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Phoenix Flame 03-03-2007 04:52 AM

Re: How have you asked another out?
WTF = When The F;cen

Like Nao! ;ang


Or j00 get HIM ^^

Avathar 03-03-2007 10:00 AM

Re: How have you asked another out?
O_o How did I ask a girl out the first time..

I don't remember ; ;

But usually, both me and the girl are really flirty, when it comes to a point after the idle banter, where I blatantly say "I love you."

Not that that's awkward! ..It rather works as a cute strike. o.o But I say it so naturally, not forced at all. And afterwards a hug and a kiss, and I ask her out.

So posing the question itself is really easy. I don't think I ever have any nervous points at all. I'm way too chilled out most of the time to have any nerves like that.

Doctor 03-04-2007 07:03 AM

Re: How have you asked another out?
Hmmmmm....*thinks long and hard*

I've always had mixed feelings about asking someone's certainly not the easiest thing in the world to do. @_@

Often times, I have tried to make friends with the person first, to get some sort of friendship going, so that once we were really together, we would know what we had in common, and we would have more things to talk about.

Unfortunately, this method hasn't always worked...

But I can still say it's the only way I've made my way toward asking someone out, and I would rather just stick with that. I think it's better to get to know the person first before you try anything like that. :D

Axel 06-22-2007 12:34 PM

Re: How have you asked another out?
Women just me, it doesnt matter what I do. I finally get a then come to find out she evidently has two other boyfriends!

dappa 07-01-2007 01:04 PM

Re: How have you asked another out?
I asked someone out by email recently because I didn't have another way to contact her plus I didn't know where she lives.

Phoenix Flame 07-01-2007 02:58 PM

Re: How have you asked another out?

Originally Posted by dappa
I asked someone out by email recently because I didn't have another way to contact her plus I didn't know where she lives.

How did you two meet? Where you two friends first or did you meet by happenstance?

Also, if you don't mind the curiosity streak I have... what became of the invitation? ^_^

dappa 07-01-2007 07:11 PM

Re: How have you asked another out?

Originally Posted by reasoniamalive
How did you two meet? Where you two friends first or did you meet by happenstance?

Also, if you don't mind the curiosity streak I have... what became of the invitation? ^_^

She was a friend I used to work with who I hadn't seen for like 6 months but cause all I had was her email address and no phone number I had to email her.

As for the invitation it went all pear shaped, for reasons unknown the day before the actual date was gonna happen she started ignoring me on the phone and has been blanking me ever since, strange eh?

I'm thinking of walking into her workplace to confront her.

Phoenix Flame 07-02-2007 05:17 AM

Re: How have you asked another out?
Meh...IMO you should give her some time....say - at least a month; then try her again.

IDK if I would confront her right're just asking to be cussed-out for 'stalking.'

>_> Not that you are - but geez....women nowadays. 0.0!

dappa 07-02-2007 05:33 PM

Re: How have you asked another out?
Its alright now. Today I walked into her workplace and spent a few hours with her in her workplace and I walked her home.

Turned out she had some genuine reasons for not contacting me and I didn't need to confront her as she was kinda relieved I had shown up.

Phoenix Flame 07-03-2007 05:03 AM

Re: How have you asked another out?

Shinra Soldier 1 08-27-2007 11:34 AM

Re: How have you asked another out?
I would say hey, do you wanna go see this movie or do something later? I mean peolpe are so afraid to do these things, not saying anyone here is, but you just have to be blunt as possible. It's not hard to face your problems when you come face to face.

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