOT use physical attacks. If you hit them with a physical attack, they’ll start getting nasty. They’ll cast Wall on themselves, and bounce back Bio on your team, often doing it twice to the same person for 1,500 damage-over 2,00 damage each hit, pretty much guaranteeing their demise. Instead, have Rydia summon Bahamut. While they counter summons with a ‘Recover’ skill that recovers 2,300 HP, Bahamut should do enough damage over 2,300 go make a difference. Here’s a good strategy. Have Rosa cast Haste on Rydia. Have the others use Hermes’ Shoes and have someone use a Silk Web on the Lunasaurs. Have Cecil cover Rosa. Then have Rydia summon Bahamut, Kain Jump, Edge throw any unused shuriken and weapons, and Rosa heal the party. If you take too long, they’ll occasionally use a really bad ‘Breath’ attack on your whole party. This is like the Malboro’s Breath attack, only ten times worse. If any members of your party aren’t hit by it (my Cecil and Rosa were immune somehow, Cecil had his Crystal equipment, and Rosa has here Sage’s Staff, Tiara, White Robe, and Gold Ring), then use Esuna or Remedies to get your party up and running again. Remember, have Edge throwing and Kain Jumping on one target, once you kill one Lunasaur, the other shouldn’t take so long. Once you kill off one of the Lunasaurs, you can use normal attacks on them, as they won’t cast Bio afterwards. The remaining one will still Wall itself, but it won’t bounce back Bio. If this is still giving you a headache, go and level up more, or just try again. But if you’re in the 50s, it shouldn’t take too long.

For beating these highly annoying skeletal monstrosities, you can open the two chests in this chamber for two Ribbons, headgear anyone can equip that prevents all status abnormalities! They also raise your stats by a good amount. Equip these on any two people besides Cecil, his Crystal gear already prevents status ailments.

Now, go back to the Save Point, rest, and save. Definitely don’t want to do that again.

Last edited by Zeromus_X; 08-06-2006 at 12:35 PM.
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Old 08-06-2006, 12:27 PM   #54
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

((Yeah, well, the final dungeon is a doozy))

Exit, and instead of continuing on, go back to the sixth basement. Go to that left set of stairs, and go down, to that chest that contained a Cabin. See the ledge to your left? You can actually walk across an invisible bridge here. Go two steps up above the chest, and five steps left to walk over it. Go to the left, and walk along the ledge. You should notice a long set of stairs off to the left that you can’t reach from here. See this wall here, at the center of this platform? You should notice the false wall on the upper left part of it. Go right through it, and down to go down an invisible set of stairs. You’ll warp down to the lower part of the sixth basement. From these stairs, go down, and open a nearby chest for an Au Apple (Golden Apple). Then go right, and go across a land bridge and follow it to the right. You should find a teleport pad here. Stand on it, and you’ll warp to that set of stairs off to the right you couldn’t reach before. Go up the stairs, and stand on another pad. You’ll be in the fifth basement, in another off-set of stairs. Go up them, and you should find a treasure chest on a platform. It’s another monster-in-a-box, with a Behemoth. You’ll get another Protect (Protect Ring) for winning. Head up again, from this platform, up another set of stairs, and step on the teleport pad there.

You’ll be transported to a room with a Save Point. PLEASE REST AND SAVE HERE. After you do that, go down and exit this chamber. You’ll be on the ledge to the right of the stairs in the fifth basement you passed by before. Go right to a pedestal with another sword. Examine it, and the room will darken. Another voice condemns you:

“Those damned by Zemus shall never bear this sword!”

Prepare for possibly the worst of the lunar bosses so far.

