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Squall Lionheart 01-26-2006 01:25 PM

Re: Global Warming
I once heard by someone that the northren ice will eventually melt causing traumatising events such as the start of another war & many unforseen consequences....

Tiny Bronco 01-26-2006 06:17 PM

Re: Global Warming
The ice caps ARE melting. They've already shrunk to the size of Mars's ice caps. Keep in mind Earth is 3x the size of Mars and has a LOT more water on it. And Yes, Mars does have ice caps. Its not a desert silly. We'll just have to adapt to the changes. Either that or stop killing pretty little Earth!

There isn't going to be a war cause of Global Warming!!! :rolleyes: I hope. :o

Squall Lionheart 01-26-2006 09:22 PM

Re: Global Warming
I'm just being real....

Spiff 02-14-2006 01:29 PM

Re: Global Warming
It was a nice warm Janurary and I hate being cold. I hope the earth keeps it up. :) Seriously, last year it was below freezing for two months.

Phoenix Flame 02-14-2006 04:52 PM

Re: Global Warming
:cool: must live in Chicago :D :p

Tiny Bronco 02-14-2006 05:47 PM

Re: Global Warming
I'm going up to Chicago for the weekend as a school field trip!!! My parents told me that about 20 years ago in Cincinnati were I live it used to get down to 10-20 degrees normally. Now if it were to get that cold our school would close even if there wasn't any ice or snow. 30 degrees is as cold as it gets now and thats not to often.

Spiff 05-19-2006 03:13 PM

Re: Global Warming
I heard an interesting theory on the radio a week ago.

Ten thousand years ago there was a surge of global warming (earth's temperature increased 20 degrees in 50 years) caused by the loss of the earth's magnetic field. This happens when the magnetic poles reverse, the field dissipates and then reforms but while this is happening all of the sun's rays beat the earth that are usually blocked by the magnetic field. It eventually becomes stronger until it peaks and then weakens in it's cycle.

He went on to say the affects it would have on all of our electrontic devices and such. It's a good theory IMO.

Tiny Bronco 05-19-2006 05:47 PM

Re: Global Warming
I'm telling you Spiff that if Earth's magnetic feild goes away Electronics not working will be the least of Earths problems. Solar winds and UV light will fry the Earth. Unless any living plant or animal can adapt to these new amounts of radiation, that are normally blocked, in 50 years nothing will survive. Maybe deep sea creatures, some bacterias, and those of us lucky enoff to get into fall out shelters would survive. Thankfully, It takes several millions of years for the Earth's core (what creates the magnetic feild) to completely flip over switching North and South. So half off that is when the magnetic feild will dispurse. I think we're safe. :rolleyes: :D

~Hidan~ 06-14-2006 09:31 PM

Re: Global Warming
Global warming is natural. we are just speeding it up, dont worry if we piss off the earth we will sut go back into an ice age.

ShadowHeart 06-17-2006 07:50 AM

Re: Global Warming
Lets not hurt the planet.. I can hear the planet's screams! It's as if it's saying "I'm suffering".. ;)

Spiff 03-05-2007 02:45 PM

Re: Global Warming
I found this news article on Global Warming interesting:

Prominent French Scientist Reverses Belief in Global Warming

Phoenix Flame 06-14-2007 01:54 AM

Re: Global Warming

Originally Posted by ShadowHeart
Lets not hurt the planet.. I can hear the planet's screams! It's as if it's saying "I'm suffering".. ;)

...ironically - it's not that far from the truth. -_-;

Has anyone seen the documentary by BBC called 'The Planet'? Now, I'm not advertising for them or anything, but this program definitely opened my eyes to a LOT of what I believe 'Industrialised' economies are very slow to catch onto. EXACTLY HOW VALUABLE OUR PLANET IS.

For the US there was several news storying a short while ago about a large population of bees simply dying-off...and no one knew why. What would the price tag look like if all the bees in the world simply perished. MOST of the pollenation of flowering plants is done by these insects - entire harvests would be lost unless mankind took the initiative and stepped in...and that's just ONE species.

Or kelp...the most abundant mass of life on the planet roams the oceans surface. One oil tanker capsizes and the solution for all that oil is to 'dilute' it...yet the kelp eat photoplankton that absorb the oil. Other fish/sea creatures feed on the kelp and you know the time it gets to say......a swordfish - there's a million times the concentration of the amount of oil that was in the water that fish swam in in it's system....based off of what it ate while it matured.

Global economics, overpopulation, under-/incorrect conservation, deforrestation, perhaps...but I would venture to say INCLUDING global warming are all linked and the common bond is man. I feel a strong responsiblility to protect and nurture the world that we are all apart of. My definition of 'success' used to be very Hollywood-driven. But now I realize that success doesn't mean owning a $50,000 car, living in one or two $1/2 Million dollar homes, having a lot of friends or even having a good job. My definition of success means being able to provide for myself (one day hopefully a family) and 'providing' means nourishing meals, shelter and clean water to drink.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that we all need to go to the desert, dig a well and live as monks the rest of our lives...I'm not going to do that anyway. But I'm suggesting we all rethink and mastermind to maintain and even BUILD-UP the world and stop letting society tell us what success means and where to find happiness. ;han

dappa 06-16-2007 06:42 PM

Re: Global Warming
its all one vicous cycle. Everything is linked especially the food chain. Mess it up and you create chaos for everything else in the chain.

Phoenix Flame 06-22-2007 04:52 AM

Re: Global Warming
....yeah, and 'survival of the fittest' only goes so far.

I'm hoping that I'll be able to afford my own home in Michigan...or live & work at the camp I've been visiting this past month. I'm still exploring my options, but I don't want to live in the city any longer. I really loathed coming back yesterday. I didn't want to leave the wilderness. = (

Shinra Soldier 1 08-22-2007 08:34 PM

Re: Global Warming
Yeah, weather in Chillicothe, Ohio is extreme, extremely hot, hardly any rain, droughts everywhere, then BOOM flooding in the northern part, it's insane. the ice caps are melting, causing mass fresh water to leak in the salty oceans, reducing the conveyor which un-oxygenates the water, creating a canfield where hydrogen sulfide bacteria will occur, then it will release poison into the atmosphere, killing plants and boiling the earth pretty much.

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