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Hydra 08-06-2007 10:51 PM

Re: The Friends of FFnet
Better yet. I'm bored, so I'll write a brand new one, just exclusive here.

"The Wait"

"Can we start things off anew?
Or are you afraid to see my face?
All the things we've been through
Are the big things put to waste?

Now don't tell me you hate me
Deep down inside, that is a lie
You don't know what you see
Or you fib just to get yourself by

You're a disgrace of a being
Couldn't love you any more
Since I knew you were leaving
And my heart was just the door

So, what to say, what to do
So many words can't be spoken
And they're directed at you
Pick up the pieces that're broken

Or possibly, leave them alone
Don't need any more "sympathy"
For what we've done, I can't atone
Will you please leave me be?

Because I love you very, very much
And I can't stop thinking of your face
How gentle your hands, and your touch
To know that time's been put to waste

It's just a hurt that won't go away
I think I can endure the big wait
I have to reassure myself each day
'Cause my words were a little late

And now you're gone from my life
For years, if not for a tiny little bit
I guess the best can only suffice
Finally I can see that you aren't it."

Um, um, yeah.

That's not rly good compared to other stuff. But yah. It's something, I guess.

Kat 08-07-2007 03:45 PM

Re: The Friends of FFnet
well the one poem you let me read was better, but not by alot.
this one looks fine to me.

but uhm any wayz i wrote one last night...
it was storming and it knocked our power out, so i went outside at 2 in the morning and played in the rain. =]
it was fun. i didn't get hit by lighting. good news, eh?
but i was half asleep when i wrote this so don't yell at me if it sucks.

"Dance in the Rain"

"The rain poured down,
washed away all her fears.
She danced in the rain,
invisible were her tears.

The lighting flashed,
and thunder clashed,
but she was not afraid.
for she drowned in her thoughts, on the wet ground where she laid.

It was a sunless heaven,
like a moonless night.
She forgot about her problems,
was joyful without might.

So everyday from then,
with a problem to amend,
to escape from all the pain...

She danced out in the rain."

Hydra 08-07-2007 05:25 PM

Re: The Friends of FFnet

I just don't like the rhyme scheme. Or how short it is. Otherwise, it's really good. =O

Kat 08-07-2007 05:30 PM

Re: The Friends of FFnet
all my poems are short.
and all my poems rhyme.

blackstar 08-07-2007 05:38 PM

Re: The Friends of FFnet
WoW I liked Kats alot :D and hydra yours was really good to yours sounded like it could be a song.

Kat 08-07-2007 05:40 PM

Re: The Friends of FFnet
*points at hydra*



Hydra 08-07-2007 06:07 PM

Re: The Friends of FFnet


Yers is good though. XD

Spec Highwind 08-07-2007 07:10 PM

Re: The Friends of FFnet
Oh, you write poetry too, my friends! Reading poetry in a language that is not yours can get boring

Kat 08-07-2007 07:38 PM

Re: The Friends of FFnet
no..i don't write.
thats only the second poem i ever wrote.
its not really my thing.
but when my feelings build up its a good way to let it out.

Spec Highwind 08-07-2007 07:41 PM

Re: The Friends of FFnet
I LOVE writing poetry.

Hydra 08-07-2007 10:36 PM

Re: The Friends of FFnet

Originally Posted by Spec Highwind
I LOVE writing poetry.



Actually, I'll write stuff like the thing I wrote at the beginning of the page just to write. And as you can see, it's not too good. :3

Then some days I need to write, to let out mah feelings, and it's really good. Like the one I showed Kat. =O!

Kat 08-08-2007 01:05 AM

Re: The Friends of FFnet

Originally Posted by Hydra


Actually, I'll write stuff like the thing I wrote at the beginning of the page just to write. And as you can see, it's not too good. :3

Then some days I need to write, to let out mah feelings, and it's really good. Like the one I showed Kat. =O!

ya, that was goood.

Spec Highwind 08-08-2007 09:05 AM

Re: The Friends of FFnet
I can't write, lately x.X

Hydra 08-08-2007 12:36 PM

Re: The Friends of FFnet
I can write on the spot. But it won't be too good. Not like this:

Can't Say

"I wish I could just tell you how I feel
About this whole confusing predicament
But doing that is like a spinning wheel
On a gun, in a game of Russian roulette

There's a chance your eyes will open
And you'll behold the truth you will see
Or maybe our feelings will only loosen
Then you'll be even more mad with me

The outcomes are more good than bad
That, I can very much assure is true
But when you're truly serious, I'll be glad
Either way, I'm happy it came from you

You say you love, but you don't
You'll keep your love, but you wont
Do you see what I'm trying to do?
Or do I have to spell it out to you?

You know we both hate picking sides
Because of the anger we know lies
Under the surface, which'll pop out
Then we'll see what the truth is about

I'm pretty sure I can love you now
But is it something that you'll allow?
Half the time I really think it's too late
Other times, I'll let go of this biding hate

And tell you how I finally feel about it
Not afraid of your reaction, or effects
You're telling me the happiness you emit
Was just a cheap, fake emotion of defect?

It's time for ME to come off of the sidelines
And to get my hands dirty, as much as they can
When you find out how much I really shine
You can decide or not, if you want to hold my hand

And help me through what I believe is hell
Probably the worst thing that's ever happened
If you're telling me you can't help me, well,
I'll look to God, like His words make me destined

To fight for what I want, and NEVER give in
If I give in, and let in the sin, then we can't win
Then, as always, you'll make a grave mistake
Which you think is right, and your heart will ache

Either road you choose, there's someone to hold onto
So I'm not trying to pick sides, and put pressure on you
But the things you realize when you decide not to dwell
You might as well go back two years and holler for that hell

I feel it now, I know what it's like, and I see now it hurts
I couldn't speak, but now I want to be on the highest alert
Going to be watching you two, and get those thoughts again
If you're happy, grand, but if not, then dear, please say when

I'm not telling you to reconsider altogether, for I respect you both
It's just you said, if you try this early, and expect it to work, it just can't
I won't try to steal you over like I could do, and I'll start my growth
I'm confused, and trying to hold back logic; These emotions enchant

I'm beginning my walk with God, and I've never felt any more better
You're currently walking, and honey, I now see you need to see
There's still time to change the road you're on; No feelings have to falter
I'm not just saying me; I want you to be the best ever could be. "

That was written last month. July 10th, actually. I didn't know it was THAT long ago. Dang, I need to write some moar good stuff. D:

Gackt Camui 08-08-2007 09:03 PM

Re: The Friends of FFnet
I can't not stand writing poetry...Whether its out of my own free will to see what I can come up with or its being forced on me I steer clear of it because it just upsets me! But on the other hand I love love love! to read it. Or hear it like spoken work poetry. Now that is some talent. Anybody who does spoken word poetry all the props to ya.
And to all my good friends on ffnet! I LOVE YOU!! When I have nobody to talk to here at home I know I can always turn to somebody here at my second home.

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