BOSS: Wyvern
HP: 60,000
Experience Points: 64,000

Oh dear. This thing is pretty horrible. Bahamut-wannabe. It starts out with it’s own version of ‘MegaFire’ that does a bit over 1,000 damage to everyone! Sometimes you can get unlucky, and it’ll do from 2,000 to 3,000 damage, and pretty much fry your entire party. It only gets worse after that. It’ll cast Wall on itself, and then repedeately bounce Flare spells off of itself to your party. This can do 400-1,000 or a little more damage to your whole party. This isn’t as lethal as ‘MegaFire’ of course, but the problem is that it seems to cast it every two freaking seconds. Have Rosa heal the crew. Cecil and Edge should attack. Kain should Jump. If Rydia summons any offensive Summons, prepare for a counterattack, another ‘MegaFire’ which won’t hit your whole party, but still does extreme damage. So don’t ever summon. Asura is an exception, if you want extra healing, so Rydia isn’t completely useless in this battle. If you can, right at the beginning of the battle, before it casts Wall on itself, quickly use a Silk Web item to slow him down a bit. That’ll help so he isn’t nuking you every two seconds. Also, have Rosa cast Haste on Cecil, Edge, and Kain, the bulk of your attack. Then Rosa can heal to her heart's content. It should also be noted that after Wall wears off, Wyvern will use a Recover skill to gain 6,000 HP, and then re-cast Wall (though I’ve witnessed him mess up and cast Flare on himself when Wall wasn’t applied). So you still need to be quick even with the adequate recovery of your own, in this battle. But, if you can dish out the damage and keep everyone’s HP high, it shouldn’t be too much.

After defeating this monstrosity, you’ll receive the Ragnarok. This is Cecil’s most powerful sword, even more powerful than Excalibur. Still, save the Excalibur for later.

Now, return to that first Save Point we visited on the seventh basement, the left door of those three doors. Rest, and save here. If you want to Exit out, and restock on supplies (especially Ethers), you may do so now. Otherwise, let’s continue. The core isn’t too long to go through again, once you’ve gathered all the treasure and know your way around.

From the Save Point on the seventh floor, go outside to the ledge. Then go right, following the ledge. Then go up all you can, and left, and go down the steps. Go left, and enter the nearby doorway. You’ll be in the final floors of the moon’s core, the ‘crystal floors’.

Last edited by Zeromus_X; 08-06-2006 at 01:21 PM.
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Old 08-06-2006, 07:42 PM   #55
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

5.9 Core of the Moon (Part Two)

In this lovely new crystalline environment, you’ll encounter extremely difficult enemies. The game even lets you know this by playing the boss battle theme when you get into a random encounter here. If you’re just trying to get through, use Edge’s Smoke Ninja magic, or use Exit to escape from the battles. However, the monsters here give unrivaled experience points, so if you feel the need to level up, you know where to go.

From the entrance, head right and go down some stairs. Then follow the ledge left all the way until you see a chest and more steps going down. Open the chest for a Fuma (Fuma Shuriken). Then go down the steps.

Go to the right, and you should see stairs up above you, leading down. But, take the path down and to your right, to another pedestal with a sword. It’s time to fight the final Lunar boss.

When you examine the weapon, yet another voice warns you:

“None shall ever bear the cursed sword Masamune!”

Prepare for yet another tough battle.

BOSS: Ogopogo
HP: 50,000
Experience Points: 61,000
Gil: 0

Ogopogo has a funny name. He’s also a Leviathan wannabe. He’s also not very nice. He begins the battle by using his special attack, Big Wave, twice. This will do around 700-upwards of 1,000 damage to your entire party. Use Asura or Cure 4 to recover from this. Ogopogo counters offensive summons with ‘Blaze’, a relatively weak fire attack, but don’t take anything for granted. Ogopogo will also use Big Wave and two Big Waves throughout the battle, another reason to be healing constantly. Another of Ogopogo’s attacks is his physical attack, doing around 1,000 damage to your characters in the front ranks. Edge’s Image and Blink is acceptable for this, but constant healing is adequate. Have Cecil and Edge attack, Rydia summoning Bahamut, and Kain Jumping. Rosa should be put to work as your wonderful healer, Cure 4 everyone every round. If someone dies, have someone else use a Life to revive them, and Rosa’s Cure 4 should get them back up to speed. Although you need to be healing constantly, this isn’t necessarily a tough battle, compared to the previous Lunar bosses.

After winning, you’ll receive the Masamune, Edge’s best weapon. It paired with the Murasame make a wonderful couple of deadly katana. Now hike back to the Save Point on the seventh basement. Rest, save, and return to this area. Then, go down the stairs above you to reach the next crystal floor.

From the entrance here, head down the nearby steps below. Go right, and follow a ledge to a chest which contains an Elixir. Go down another set of steps below. Then go left, and go down another flight of stairs. Keep going right, and you’ll notice a chest. It contains a Whistle (Gysahl Whistle). Continue right along the path until you reach a teleport pad. Step on it and go on to the next area.

From the entrance to this next area, follow the path, left, down some steps, right, down some steps, open up a chest for a Fuma (Fuma Shuriken), left all the way, open a chest for another Fuma Shuriken, go down and right, then down to another teleport pad to the fourth area.

This next area hosts new monsters as encounters, ‘Breath’ (Zemus’ Breath), Zemus’ scout, and ‘Mind’ (Zemus’ Mind) which is a guard. Zemus’ Breath casts Scan and ‘reports to Master Zemus’, and Zemus’ Mind likes confusing your party members. Ignore them and run away, they have too much HP to deal with often. They are an excellent source of experience, however.

In this fourth area, head left from the entrance. Then go down a long flight of stairs. Then go right, and down another flight of stairs. Go left from here, and step on another teleport pad at the end.

You’ll now be in the final area. Don’t worry about healing anyone, you’ll see why eventually.

As the party climbs up the stairs, to an almost skull-like platform of crystal, they see Golbez and FuSoYa up ahead, confronting Zemus. Cecil calls out to them, but they’ve already begun engaging Zemus.

BOSS: Zemus
HP: ?
Experience Points: ?
Gil: ?

This is a story battle. FuSoYa will use all his debilitating White magic on Zemus, and Golbez will unleach all his offensive Black magic. Then, Golbez and FuSoYa both decide to finish Zemus by both casting Meteo on him. Zemus mocks them, telling them to die trying. They then unleash the ultimate spell, ‘W. Meteo’ on Zemus. Zemus then says that the body may die, but the spirit lives on, and then, perishes.

Zemus then falls over, dead. Golbez says that it is finally done. FuSoYa says that it was a waste, that a man with such power should be consumed with evil.

The team, especially Edge, is overjoyed, and runs over to meet the two. FuSoYa says that they meet again. Edge is dissapointed that he was beaten to defeating Zemus.

Golbez is surprised at Cecil, and says his name. Cecil is silent. Rosa then says Cecil’s name.

Then, Zemus’ body starts twitching. It then bursts into flames, and a voice starts talking to the party.

“I am the incarnation of Zemus’ enmity...

Zeromus, the absolute darkness, the epitome of hate.”

The chamber starts shaking and thunder even flashes inside the core of the moon. The entire group, except Golbez and FuSoYa, is taken back and falls over.

FuSoYa says that death only increased Zemus’ hatred. Golbez says that he doesn’t care what if he calls himself Zemus or Zeromus, he will destroy him once and for all.

FuSoYa then announces that his hatred ends with them, and they engage with this new incarnation of Zemus’ hatred.

BOSS: Zeromus
HP: ?
Experience Points: ?
Gil: ?

FuSoYa and Golbez then engage Zeromus, who looks....’abstract’ to say the least. Golbez and FuSoYa both cast the ultimate spell, Meteo, but Zeromus just absorbs the spell. FuSoYa says that Meteo is useless, so they must use the Crystal. Golbez then uses the Crystal on Zeromus, but it does nothing. Zeromus says that the light of the Crystal is eclipsed in the hands of darkness, and that it is no use. Zeromus then casts Meteo on FuSoYa and Golbez, defeating them.

Zeromus continues speaking...

“Agony...Death...The hatred will rage on until all dies.”

All seems lost for the crew, as the core of the moon begins flashing violently, as Zeromus’ madness and hatred rage on.

Then, the scene shifts to the Tower of Wishes in Mysidia.

Porom and Palom beg the elder to do something. The elder says it is time. He says they must pray for the team, and pray for the entire world. He tells Palom and Porom that they shall send everbody’s prayers to Cecil. Yang, Edward, Porom, Palom, the elder of Mysida, the mages, the Clerics of Troia, Luca and Giott, Cid, Cid’s engineers, and everyone else prays for the crew. Edward tells Cecil to show them his courage, once more. Cid says that they’re all waiting for them to return. Giott says to return peace to Mother Earth. Luca tells them all to stand up and fight. The clerics say that they’re their last hope. The twins encourage the team. The elder tells the moon of the heavens to receive their prayers.

Back in the moon’s core, Cecil stands up. He calls out his brother, and walks over to Golbez, who is on the floor. Golbez calls out to Cecil, and tells him to use this, and you’ll receive the Crystal.

Cecil tells Zeromus, that for all life, and those who gave their lives, that they won’t lose.
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Old 08-06-2006, 07:43 PM   #56
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

((Continued from last section, almost there!!))

HP: 105,000
Experience Points: 0
Gil: 0

As the battle begins, Porom and Palom encourage the party, giving them life. Edward and Tellah’s spirit pray to give you strength. Yang and Cid wish for them, and give them vitality. FuSoYa and Golbez tell them they must previal, and Golbez says that with Cecil’s holy power, he must trust in the Crystal, and reveal Zeromus’ true form.

With all the people back on Earth praying for the crew, they are restored, and somehow standing in this trippy outer space background. As it stands, Zeromus is invulnerable to all manner of attack. You can, however, attempt having Edge steal an important item from this form of Zeromus, the Drk. Matter (Dark Matter). This will be handy for Zeromus’ true form, but it takes a very long time to steal successfully and really isn’t worth it.

Instead, skip over to Cecil’s turn, and have him use the Crystal from the Item menu. This will make Zeromus reveal his true, grotesque form.

Zeromus will begin the battle with his most powerful attack, ‘Big Bang’. Not only does this do upwards of 1,500-2,000 damage to every member of your party, it also slowly eats away at your HP like Bio. If you stole the Dark Matter from his first form (blue spaghetti mop), apparently the damage from Big Bang will be decreased, but I’ve honestly only stolen it once and never payed attention to the results. Zeromus also employs ‘Black Hole’, which nullifies all positive effects on the party (like Haste and Berserk). So don’t bother with spells like that, they’re only a waste of time. He also uses Bio (damage and gradual drain of HP), Flare (extreme non-elemental magic damage, and a physical attack which isn’t that impressive. He’ll also use Whirl, an attack that’ll put a character’s HP at single digits, definitely not good when you’ve been hit by Big Bang. To make things even worse, Zeromus regularly uses Big Bang throughout the battle.

So, how do we destroy the epitome of hatred? Have Cecil attack. Edge should use Throw and dart the Knife, Excalibur, and any other unused weapons at this monster. Rydia can summon, but take heart that Zeromus counters Bahamut with his Flare spell, and any other offensive summon with Bio on everyone. Rydia will probably die at lower levels due to her low HP anyway, making her all the more useless, but you could use her for items, if you so wish. Rosa should be healing. Nonstop. Cure 4. On everyone. Every turn. No exceptions. Even though Holy does a lot of damage, Zeromus counters with Whirl, the single digit HP attack, not good after Big Bang. Use an Elixir on her if she runs out of MP. Kain should Jump, hopefully he’ll avoid a Big Bang attack while he’s in the air. That pretty much summarizes what everyone should be doing. Feel free to use Elixirs in this battle, you should have several saved up from being found in chests throughout the game. Remember, Zeromus isn’t exactly a pushover. If you still can’t defeat him, go back and level up in the crystal floors of the core of the moon. If your party is in the late 40s, it’ll be possible, but very tedious. If your party is in the 50s, it’ll be challenging enough but not overly frustrating. If your party is in the 60s, you shouldn’t have too much of a problem. Just keep trying, Zeromus is one of the toughest Final Fantasy final bosses after all. But, you can tell he’s getting weak when he starts using Meteo, it’s very weak hitting for under 1,000 damage and may not even hit the whole party. Fix up your characters, and then attack him a few more times, and he should go down.

Zeromus begins disintegrating, but warns the party that he will never perish, as long as evil exists in the hearts of the living. The room shakes and flashes, and finally, Zeromus is destroyed.

After Zeromus is finally vanquished, FuSoYa and Golbez stand up. The party steps forward, as Zeromus explodes and is finally gone from this world.

FuSoYa is amazed at how much power the team has. He says that the residents of Earth may have evolved even faster than they had thought. However, the party still wonders about Zeromus’ final words. FuSoYa reassures that party that although evil will never die, there will always exist good to stop it. Good and evil both exist in the hearts of all living things. Just as there is an overworld and an underworld. Goodness exists because evil exists, and it was the goodness that the party wielded that destroyed Zemus.

After the party concurs with this, FuSoYa says that it is finally time for him to go and sleep with the other Lunarians, as Zemus-and his hatred-are gone from this world. He asks what the others will do. Cecil says that they’ll return home, there are people worried about them. FuSoYa says that he’s glad they all have wonderful friends. He looks forward to the day they meet again.

Golbez then walks over to FuSoYa and asks him if he can come and sleep too. He cannot return to Earth after all the atrocities he’s committed. He’d also like to meet his father’s people. FuSoYa acknowledges that Golbez has Lunarian blood, and allows him to come too. He warns him that it will be a very long sleep. Golbez thanks FuSoYa, and they begin walking up the steps to the chamber where the Lunarians rest. Golbez stops, and turns toward Cecil. He remarks that Cecil sounded worried when he called out his name. He asks if this means that Cecil has forgiven him. Then he says that that would be foolish, that he could never be forgiven after all he’s done.

FuSoYa says that they are off to spend many years in slumber. He prays that the blue planet will be peaceful, for a long, long, time. He then beckons Golbez to come, and Golbez follows him up the steps.

Cecil says nothing to Golbez. The rest of the team ask him if he’s going to just let him go, and that he’s his brother. Cecil still remains silent. Golbez says goodbye to everyone, going even further up the steps. The crew insists that Cecil say something.

Cecil then steps up, and says goodbye to his brother, and Golbez thanks him, for his redemption, redemption shared by both brothers of the moon.

"One born of a dragon,

bearing darkness and light,

shall rise to the heavens over the still land.

Bathing the moon in eternal light,

he brings a promise to Mother Earth with bounty and grace.

But someday the moon shall depart,

seeking its own light.

The sons of moon and Earth shall then part,

divided by the flow of time."

((Rest of story summary coming soon, until then, enjoy the walkthrough!))

Last edited by Zeromus_X; 08-06-2006 at 07:45 PM.
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Old 08-24-2006, 06:49 PM   #57
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

Looks Great. I just a few miniutes ago beat FF3 and now im onto FF4 again. Im not very far into it but ive been using this faq and its great. Thanks a bunch for writing all this, its very explanitory.
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Old 08-24-2006, 06:50 PM   #58
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

Thank you! I'm happy to help!

Eh...I guess I promised to write the epilogue. I should finish that sometime...
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Old 08-24-2006, 06:51 PM   #59
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

will there be a lunar ruins guide?
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Old 08-24-2006, 06:53 PM   #60
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

That's only in the Gameboy Advance version, and this faq covers the PS1 version*. So, not unless I want to replay the GBA version sometime.

More people worldwide would have the PS1 version first, so that's why I picked it. Though I guess now the GBA version would be more widespread.
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